Sep 27, 2024  
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog 
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Course Information

Course Lists by Special Designations


Theatre Arts

  • THEA 4025 - Television and Film Practicum for the Actor I

    3 F

    6 hours per week. Auditions for dept productions required. P: THEA 3020  or consent of instructor. Development of actor’s craft and instrument used as expressive tools for film media. Major genres in TV/film, both in studio and on location.
  • THEA 4027 - Vocal Production Laboratory II


    2 hours per week. P: THEA 2016 , THEA 3025 . Exercises to maintain acting student’s vocal technique.
  • THEA 4028 - Vocal Production Laboratory III


    2 hours per week. P: THEA 2016 , THEA 3025 . Exercises to maintain acting student’s vocal technique.
  • THEA 4030 - Creative Dramatics

    3 F,S,SS

    Informal, improvised dramatics with children. Preparation of leaders to conduct such sessions in school and community.
  • THEA 4031 - Dialects for the Stage

    2 S

    P: THEA 2020  or consent of instructor. Selected dialects for performer.
  • THEA 4036 - Playwriting

    2 WI

    Structure of play as piece of writing. Emphasis on actual writing of one-act plays.
  • THEA 4040 - Directing I

    3 F Formerly THEA 3070

    Work as assistant director or stage manager on a departmentproduction. P: THEA 2035 , THEA 3035 , THEA 3036 ; THEA 3020  or THEA 3050 . Principles, techniques, and methods of analyzing and directing a play.
  • THEA 4041 - Directing II

    3 S Formerly THEA 3080

    Work as assistant director or stage manager on a dept production. P: THEA 4040  and consent of instructor. Advanced study of principles, techniques, and methods of directing plays in various styles and stage settings.
  • THEA 4065 - Stage Management

    3 F,S

    2 lecture and 1 lab/studio hours per week. P: At least 2 of the following courses: THEA 2001 , THEA 3003 , THEA 3007  or consent of instructor. Duties and operating procedures of stage manager in professional and nonprofessional theatre.
  • THEA 4066 - Theatre Management

    3 F,S GE:FA

    Theory and practice of administration for nonprofit and commercial theatres. Theatre unions, financial considerations, promotion, grantsmanship, audience development, and career opportunities in theatre management.
  • THEA 4070 - Professional Preparation and Audition Technique for Actors

    3 S

    2 lecture and 2 lab hours per week. Auditions for dept productions required. P: THEA 4025 . Preparation for professional entertainment industry market. Development of diverse audition repertoire and market-entry skills.
  • THEA 4080 - Musical Theatre Practicum

    1 WI

    P: THEA 4095 . Faculty-supervised senior recitals for graduating performers in BFA musical theatre concentration.
  • THEA 4090 - Musical Theatre Performance Technique III

    3 F

    4 studio hours per week. P: THEA 2035 , THEA 3095 . Musical material (solos, duets, and trios) from Broadway repertoire utilized for advanced in-context scene study.
  • THEA 4095 - Musical Theatre Performance Technique IV

    3 S

    4 studio hours per week. P: THEA 4090 . Audition technique and preparation for mock audition performed for jury of stage directors at end of semester.
  • THEA 4099 - Design and Production Portfolio

    1 F,S

    3 hours per week. P: Junior or senior standing; consent of instructor. Assembly and presentation of portfolio and resume in theatrical scenography.
  • THEA 4140 - Internship in Production and Performance in Theatre for Youth I

    3 F,S

    P: Consent of instructor. Observation and supervised internship in production and performance in school and community settings.
  • THEA 4141 - Internship in Production and Performance in Theatre for Youth II

    3 SL F,S

    P: THEA 4140  and consent of instructor. Observation and supervised internship in production and performance in school and community settings.
  • THEA 4323 - The Teaching of Theatre Arts in Grades K-12


    May not count toward BA major or minor. P: Admission to upper division. Teaching methods and practice application of theory.
  • THEA 4324 - Internship in Theatre Education


    Full-time, semester-long internship. P: Admission to upper division; THEA 2123 ; C: THEA 4325 . Observation and supervised teaching in assigned theatre arts public school classroom.
  • THEA 4325 - Internship Seminar: Issues in Theatre Education


    P: Admission to upper division; . C: THEA 4324 . Individualized study of problems or issues pertinent in theatre education.
  • THEA 4444 - Master Level Production

    4 F,S,SS

    May be repeated up to three times. P: Consent of instructor. Advanced level practicum in various areas of theatre and dance production supervised by faculty.
  • THEA 4445 - Internship in Theatre Management


    Full-time, semester long internship. Minimum of 150 documented hours in an approved professional theatre setting. P: THEA 3100 , THEA 3110 , THEA 4065 , THEA 4066 ; consent of instructor. Portfolio required.
  • THEA 5000 - Dramatic Arts Workshop


    Presentation and evaluation of workshop projects in various aspects of theatre arts.

Theatre Arts Banked Courses

  • THEA 2005 - Oral Communication


  • THEA 2200 - Creative Dance and Drama for the Elementary School


  • THEA 3040 - Acting II


  • THEA 4029 - Advanced Oral Interpretation


  • THEA 4032 - Dialects for the Stage


Theory Composition

  • MUSC 1156 - Basic Musicianship

    3 F,S,SS

    Basic concepts of scales, melody, rhythm, form, and notation. Emphasis on functional harmony and analysis.
  • MUSC 1166 - Basic Musicianship

    3 F,S,SS

    P: MUSC 1156 . Basic concepts of scales, melody, rhythm, form, and notation. Emphasis on functional harmony and analysis.
  • MUSC 1176 - Basic Musicianship Laboratory

    1 F,S,SS

    2 1-hour sessions per week. Aural comprehension, sight singing, performance, and conducting skills.
  • MUSC 1186 - Basic Musicianship Laboratory

    1 F,S,SS

    2 1-hour sessions per week. P: MUSC 1176 ; C: MUSC 1166 . Aural comprehension, sight singing, performance, and conducting skills.
  • MUSC 2156 - Basic Musicianship


    P: MUSC 1166 . Selected Baroque and nineteenth- and twentieth-century styles and genres. Emphasis on analysis, chromatic functional harmony, and twentieth century compositional techniques.
  • MUSC 2166 - Basic Musicianship


    P: MUSC 2156 . Selected Baroque and nineteenth- and twentieth-century styles and genres. Emphasis on analysis, chromatic functional harmony, and twentieth century compositional techniques.
  • MUSC 2176 - Basic Musicianship Laboratory


    2 1-hour sessions per week. P: MUSC 1186 ; C: MUSC 2156 . Continued development of skills in aural comprehension, sight singing, performance, and conducting.
  • MUSC 2186 - Basic Musicianship Laboratory


    2 1-hour sessions per week. P: MUSC 2176 ; C: MUSC 2166 . Continued development of skills in aural comprehension, sight singing, performance, and conducting.
  • MUSC 2326 - Composition


    Weekly seminar plus conference. P: MUSC 1336  or consent of instructor. Intermediate study.
  • MUSC 2336 - Composition


    Weekly seminar plus conference. P: MUSC 1336  or consent of instructor. Intermediate study.
  • MUSC 3176 - Basic Musicianship V

    2 WI

    P: MUSC 2166 , MUSC 2186 . Analytical study of complete works for large ensembles. Applies analysis to practical situations of performance and conducting.
  • MUSC 3326 - Composition


    Weekly seminar plus conference. P: MUSC 2336  or consent of instructor. Advanced study.
  • MUSC 3336 - Composition


    Weekly seminar plus conference. P: MUSC 2336  or consent of instructor. Advanced study.
  • MUSC 3366 - Electronic Music Composition


    P: MUSC 2326  or consent of instructor. Beginning and intermediate composition in electronic idiom. Classical studio technique.
  • MUSC 3386 - Electronic Music Composition


    P: MUSC 2326  or consent of instructor. Beginning and intermediate composition in electronic idiom. Electronic music synthesis on Moog Series III Synthesizer.
  • MUSC 4326 - Composition


    Weekly seminar and conference. May be repeated for credit. P: MUSC 3336  or consent of instructor. Advanced study.
  • MUSC 4327 - Counterpoint

    3 F Formerly MUSC 5316.

    Counterpoint from sixteenth to twentieth century. Emphasis on eighteenth-century genres, through listening, analysis, and written assignments.
  • MUSC 4328 - Language of Post-tonal Music

    3 WI S-EY Formerly MUSC 5326.

    Materials and techniques used by composers since beginning of twentieth century. Stylistic writing and analysis of works by selected composers of century.
  • MUSC 4336 - Composition


    Weekly seminar and conference. May be repeated for credit. P: MUSC 3336  or consent of instructor. Advanced study.
  • MUSC 4366 - Advanced Composition in Electronic Media


    P: MUSC 3386  or consent of instructor. Emphasis on larger, extended forms, tape and instrumental combination, real-time performance, and intermedia.
  • MUSC 4376 - Advanced Composition in Electronic Media


    P: MUSC 3386  or consent of instructor. Emphasis on larger, extended forms, tape and instrumental combination, real-time performance, and intermedia.
  • MUSC 4506 - Directed Study in Music Theory

    2 F,S,SS

    Required of all undergraduate theory-composition majors who specialize in theory. Conferences scheduled as needed with minimum of 1 hour meeting per week. May be repeated for maximum of 4 s.h. . P: MUSC 2166 
  • MUSC 4536 - Introduction to Schenkerian Analysis

    3 S-OY

    P: MUSC 2166  or consent of instructor. Tonal music using graphic analytical techniques of Heinrich Schenker. Includes contemporary extensions of Schenker approach.
  • MUSC 5336 - Advanced Orchestration


    Scoring for orchestra and symphonic band. Techniques from Classic period through contemporary idioms.
  • MUSC 5346 - Modern Instrumental Arranging


    P: MUSC 3176  or consent of instructor. Develop arranging skills and techniques as applied to instrumental music (e.g., stage band, marching band, symphonic band, and orchestra).
  • MUSC 5366 - Special Studies in Music Theory


    May be repeated for credit with consent of dept chair. P: MUSC 2166  or graduate standing in MUSC or consent of instructor. Subject matter determined by needs and interests.

University Studies

  • UNIV 2000 - Introduction to University Studies


    P: Declared major in university studies or consent of instructor. Initiation of the student’s academic and career planning efforts and the development of thematic core curriculum plan.
  • UNIV 4990 - University Studies Practicum

    3 WI

    P: University studies major; minimum grade of C- (1.7) in  ; an approved Faculty Oversight Committee University Studies Degree Plan and Proposal; minimum 2.0 overall grade point average; minimum 2.0 grade point average in university studies core coursework; and consent of program director. Supervised practicum emphasizing guided application of concepts and principles from thematic core courses and professional writing. Course must be completed during the final semester of university studies major coursework.

Wood Design

  • ART 2304 - Wood Design Survey

    3 F,S

    P: Two courses (6 s.h.) from ART 1015 , ART 1025 , ART 1030 . Wood as medium in solving visual problems Historical and technical aspects of designer craftsman using wood.
  • ART 2322 - Wood Design Studio I

    3 F,S

    P: ART 2304 . Application of techniques and design principles to wood as viable craft material.
  • ART 2332 - Wood Design Studio II

    3 F,S

    P: ART 2304 . Further and more specialized application of power tool technique to small scale objects.
  • ART 3302 - Wood Design Studio III

    3 F,S

    P: ART 2304 . Design with emphasis on combination of wood with various compatible materials.
  • ART 3312 - Wood Design Studio IV

    3 F,S

    P: ART 2304 . Increased scale regarding functional and decorative objects.
  • ART 4302 - Wood Design Studio V

    3 F,S

    P: ART 2304 . Furniture design and its relationship to function.
  • ART 4312 - Wood Design Studio VI

    3 F,S

    P: ART 2304 . Furniture as means of conceptual expression.
  • ART 4322 - Wood Design Studio VII

    3 F,S

    P: ART 2304 . Functional and sculptural aspects of furniture design.
  • ART 5302 - Wood Design Studio VIII


    P: For undergraduate students: ART 2304  or consent of instructor. Original research in wood design.
  • ART 5312 - Wood Design Studio IX


    P: For undergraduate students: ART 2304  or consent of instructor. Original research in wood design.

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