Sep 27, 2024  
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog 
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Course Information

Course Lists by Special Designations



  • ANTH 4225 - Human Evolution


    P: ANTH 2015 , ANTH 2016 ; or consent of instructor. Data, methods, and theoretical problems in human evolution.
  • ANTH 4260 - Cultural Ecology


    P: ANTH 1000  or ANTH 2010  or ANTH 2200  or consent of instructor. Relationship of human populations to their environments. Basic principles and approaches of cultural ecology examined and applied to case study materials.
  • ANTH 4400 - Human Skeletal Analysis


    P: ANTH 2015 , ANTH 2016 ; or consent of instructor. Analysis of human skeleton. Emphasis on techniques required for archaeological and anthropological research.
  • ANTH 4401 - Human Skeletal Analysis


    P: ANTH 2015 , ANTH 2016 ; or consent of instructor. Analysis of human skeleton. Emphasis on techniques required for archaeological and anthropological research.
  • ANTH 4501 - Independent Study


    P: Consent of instructor. Intensive research in selected subdiscipline of anthropology.
  • ANTH 4502 - Independent Study


    P: Consent of instructor. Intensive research in selected subdiscipline of anthropology.
  • ANTH 4503 - Independent Study

    3 WI*: Selected Sections are Writing Intensive

    P: Consent of instructor. Intensive research in selected subdiscipline of anthropology.
  • ANTH 4550 - Anthropology Honors


    P: Junior standing in ANTH; minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA and minimum 3.5 GPA in ANTH; minimum of 20 sh in ANTH; or consent of chair. Extensive program of carefully supervised reading and research in an area of anthropology. Written report in format of professional paper.
  • ANTH 4551 - Anthropology Honors


    P: Junior standing in ANTH; minimum cumulative 30 GPA and minimum 35 GPA in ANTH; minimum of 20 sh in ANTH; or consent of dept chair. Extensive program of carefully supervised reading and research in an area of anthropology. Written report in format of professional paper.
  • ANTH 4990 - Internship in Applied Anthropology


    P: ANTH major with consent of dept chair and supervising faculty member 180 work and 42 academic hours May be taken concurrently with ANTH 4991  May count maximum of 6 sh of ANTH 4501 , ANTH 4502 , ANTH 4503 , 4990, and ANTH 4991  toward any degree offered in the anthropology department. Supervised internship with application of anthropological principles to work in the public sector. Parallel reading and study required.
  • ANTH 4991 - Advanced Internship in Applied Anthropology


    P: ANTH major with consent of dept chair and supervising faculty member 180 work and 42 academic hours May be taken concurrently with ANTH 4990  Students may count a maximum of 6 sh of ANTH 4501 , ANTH 4502 , ANTH 4503 , ANTH 4990 , and 4991 toward any degree offered in the anthropology department. Supervised internship in the public sector resulting in an internship report based on an independent research project undertaken at the work site.
  • ANTH 5005 - Contemporary Latin American Cultures


    Introduces varied and diverse cultural groups in modern Latin America.
  • ANTH 5010 - Advanced Archaeological Methods and Theory


    P: ANTH 3077  or equivalent or consent of instructor. Advanced survey of methodology relevant to analysis of archaeological cultures. Emphasis on research design, processes of culture change, and theoretical applications.
  • ANTH 5015 - Advanced Ethnographic Methods and Theory


    3 hours per week and field research projects. P: ANTH 3050  or equivalent or consent of instructor. Advanced training in ethnographic field methods and theory. Emphasis on individual and group research.
  • ANTH 5030 - Economic Anthropology


    P: ANTH 2200  or consent of instructor. Production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services from an anthropological perspective. Emphasis on ways in which society and culture influence economic behaviors in underdeveloped regions.
  • ANTH 5120 - Archaeology of the Southeastern US


    P: ANTH 2000  or consent of instructor. Intensive study of prehistoric cultures in Southeastern US. Emphasis on cultural dynamics and environmental relationships.
  • ANTH 5125 - Historical Archaeology


    P: ANTH 2000  or consent of instructor. Development and practice of historical archaeology with theoretical and methodological contributions. Contemporary issues, including ongoing projects in NC and Southeast.
  • ANTH 5126 - Public Archaeology


    P: ANTH 2000  or consent of instructor. Pragmatic approach to archaeology beyond the academic setting, including legislative mandates, contract archaeology, and public education.
  • ANTH 5175 - Advanced Archaeological Field Training


    40 hours of field research per week (summer). P: ANTH 3077  or ANTH 3175  or equivalent; or consent of instructor. Research methods applied to specific archaeological field problems.
  • ANTH 5201 - Special Topics in Archaeology


    May be repeated for maximum of 6 sh. P: Graduate standing or consent of instructor. Advanced level Topics vary depending on student interest and current issues.
  • ANTH 5202 - Special Topics in Cultural Anthropology


    May be repeated for maximum of 6 sh. P: Graduate standing or consent of instructor. Advanced level Topics vary depending on student interest and current issues.
  • ANTH 5203 - Special Topics in Physical Anthropology


    May be repeated for maximum of 6 sh. P: Graduate standing or consent of instructor. Advanced level Topics vary depending on student interest and current issues.

Anthropology Banked Courses

  • ANTH 2020 - Contemporary Human Problems and Global Issues


  • ANTH 3024 - Heredity and Culture


  • ANTH 3075 - Archaeological Methods and Laboratory


  • ANTH 3076 - Archaeological Methods and Laboratory


  • ANTH 3112 - Archaeology of Mexico and Guatemala


  • ANTH 4252 - Anthropology of Aging


Applied Music, Group

  • MUSC 1105 - Beginning Group Piano


    2 sessions per week. Required of all non-keyboard music minors and those non-keyboard music majors who are not able to meet requirements for entrance into MUSC 2105 . Instruction in classes of 4 or more students. May count toward minor applied music requirement. Functional use of piano. Piano proficiency for music majors and minors. Student must earn minimum grade of C in each course to satisfy piano proficiency requirements.
  • MUSC 1115 - Beginning Group Piano


    2 sessions per week. Required of all non-keyboard music minors and those non-keyboard music majors who are not able to meet requirements for entrance into MUSC 2105 . Instruction in classes of 4 or more students. May count toward minor applied music requirement. P: MUSC 1105 . Functional use of piano. Piano proficiency for music majors and minors. Student must earn minimum grade of C in each course to satisfy piano proficiency requirements.
  • MUSC 1205 - Beginning Voice Group


    2 sessions per week. Required of all beginning voice minors. Instruction in classes of 4 or more students. May count toward minor applied music requirement. Fundamentals of vocal production and some literature.
  • MUSC 1215 - Beginning Voice Group


    2 sessions per week. Required of all beginning voice minors. Instruction in classes of 4 or more students. May count toward minor applied music requirement. P: MUSC 1205 . Fundamentals of vocal production and some literature.
  • MUSC 1315 - Functional Piano for Singers II


    May not count toward general education fine arts requirement. P: Music major. Basic keyboard fluency for singers. Preparation for departmental keyboard proficiency exam required of all voice performance majors.
  • MUSC 1415 - Woodwind Group


    2 1-hour labs per week. May be repeated for credit. Instruction in classes of 4 or more students. May count toward minor applied music requirement. Develop basic playing ability and methodology of teaching woodwind instruments.
  • MUSC 1435 - Brass Group


    2 sessions per week. Instruction in classes of 4 or more students. May count toward minor applied music requirement. Develop basic playing ability on common brass instruments.
  • MUSC 1445 - Percussion Group


    2 sessions per week. Instruction in classes of 4 or more students. May count toward minor applied music requirement. Fundamentals and teaching techniques.
  • MUSC 1455 - Introduction to Winds and Percussion

    2 F

    Fundamentals of playing, teaching, and rehearsing woodwind, brass, and percussion instruments in the classroom setting.
  • MUSC 2105 - Intermediate Group Piano


    2 sessions per week. Required of all non-keyboard music majors who are not able to meet proficiency requirements. Instruction in classes of 4 or more students. May count toward minor applied music requirement. P: MUSC 1115 . Functional use of piano. Proficiency for music majors. Successful completion of sequence satisfies piano proficiency requirements for some concentrations. Student must earn minimum grade of C in each course to satisfy piano proficiency requirements.
  • MUSC 2115 - Intermediate Group Piano


    2 sessions per week. Required of all non-keyboard music majors who are not able to meet proficiency requirements. Instruction in classes of 4 or more students. May count toward minor applied music requirement. P: MUSC 2105 . Functional use of piano. Proficiency for music majors. Successful completion of sequence satisfies piano proficiency requirements for some concentrations. Student must earn minimum grade of C in each course to satisfy piano proficiency requirements.
  • MUSC 2125 - Basic Keyboard Skills

    1 Same as MUSC 2125  (Pedagogy).

    2 sessions per week. Instruction in classes of 4 or more students. May count toward minor applied music requirement. Functional use of piano for music majors and minors whose primary performance medium is keyboard instrument.
  • MUSC 2135 - Basic Keyboard Skills

    1 Same as MUSC 2135  (Pedagogy).

    2 sessions per week. Instruction in classes of 4 or more students. May count toward minor applied music requirement. P: MUSC 2125 . Functional use of piano for music majors and minors whose primary performance medium is keyboard instrument.
  • MUSC 2205 - Advanced Group Piano


    May count toward minor applied music requirement. P: MUSC 2115 . Functional use of piano for non-keyboard music majors. Prepares students for private piano instruction.
  • MUSC 2215 - Advanced Group Piano


    May count toward minor applied music requirement. P: MUSC 2205. Functional use of piano for non-keyboard music majors. Prepares students for private piano instruction.
  • MUSC 2315 - String Class

    1 F

    2 1-hour labs per week. Instruction in classes of 4 or more students. May count toward minor applied music requirement. Develop basic playing ability and methodology of teaching string instruments.
  • MUSC 2455 - Accompanying

    1 Same as MUSC 2455  (Performance Groups, Small).

    1 hour per week and supervised accompanying of singers and instrumentalists. Instruction in classes of 4 or more students. May count toward minor applied music requirement. May be repeated for credit. P: MUSC 2455 . Skills, sight reading, transposition, and style required of accompanists.
  • MUSC 3105 - Functional Guitar Class

    1 F,S

    2 sessions per week. For prospective music teachers and music therapists. Instruction in classes of 4 or more students. May count toward minor applied music requirement. P: MUSC 2115  or consent of instructor. Use of guitar as functional accompanying instrument in classroom music teaching.
  • MUSC 3115 - Functional Guitar Class

    1 F,S

    2 sessions per week. For prospective music teachers and music therapists. Instruction in classes of 4 or more students. May count toward minor applied music requirement. P: MUSC 3105  or consent of instructor. Use of guitar as functional accompanying instrument in classroom music teaching.
  • MUSC 3455 - Accompanying

    1 Same as MUSC 3455  (Performance Groups, Small).

    1 hour per week and supervised accompanying of singers and instrumentalists. Instruction in classes of 4 or more students. May count toward minor applied music requirement. May be repeated for credit. P: MUSC 2455. Skills, sight reading, transposition, and style required of accompanists.
  • MUSC 3465 - Accompanying

    1 Same as MUSC 3465  (Performance Groups, Small).

    1 hour per week and supervised accompanying of singers and instrumentalists. Instruction in classes of 4 or more students. May count toward minor applied music requirement. May be repeated for credit. P: MUSC 2455. Skills, sight reading, transposition, and style required of accompanists.
  • MUSC 4455 - Accompanying

    1 Same as MUSC 4455  (Performance Groups, Small).

    1 hour per week and supervised accompanying of singers and instrumentalists. Instruction in classes of 4 or more students. May count toward minor applied music requirement. May be repeated for credit. P: MUSC 2455. Skills, sight reading, transposition, and style required of accompanists.

Applied Music, Private

  • MUSC 1010 - Lower-Level Applied Music: Piano


    May be repeated for credit. Minor applied students receive one half-hour lesson per week. Major applied students receive one hour lesson per week.
  • MUSC 1011 - Lower-Level Applied Music: Piano


    May be repeated for credit. Minor applied students receive one half-hour lesson per week. Major applied students receive one hour lesson per week.
  • MUSC 1012 - Lower-Level Applied Music: Piano


    May be repeated for credit. Minor applied students receive one half-hour lesson per week. Major applied students receive one hour lesson per week.
  • MUSC 1013 - Lower-Level Applied Music: Piano


    May be repeated for credit. Minor applied students receive one half-hour lesson per week. Major applied students receive one hour lesson per week.
  • MUSC 1020 - Lower-Level Applied Music: Organ


    May be repeated for credit. Minor applied students receive one half-hour lesson per week. Major applied students receive one hour lesson per week.
  • MUSC 1021 - Lower-Level Applied Music: Organ


    May be repeated for credit. Minor applied students receive one half-hour lesson per week. Major applied students receive one hour lesson per week.
  • MUSC 1022 - Lower-Level Applied Music: Organ


    May be repeated for credit. Minor applied students receive one half-hour lesson per week. Major applied students receive one hour lesson per week.
  • MUSC 1024 - Lower-Level Applied Music: Organ


    May be repeated for credit. Minor applied students receive one half-hour lesson per week. Major applied students receive one hour lesson per week.
  • MUSC 1030 - Lower-Level Applied Music: Harpsichord


    May be repeated for credit. Minor applied students receive one half-hour lesson per week. Major applied students receive one hour lesson per week.
  • MUSC 1031 - Lower-Level Applied Music: Harpsichord


    May be repeated for credit. Minor applied students receive one half-hour lesson per week. Major applied students receive one hour lesson per week.
  • MUSC 1032 - Lower-Level Applied Music: Harpsichord


    May be repeated for credit. Minor applied students receive one half-hour lesson per week. Major applied students receive one hour lesson per week.
  • MUSC 1033 - Lower-Level Applied Music: Harpsichord


    May be repeated for credit. Minor applied students receive one half-hour lesson per week. Major applied students receive one hour lesson per week.
  • MUSC 1034 - Lower-Level Applied Music: Harpsichord


    May be repeated for credit. Minor applied students receive one half-hour lesson per week. Major applied students receive one hour lesson per week.
  • MUSC 1050 - Lower-Level Applied Music: Guitar


    May be repeated for credit. Minor applied students receive one half-hour lesson per week. Major applied students receive one hour lesson per week.
  • MUSC 1051 - Lower-Level Applied Music: Guitar


    May be repeated for credit. Minor applied students receive one half-hour lesson per week. Major applied students receive one hour lesson per week.
  • MUSC 1052 - Lower-Level Applied Music: Guitar


    May be repeated for credit. Minor applied students receive one half-hour lesson per week. Major applied students receive one hour lesson per week.
  • MUSC 1053 - Lower-Level Applied Music: Guitar


    May be repeated for credit. Minor applied students receive one half-hour lesson per week. Major applied students receive one hour lesson per week.
  • MUSC 1054 - Lower-Level Applied Music: Guitar


    May be repeated for credit. Minor applied students receive one half-hour lesson per week. Major applied students receive one hour lesson per week.
  • MUSC 1060 - Lower-Level Applied Music: Voice


    May be repeated for credit. Minor applied students receive one half-hour lesson per week. Major applied students receive one hour lesson per week.
  • MUSC 1061 - Lower-Level Applied Music: Voice


    May be repeated for credit. Minor applied students receive one half-hour lesson per week. Major applied students receive one hour lesson per week.
  • MUSC 1062 - Lower-Level Applied Music: Voice


    May be repeated for credit. Minor applied students receive one half-hour lesson per week. Major applied students receive one hour lesson per week.
  • MUSC 1064 - Lower-Level Applied Music: Voice


    May be repeated for credit. Minor applied students receive one half-hour lesson per week. Major applied students receive one hour lesson per week.
  • MUSC 1070 - Lower-Level Applied Music: Violin


    May be repeated for credit. Minor applied students receive one half-hour lesson per week. Major applied students receive one hour lesson per week.
  • MUSC 1071 - Lower-Level Applied Music: Violin


    May be repeated for credit. Minor applied students receive one half-hour lesson per week. Major applied students receive one hour lesson per week.
  • MUSC 1072 - Lower-Level Applied Music: Violin


    May be repeated for credit. Minor applied students receive one half-hour lesson per week. Major applied students receive one hour lesson per week.
  • MUSC 1073 - Lower-Level Applied Music: Violin


    May be repeated for credit. Minor applied students receive one half-hour lesson per week. Major applied students receive one hour lesson per week.
  • MUSC 1074 - Lower-Level Applied Music: Violin


    May be repeated for credit. Minor applied students receive one half-hour lesson per week. Major applied students receive one hour lesson per week.
  • MUSC 1080 - Lower-Level Applied Music: Viola


    May be repeated for credit. Minor applied students receive one half-hour lesson per week. Major applied students receive one hour lesson per week.
  • MUSC 1081 - Lower-Level Applied Music: Viola


    May be repeated for credit. Minor applied students receive one half-hour lesson per week. Major applied students receive one hour lesson per week.
  • MUSC 1082 - Lower-Level Applied Music: Viola


    May be repeated for credit. Minor applied students receive one half-hour lesson per week. Major applied students receive one hour lesson per week.
  • MUSC 1083 - Lower-Level Applied Music: Viola


    May be repeated for credit. Minor applied students receive one half-hour lesson per week. Major applied students receive one hour lesson per week.
  • MUSC 1084 - Lower-Level Applied Music: Viola


    May be repeated for credit. Minor applied students receive one half-hour lesson per week. Major applied students receive one hour lesson per week.
  • MUSC 1090 - Lower-Level Applied Music: Cello


    May be repeated for credit. Minor applied students receive one half-hour lesson per week. Major applied students receive one hour lesson per week.
  • MUSC 1091 - Lower-Level Applied Music: Cello


    May be repeated for credit. Minor applied students receive one half-hour lesson per week. Major applied students receive one hour lesson per week.
  • MUSC 1092 - Lower-Level Applied Music: Cello


    May be repeated for credit. Minor applied students receive one half-hour lesson per week. Major applied students receive one hour lesson per week.
  • MUSC 1093 - Lower-Level Applied Music: Cello


    May be repeated for credit. Minor applied students receive one half-hour lesson per week. Major applied students receive one hour lesson per week.
  • MUSC 1094 - Lower-Level Applied Music: Cello


    May be repeated for credit. Minor applied students receive one half-hour lesson per week. Major applied students receive one hour lesson per week.
  • MUSC 1100 - Lower-Level Applied Music: String Bass


    May be repeated for credit. Minor applied students receive one half-hour lesson per week. Major applied students receive one hour lesson per week.
  • MUSC 1101 - Lower-Level Applied Music: String Bass


    May be repeated for credit. Minor applied students receive one half-hour lesson per week. Major applied students receive one hour lesson per week.
  • MUSC 1102 - Lower-Level Applied Music: String Bass


    May be repeated for credit. Minor applied students receive one half-hour lesson per week. Major applied students receive one hour lesson per week.
  • MUSC 1110 - Lower-Level Applied Music: Flute


    May be repeated for credit. Minor applied students receive one half-hour lesson per week. Major applied students receive one hour lesson per week.
  • MUSC 1111 - Lower-Level Applied Music: Flute


    May be repeated for credit. Minor applied students receive one half-hour lesson per week. Major applied students receive one hour lesson per week.
  • MUSC 1112 - Lower-Level Applied Music: Flute


    May be repeated for credit. Minor applied students receive one half-hour lesson per week. Major applied students receive one hour lesson per week.
  • MUSC 1114 - Lower-Level Applied Music: Flute


    May be repeated for credit. Minor applied students receive one half-hour lesson per week. Major applied students receive one hour lesson per week.
  • MUSC 1130 - Lower-Level Applied Music: Oboe


    May be repeated for credit. Minor applied students receive one half-hour lesson per week. Major applied students receive one hour lesson per week.
  • MUSC 1131 - Lower-Level Applied Music: Oboe


    May be repeated for credit. Minor applied students receive one half-hour lesson per week. Major applied students receive one hour lesson per week.
  • MUSC 1132 - Lower-Level Applied Music: Oboe


    May be repeated for credit. Minor applied students receive one half-hour lesson per week. Major applied students receive one hour lesson per week.
  • MUSC 1133 - Lower-Level Applied Music: Oboe


    May be repeated for credit. Minor applied students receive one half-hour lesson per week. Major applied students receive one hour lesson per week.
  • MUSC 1134 - Lower-Level Applied Music: Oboe


    May be repeated for credit. Minor applied students receive one half-hour lesson per week. Major applied students receive one hour lesson per week.
  • MUSC 1140 - Lower-Level Applied Music: Bassoon


    May be repeated for credit. Minor applied students receive one half-hour lesson per week. Major applied students receive one hour lesson per week.

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