Mar 06, 2025  
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog 
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

School of Theatre and Dance

Jayme Host, Director 

East Carolina University is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Theatre. Admission to the bachelor of fine arts (BFA) programs in dance, theatre arts and theatre arts education are by adjudication and is contingent upon acceptance to ECU. Please see the School of Theatre and Dance website for dates and details.

The School of Theatre and Dance offers the following theatre arts programs:

The Theatre Arts, BA  enables students to pursue the study of theatre in a liberal arts context, gaining a broad and interdisciplinary background in all of the elements of theatre practice and academic study including acting, costume, lighting, scenic design, as well as script analysis, theatre history and literature, and courses in playwriting, dramaturgy, theatre management, and theatre for social change.  

The Theatre Arts, BFA  offers five concentration areas - professional actor training, musical theatre, theatre design and production, theatre for youth, and stage management.

Professional Actor Training
The foundation of the actor training program is two years of coursework in Meisner technique, one of the most effective methods for instilling in actors a practical approach to working within the imaginary circumstances of the theater. Auditions are held each spring for the following academic year. 

Musical Theatre
The musical theatre concentration prepares students for competitive entry into the field of commercial, Broadway-style musical theatre. Students enjoy courses in acting, voice, and dance. All essential to the stage. 

Theatre Design and Production
When studying theatre design and production students work in fully equipped scenery, costume, lighting, and property shops and studios. Through a required ten-course sequence of beginning and advanced level design and technology courses, students gain specific skills to become effective collaborators and theatre artists. Design and production students are the key to professional quality work supporting mainstage and workshop performances.

Theatre for Youth
The theatre for youth concentration prepares students for the demanding professional world of children’s theatre and equips students with not only highly professional skills, but the ability to design and lead workshops, outreach projects, as well as direct, act in, or design for children’s theatre productions. International experience includes linking and performing with schools in Poland and Japan. Study abroad experiences are also available.

Stage Management
The stage management concentration offers experience in technical aspects of production, management, and design. Students develop skills in leadership, problem solving, and thinking creatively and collaboratively. 

The Theatre Arts Education, BFA  prepares undergraduates to become excellent, vibrant and outstanding teachers for grades K-12. Graduates of the program make enormous contributions to the field of theatre arts education through their teaching and productions, and make a lasting impact as they help shape the theatre artists of the future.

A Theatre Design and Production Minor  is also offered by the School for students who are interested in developing their skills while engaging in hands-on design and production experiences in scenery, costume, lighting, and props for live theatrical performances.  

The  School of Theatre and Dance offers the following dance program:

The Dance, BFA  prepares students for a professional performing career with equal emphasis placed on ballet, jazz, modern and tap allowing for versatility and specialization.  Additionally, students develop professional skills to blend precise technical choreography to meet the demands of a competitive arts industry.

Please visit the School of Theatre and Dance website for more information.

Faculty and Staff




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