Sep 27, 2024  
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog 
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Course Information

Course Lists by Special Designations


Art History

  • ARTH 2920 - Art of the Middle Ages

    3 WI

    Early Medieval, Romanesque, and Gothic art.
  • ARTH 2925 - Byzantine Art and Architecture

    3 WI

    Art and architecture of the Mediterranean and Eastern Europe (ca 300-1500). Focus on accomplishments in the Byzantine Empire and artistic realms of its cultural influence (may include Armenia, Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Sicily and Venice).
  • ARTH 3920 - Asian Art

    3 WI*: Selected Sections are Writing Intensive F,S

    Painting, sculpture, and architecture of China, Japan, and India.
  • ARTH 3930 - Italian Renaissance Art: 1300-1500

    3 WI*: Selected Sections are Writing Intensive

    Painting, architecture, and sculpture in Italy from 1300-1500.
  • ARTH 3935 - Italian Baroque Art: 1600-1700

    3 WI

    Significant artists and art theories of Baroque Italy.
  • ARTH 3940 - Italian Renaissance Art: 1500-1600

    3 WI*: Selected Sections are Writing Intensive F,S

    Painting, architecture, and sculpture in Italy from 1500-1600.
  • ARTH 3950 - Architectural History of the Middle East Before 1600

    3 GE:FA

    Architecture of ancient Babylon, Assyria, Persia, Egypt, and early Christian and early Islamic cultures of Middle East.
  • ARTH 3951 - Introduction to the History of Architecture

    3 WI F,S

    Survey of architectural history in the West, from prehistory to twenty-first century, including context, expressive content, function, structure, style, form, building technology. Main architectural terms, concepts, and theories.
  • ARTH 3960 - Art and Power in Mesoamerica

    3 WI*: Selected Sections are Writing Intensive F,S

    Chronological survey of major. Mesoamerican cultures and how the visual arts they produce reflect aspects of religious and political power.
  • ARTH 3961 - Native North American Art and Ritual

    3 S

    Overview of major Pre-Columbian North American cultures and how visual arts created by native artists were part of their ritual, religious, and everyday lives. Covers cultural changes due to European impact.
  • ARTH 3962 - Art and Landscape in the Andes

    3 F,S

    Chronological survey of Andean visual culture. Analysis of Andean art from a landscape and sacred geography perspective.
  • ARTH 3970 - African Art

    3 WI*: Selected Sections are Writing Intensive F,S

    P: ART 1906, 1907; or consent of instructor. Traditional and contemporary art of west and central Africa.
  • ARTH 3975 - African American Art

    3 F,S GE:FA

    P: ART 1906, 1907; or consent of the instructor. Survey of African American art in North America from Colonial period through twentieth century. Examines works of art and craft in different media. Explores cultural impact on the production of art.
  • ARTH 3980 - Ceramic History of North Carolina and the Southeastern United States

    3 S

    North Carolina ceramics from colonial times to present.
  • ARTH 3990 - Art History and Its Methods

    3 WI*: Selected Sections are Writing Intensive F Formerly ART 4980.

    Required of art history majors. Seminar in methodologies of art history.
  • ARTH 4905 - Selected Topics in Art History


    May be repeated for a maximum of 6 s.h. with change of topic. Seminar on a specialized topic in art history.
  • ARTH 4916 - Art of India

    3 WI*: Selected Sections are Writing Intensive

    Significant art periods, traditions, and artists of ancient and modern India.
  • ARTH 4918 - Eighteenth Century Art

    3 WI

    Artists and movements in European painting, sculpture and decorative arts. Rococo, new classicisms, early romanticism and related trends.
  • ARTH 4920 - Nineteenth-Century Art

    3 WI*: Selected Sections are Writing Intensive S

    Artists and movements in European painting, sculpture, and printmaking. Neo-classicism, romanticism, realism, impressionism, post-impressionism, and related trends of nineteenth century.
  • ARTH 4940 - Survey of Twentieth-Century Modern Art: 1900-1950

    3 WI*: Selected Sections are Writing Intensive F

    Art from the first half of the twentieth century.
  • ARTH 4942 - Survey of Twentieth-Century Modern Art: 1950-2000

    3 WI F GE:FA

    Art from the second half of the twentieth century.
  • ARTH 4944 - Studies in Contemporary Art: Post 1960s Art

    3 WI

    Critical look at art since the 1960s dealing with the political economy of representation.
  • ARTH 4946 - Studies in Contemporary Art: Post 1980s Art


    A critical look at the art since the 1980s that has been engaged in representing a political economy.
  • ARTH 4948 - Art of the United States

    3 WI

    Critical look at art in the US from the colonial times to the present.
  • ARTH 4950 - Twentieth-Century Architecture


    Sources and development of contemporary architecture of the world.
  • ARTH 4970 - History of Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Design

    3 S

    Major designers and movements in the history of decorative arts, graphic design, and product design.

Asian Studies

  • ASIA 2000 - Introduction to Asia


    Introduces Asian civilizations and cultures, drawing on the disciplines of anthropology, art, geography, history, language and literature, philosophy, and religion.
  • ASIA 2010 - Great Books of Modern China

    3 WI GE:HU Same as GRBK 2010  

    P: ENGL 1200  or ENGL 2201 . Guided discussion emphasizing close reading and reasoned argument by students on great works of modern Chinese literature in relation to history, philosophy and political thought.
  • ASIA 4000 - Asian Studies Senior Seminar


    P: Consent of instructor. Interdisciplinary capstone course required for minors in Asian studies. Advanced students explore in-depth selected aspects of Asian civilizations and cultures.

Athletic Training Education Program

  • ATEP 1800 - Orientation to Athletic Training

    1 F

    P: Admission to candidacy period of athletic training curriculum; C: HLTH 1000  or HLTH 1050 . Orientation and principles of observation in allied health settings.
  • ATEP 2800 - Medical Nomenclature for Human Performance

    3 F,S,SS

    Fundamental word-building principles of medical nomenclature, enabling effective communication with medical professionals and medical record keeping.
  • ATEP 2810 - Principles of Athletic Training

    3 S

    2 lecture and 2 lab hours per week. C: Current participation in candidacy aspect of the athletic training program; ATEP 2811 ; RC: BIOL 2130 , BIOL 2140  or BIOL 2150 ; KINE 2850 . Fundamental principles Recognition, evaluation, treatment, rehabilitation, and prevention of athletic injuries Practical clinical evaluation and preventative taping.
  • ATEP 2811 - Principles of Athletic Training Lab

    1 S

    2 lab hours per week. P: BIOL 2140 BIOL 2141 BIOL 2150 KINE 2850 ; C: Current participation in candidacy period of athletic training program or consent of instructor; ATEP 2810 . Fundamental principles. Recognition, evaluation, treatment, rehabilitation, and prevention of athletic injuries. Practical clinical evaluation and prevention taping.
  • ATEP 3000 - Evidence-Based Medicine for the Health Care Professional

    3 F, SS

    3 lecture hours per week. RP: MATH 1065  or equivalent. Introduction and application of evidence-based medicine principles to clinical practice.
  • ATEP 3200 - Field Experience in Athletic Training I

    1 F

    1 lecture per week and clinical assignments. C: Athletic training major; ATEP 3810 , ATEP 3811 . Introduction to field experience. Supervised medical coverage of athletic teams.
  • ATEP 3201 - Therapeutic Rehabilitation I

    3 S

    P: Athletic training major; C:   , ATEP 3821 . Introduces principles of therapeutic treatment goals and techniques of musculoskeletal injuries.
  • ATEP 3202 - Therapeutic Rehabilitation I Laboratory

    1 S

    2 laboratory hours per week. P: Athletic training major; C:    . Practical application of therapeutic treatment goals and techniques.
  • ATEP 3250 - Therapeutic Modalities

    3 F

    P: ATEP 3820 , ATEP 3821 ; C: ATEP 3251 . In-depth study of theory and application of therapeutic modalities in relation to the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries.
  • ATEP 3251 - Therapeutic Modalities Laboratory

    1 F

    2 laboratory hours per week. P: ATEP 3820 , ATEP 3821 ; C: ATEP 3250 . Clinical application of therapeutic modalities in relation to the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries.
  • ATEP 3270 - Pathology and General Medicine in Sport

    3 S

    P: BIOL 2140 , BIOL 2150 , BIOL 2151 ; C: ATEP 3272 . General pathology associated with medical conditions in sport. Systemic approach to common medical disorders, including clinical proficiencies.
  • ATEP 3271 - Clinical Experience in Medicine

    1 F, S, SS

    P: ATEP 3270 , ATEP 3272 ; C: Athletic training major. Clinical assignments in clinical medical settings.
  • ATEP 3272 - Clinical Skills in Health Assessment

    1 S

    C: Athletic training major; ATEP 3270 . Laboratory practice in skills necessary to determine health status.
  • ATEP 3280 - Therapeutic Rehabilitation II

    3 S

    P: ATEP 3250 ATEP 3251 KINE 3850 ; C: Athletic training major; ATEP 3281 . In-depth study of theory, evidence, and application of therapeutic treatment of musculoskeletal injuries.
  • ATEP 3281 - Therapeutic Rehabilitation II Laboratory

    1 S

    2 laboratory hours per week. P: ATEP 3250 , ATEP 3251  ; athletic training major; C: ATEP 3280 . Practical application of therapeutic rehabilitation of musculoskeletal injuries.
  • ATEP 3300 - Clinical Integration I

    3 S

    1 lecture per week and 200 preceptor-supervised clinical hours per term. P:   . Integrate athletic training knowledge and skills in a practical setting.
  • ATEP 3350 - Concepts in Pharmacology

    3 F,S,SS

    RP: ATEP 2800  or equivalent. General knowledge of therapeutic drug classifications, indications, contraindications, regulations, and drug testing in sport.
  • ATEP 3400 - Clinical Experience in an Equipment-Intensive Sport

    3 F

    1 lecture per week and semester-long clinical assignment to a preceptor covering an equipment intensive sport. C:   ; athletic training major. Practical experience with teams wearing helmets and shoulder pads.
  • ATEP 3500 - Clinical Experience in Medical Readiness for Sport

    1 F

    100 clinical hours. P: ATEP 3820 , ATEP 3821 ; C: Athletic training major. Application of didactic knowledge to the clinical aspect of medical readiness for sport.
  • ATEP 3810 - Orthopedic Evaluation of the Trunk and Upper Extremity

    3 F

    3 lecture hours per week. P: ATEP 2810 , ATEP 2811 ; C: ATEP 3811 . In-depth study of pathomechanics or sports-related injury to trunk and upper extremity.
  • ATEP 3811 - Orthopedic Evaluation of Upper Extremity Lab

    1 F

    2 lab hours per week. P: ATEP 2810 , ATEP 2811 ; C: ATEP 3810 . Practical application of assessment and disposition of injuries to the upper extremity.
  • ATEP 3820 - Orthopedic Evaluation of Lower Extremity

    3 S

    3 lecture hours per week. P: ATEP 3810 , ATEP 3811 ; C: ATEP 3821 . In-depth study of pathomechanics of sports-related injury to lower extremity.
  • ATEP 3821 - Orthopedic Evaluation of Lower Extremity Lab

    1 S

    2 lab hours per week. P: ATEP 3810 , ATEP 3811 ; C: ATEP 3820 . Practical application of assessment and disposition of injuries to the lower extremity.
  • ATEP 3860 - Clinical Experience in Emergency Management

    3 F

    1 lecture hour per week and 200 preceptor-supervised clinical hours per term. P: Athletic training major; C:   . Practical application of emergency management techniques.
  • ATEP 4001 - Clinical Experience in Athletic Training

    1 F,S,SS

    P: Consent of instructor and athletic training major. Individualized program of clinical supervised hours in athletic training. Each can be repeated twice.
  • ATEP 4002 - Clinical Experience in Athletic Training

    2 F,S,SS

    P: Consent of instructor and athletic training major. Individualized program of clinical supervised hours in athletic training. Each can be repeated twice.
  • ATEP 4003 - Special Topics


    May be repeated for a maximum of 6 s.h. with change of topic. P: Consent of instructor. Special topics in selected areas of athletic training.
  • ATEP 4300 - Field Experience in Athletic Training II

    1 F,S,SS

    1 lecture per week and clinical assignments for the semester. P: ATEP 3250 , ATEP 3251 , ATEP 3820 , ATEP 3821 ; athletic training major; and consent of instructor. Field experience in allied health settings relevant to athletic training.
  • ATEP 4320 - Leadership and Management

    3 WI S

    P:   . Principles of leadership development and athletic training service management.
  • ATEP 4860 - Clinical Integration II

    3 S

    1 lecture per week and 200 preceptor-supervised clinical hours per term. P:    . Integrate knowledge and skills as a culminating experience in athletic training.

Atmospheric Science

  • ATMO 1300 - Weather and Climate

    3 F, S, SS GE:SC Same as   

    Introductory survey of meteorology including weather and climate principles, processes, and patterns, at a variety of scales from local to global.
  • ATMO 2510 - Physical Meteorology

    3 F Same as  

    P:   or  ;  ; or consent of instructor. Basic principles of atmospheric hydrostatics, thermodynamics, cloud and precipitation processes, and radiative transfer.
  • ATMO 3230 - Global Climates

    3 S Same as  

    P:   or  ;  ; or consent of instructor. Variation in global climates as related to atmospheric circulation patterns and processes.
  • ATMO 3520 - Dynamic Meteorology

    3 S

    P:   or  ;  ,  ; or consent of instructor.  Basic concepts and techniques of mathematics, thermodynamics, mechanics and fluid dynamics in the study of atmospheric motions and weather systems.
  • ATMO 3550 - Principles of Synoptic Meteorology

    3 F

    P:   or consent of instructor. Basic concepts of synoptic scale atmospheric phenomena, including upper level waves and mid-latitude weather systems.
  • ATMO 4510 - Meteorological Instruments and Observations

    3 F Same as  

    P:   or   ; or consent of instructor.  Basic principles of meteorological instruments and measurement techniques; introduction of data logging, processing, and sources of measurement error; hands-on experience in labs and group field projects.
  • ATMO 4520 - Boundary Layer Meteorology

    3 S

    P:   or consent of instructor. Structure of atmospheric boundary layers and turbulence, principles of turbulent transport and diffusion processes, their measurements and modeling.
  • ATMO 4525 - Dynamic Meteorology II

    3 F

    P:  ; ; or consent of insructor.  Applications of the governing equations of the atmosphere for the study of atmospheric waves, extratropical cyclones, and basic concepts in numerical weather prediction.
  • ATMO 4530 - Micrometeorology

    3 F Same as  

    P:   or  ; or consent of instructor.  Atmospheric processes at micro and local scales, including exchange processes of momentum, mass and energy, radiation budget and energy balance near the surface, soil temperature and heat transfer, turbulent transport, biosphere-atmosphere interactions, micrometeorological measurement and modeling techniques.
  • ATMO 4540 - Coastal Storms

    3 F Same as  

    P:   or  ; or consent of instructor.  Basic dynamics, analysis, and forecasting of extratropical and tropical storms; history of storms in the Carolinas and current mitigation plans.
  • ATMO 4550 - Applied Synoptic Meteorology: Analyses and Forecasting

    3 S

    P:   or consent of instructor. Current techniques in mid-latitude weather analyses and forecasting, including chart analyses, introduction to computer meteorological analyses and visualization, numerical weather prediction, and forecast discussion, development, and evaluation.
  • ATMO 4580 - Radar and Satellite Meteorology

    3 S Same as  

    P:   or  ,  ; or consent of instructor.  History, theory and applications of radar and satellite meteorology, with a focus on techniques of satellite image interpretation and radar data processing applied to severe weather forecasting and climate analysis.
  • ATMO 4590 - Tropical Meteorology

    3 F Same as  

    P:   or  ; or consent of instructor.  Tropical atmosphere as a key component of global weather and climate and climate prediction. Examination of the El Niño – Southern Oscillation, the Madden Julian Oscillation, tropical cyclones and monsoons and their associated climate predictability.


  • BIOL 1010 - Biodiversity of Coastal North Carolina

    3 F,S

    Survey of major terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems from the coastal plain to the continental shelf, with emphasis on their flora and fauna. Self-guided coastal plain trip required to one of several nature centers or museums at student’s expense.
  • BIOL 1030 - Plants and Human Affairs

    3 F,S GE:SC

    May not count toward BIOL major or minor. BIOL 1051  may be taken as a lab complement. Biology of plants and their related organisms and importance throughout history.
  • BIOL 1050 - General Biology

    3 F,S,SS GE:SC

    May not count toward BIOL major or minor. Molecular basis of biology, bioenergetics, control systems, reproduction and development, genetics, diversity, evolution, communication, and behavior ecosystems.
  • BIOL 1051 - General Biology Laboratory

    1 F,S,SS GE:SC

    1 3-hour lab per week. May not count toward BIOL major or minor. RC: BIOL 1050. Practical applications of biological principles.
  • BIOL 1060 - Environmental Biology

    3 F,S,SS GE:SC

    Will not count toward BIOL major or minor. Interrelationships of organisms with each other and with their environment and human factors. Basic ecological problems, principles, and solutions.
  • BIOL 1061 - Environmental Biology Laboratory

    1 F,S GE:SC

    1 3-hour lab or field excursion per week. May not count toward BIOL major or minor. Optional lab or field course offered to provide a more in-depth look at habitats.
  • BIOL 1100 - Principles of Biology I

    3 F,S,SS GE:SC

    3 lecture and 3 lab hours per week. Molecular biology, bioenergetics, cellular structure, and physiology. Molecular basis of inheritance and control of gene expression.
  • BIOL 1101 - Principles of Biology Laboratory I

    1 F,S,SS GE:SC

    3 lecture and 3 lab hours per week. P/C: BIOL 1100 . Molecular biology, bioenergetics, cellular structure, and physiology. Molecular basis of inheritance and control of gene expression.
  • BIOL 1150 - Principles of Biology: A Human Approach

    4 GE:SC

    3 lecture and 2 discussion hours per week. May not count toward the BIOL major or minor. C: BIOL 1151 . Nature of biological science, molecular biology, bioenergetics, cell structure and function, cell physiology, overview of human tissue and organ systems, and human population and disease dynamics.
  • BIOL 1151 - Principles of Biology: A Human Approach Discussion

    0 GE:SC

    3 lecture and 2 discussion hours per week. May not count toward the BIOL major or minor. C: BIOL 1150 . Nature of biological science, molecular biology, bioenergetics, cell structure and function, cell physiology, overview of human tissue and organ systems, and human population and disease dynamics.
  • BIOL 1200 - Principles of Biology II

    3 F,S,SS GE:SC

    3 lecture and 3 lab hours per week. P: BIOL 1100 BIOL 1101 . Five living kingdoms and diversity that prevails in natural systems. Principles of evolution, ecology, and behavior, particularly in context of diversity.
  • BIOL 1201 - Principles of Biology Laboratory II

    1 F,S,SS GE:SC

    3 lecture and 3 lab hours per week. P: BIOL 1100 BIOL 1101 ; P/C: BIOL 1200 . Five living kingdoms and diversity that prevails in natural systems. Principles of evolution, ecology, and behavior, particularly in context of diversity.
  • BIOL 2015 - Introduction to Biological Anthropology

    3 WI*: Selected Sections are Writing Intensive F,S GE:SC Same as ANTH 2015 .

    May count toward general education natural sciences requirement for all except ANTH majors. May not count toward general education social sciences requirement. RP: BIOL course. Evolutionary theory, human evolution, and formation of human variability, adaptation, and genetics. Relationships among primates.
  • BIOL 2016 - Biological Anthropology Laboratory

    1 F,S GE:SC Same as ANTH 2016 .

    May count toward general education natural sciences requirement for all except ANTH majors. May not count toward general education social sciences requirement. C: BIOL 2015 . Human and population genetics, anthropometry, anthroposcopy, dermatoglyphics, blood pressure, blood typing, osteometry, primate taxonomy, and human evolution.
  • BIOL 2100 - Basic Laboratory Methods for Biotechnology

    3 F,SS Formerly BIOL 3100, 3101

    1 lecture and 4 laboratory hours per week. P: BIOL 1100 , BIOL 1101 ; CHEM 1150 , CHEM 1151 . Practical basic training in laboratory techniques generally applicable to molecular and cell biology, genetics, biochemistry, microbiology and forensics.
  • BIOL 2101 - Basic Laboratory Methods for Biotechnology Laboratory

    0 F,SS Formerly BIOL 3100, 3101

    1 lecture and 4 laboratory hours per week. P: BIOL 1100 , BIOL 1101 ; CHEM 1150 , CHEM 1151 . Practical basic training in laboratory techniques generally applicable to molecular and cell biology, genetics, biochemistry, microbiology and forensics.
  • BIOL 2110 - Fundamentals of Microbiology

    3 F,S GE:SC

    3 lectures and 2 2-hour labs per week. May not count toward BIOL major or minor. P: CHEM 1120  and CHEM 1130  or 7 s.h. of CHEM at a course level to or greater than CHEM 1120 or BIOL 1100  and CHEM 1150 ; 2.75 GPA or consent of instructor; RP: BIOL 1050 , BIOL 1051  or BIOL 1100 , BIOL 1101 . General study of microorganisms and their importance to humans. Emphasis on fundamental life processes, including a brief introduction to epidemiology and immunology.
  • BIOL 2111 - Fundamentals of Microbiology Laboratory

    1 F,S GE:SC

    3 lectures and 2 2-hour labs per week. May not count toward BIOL major or minor. P/C: BIOL 2110 . General study of microorganisms and their importance to humans. Emphasis on fundamental life processes, including a brief introduction to epidemiology and immunology.
  • BIOL 2130 - Survey of Human Physiology and Anatomy

    4 F,S,SS GE:SC

    A maximum of 4 s.h. of 2000-level human physiology and anatomy coursework may count toward the BIOL major or minor. P: BIOL 1050 BIOL 1051 ; or BIOL 1100 , BIOL 1101 ; or BIOL 1150 BIOL 1151 . Functional anatomy and normal physiology of human organ systems.
  • BIOL 2131 - Survey of Human Physiology and Anatomy Laboratory

    1 F,S,SS GE:SC

    3 lab hours per week. May not count toward BIOL major or minor. P/C: BIOL 2130 . Principles and review of anatomy of human organ systems.
  • BIOL 2140 - Human Physiology and Anatomy I


    Part one of two-semester integrated course. A maximum of 4 s.h. of 2000-level human physiology and anatomy coursework may count toward the BIOL major or minor. P: CHEM 1120  or CHEM 1150 ; 2.75 GPA; C: BIOL 2141 . Normal physiology and functional anatomy of human organ systems.
  • BIOL 2141 - Human Physiology and Anatomy I Laboratory


    3 lab hours per week. Part one of a two-semester integrated lab. A maximum of 4 s.h. of 2000-level human physiology and anatomy coursework may count toward the BIOL major or minor. C: BIOL 2140 . Application of anatomical and physiological concepts.
  • BIOL 2150 - Human Physiology and Anatomy II


    Part two of a two-semester integrated course. A maximum of 4 s.h. of 2000-level human physiology and anatomy coursework may count toward the BIOL major or minor. P: BIOL 2140  and BIOL 2141  with a minimum grade of C (2.0); C: BIOL 2151 . Normal physiology and functional anatomy of human organ systems.
  • BIOL 2151 - Human Physiology and Anatomy II Laboratory


    3 lab hours per week. Part two of a two-semester integrated lab. A maximum of 4 s.h. of 2000-level human physiology and anatomy coursework may count toward the BIOL major or minor. P: BIOL 2140  and BIOL 2141  with a minimum grade of C (2.0); C: BIOL 2150 . Application of anatomical and physiological concepts.
  • BIOL 2250 - Ecology

    3 F,S,SS

    P: BIOL 1100 , BIOL 1101 , BIOL 1200 , BIOL 1201 . Structure and function of ecosystems. Relationships of environmental factors operating in different habitats to floral and faunal composition of each community.
  • BIOL 2800 - Biological Instruction

    2 F, S

    1 lecture and 3 lab hours per week. Open to biology or biochemistry majors by invitation only. P: BIOL 1100 , BIOL 1101 , BIOL 1200 , BIOL 1201 ; or consent of instructor. Instruction and supervised experience in methods and practice of teaching introductory biology.

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