Sep 27, 2024  
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog 
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Course Information

Course Lists by Special Designations



  • CHEM 0150 - Preparation for College Chemistry

    3 F,S,SS

    May not count toward general education natural sciences requirement. C: MATH 1065 . Intensive review and study of basic chemical laws and mathematical tools needed for further study in general chemistry.
  • CHEM 1020 - General Descriptive Chemistry

    4 S GE:SC

    May not count toward general education natural sciences requirement for science majors. General chemistry for nonscience majors.
  • CHEM 1021 - General Descriptive Chemistry Laboratory

    1 S GE:SC

    3 lab hours per week. Chemistry lab for nonscience majors. P/C: CHEM 1020 . Lab experiences illustrate fundamental chemical principles and relevance of chemistry in modern world. Topics include chemical measurements, acids, synthesis and purification of biochemical substances and DNA fingerprinting.
  • CHEM 1120 - Introduction to Chemistry for the Allied Health Sciences

    3 F,S,SS GE:SC

    3 lecture and 1 recitation hours per week. May not count toward general education natural sciences requirement for science majors. Fundamental concepts of chemistry emphasizing applications within the health professions.
  • CHEM 1121 - Basic General, Organic, and Biochemistry Laboratory I

    1 F,S GE:SC

    3 lab hours per week. C: CHEM 1120 . Introduces lab techniques in general, organic, and biochemistry.
  • CHEM 1130 - Organic and Biochemistry for the Allied Health Sciences

    4 F,S,SS GE:SC

    4 lecture hours per week. May not count toward general education requirement for science majors. P: CHEM 1120 . Fundamentals of organic and biochemistry emphasizing applications within the health professions.
  • CHEM 1131 - Basic General, Organic, and Biochemistry Laboratory II

    1 F,S,SS GE:SC

    3 lab hours per week. C: CHEM 1130 . Continuation of CHEM 1121 .
  • CHEM 1150 - General Chemistry I

    3 F,S,SS GE:SC

    3 lecture hours per week. For science majors. P: Appropriate score on math section of SAT/ACT or ECU Department of Mathematics Placement Exam, or grade of C (2.0) or higher in MATH 1065 ; C: MATH 1065  unless already completed with grade of C (2.0) or higher; CHEM 1151 . Basic principles and laws of chemistry. Topics include measurements, reactions and stoichiometry, thermochemistry, atomic structure, periodicity, bonding and molecular structure, and states of matter.
  • CHEM 1151 - General Chemistry Laboratory I

    1 F,S,SS GE:SC

    3 lab hours per week. For science majors. P: Appropriate score on math section of SAT/ACT or ECU Department of Mathematics Placement Exam, or grade of C (2.0) or higher in MATH 1065 ; C: MATH 1065  unless already completed with grade of C (2.0) or higher; CHEM 1150 . Basic principles and laws of chemistry. Topics include measurements, reactions and stoichiometry, thermochemistry, atomic structure, periodicity, bonding and molecular structure, and states of matter.
  • CHEM 1160 - General Chemistry II

    3 F,S,SS GE:SC

    3 lecture hours per week. P: CHEM 1150  with a minimum grade of C (2.0), CHEM 1151 ; C: CHEM 1161 ; RC: MATH 1083  or MATH 1085 . Continuation of CHEM 1150 . Topics include solutions, kinetics, equilibrium, acid-base theory, thermodynamics, and electrochemistry. Introduces organic, nuclear, and coordination chemistry.
  • CHEM 1161 - General Chemistry Laboratory II

    1 F,S,SS GE:SC

    3 lab hours per week. P: CHEM 1150  with a minimum grade of C (2.0), CHEM 1151 ; C: CHEM 1161 ; RC: MATH 1083  or MATH 1085 . Continuation of CHEM 1150 . Topics include solutions, kinetics, equilibrium, acid-base theory, thermodynamics, and electrochemistry. Introduces organic, nuclear, and coordination chemistry.
  • CHEM 2103 - Introduction to Chemical Literature

    1 WI F

    P: CHEM 2750 . Introduces methods used to search and access chemical literature. Development of technical writing skills.
  • CHEM 2250 - Quantitative and Instrumental Analysis

    3 F,S

    3 lecture hours per week. P: CHEM 1160  with minimum grade of C(2.0), CHEM 1161 CHEM 2750 ; C: CHEM 2251 . Theories and techniques of classical quantitative and modern instrumental analysis.
  • CHEM 2251 - Quantitative and Instrumental Analysis Laboratory

    2 WI F,S

    4 lab hours per week. P: CHEM 1160 , CHEM 1161 , CHEM 2750 ; C: CHEM 2250 . Theories and techniques of classical quantitative and modern instrumental analysis.
  • CHEM 2301 - Teaching Laboratory Chemistry

    2 WI F,S

    1 lecture and 3 lab hours per week. P: Grade of B (3.0) or higher in CHEM 1160  and CHEM 1161  or permission of instructor. Instruction and supervised experience in methods and practice of teaching introductory chemistry lab.
  • CHEM 2750 - Organic Chemistry I

    3 F,S,SS

    P: CHEM 1160  with a minimum grade of C(2.0), CHEM 1161 ; C: CHEM 2753 . Classes of compounds and their typical reactions, mechanisms, stereochemistry, and instrumental methods in organic chemistry.
  • CHEM 2753 - Organic Chemistry Laboratory I

    1 F,S,SS

    3 lab hours per week. C: CHEM 2750 . Organic lab techniques.
  • CHEM 2770 - Biological Chemistry

    3 S

    P: CHEM 2760 . Chemistry and intermediary metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids.
  • CHEM 2771 - Biological Chemistry Laboratory

    1 S

    3 lab hours per week. C: CHEM 2770 . Applies chemical lab techniques to study of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids.
  • CHEM 3301 - Practicum in Teaching

    1 F,S

    3 lab hours per week. May be repeated for credit. May count maximum of 4 s.h. toward CHEM major. P: CHEM 2301  and consent of instructor. Supervised practicum in teaching introductory chemistry lab.
  • CHEM 3450 - Elementary Inorganic Chemistry

    3 F,S

    P: CHEM 2250 , CHEM 2251 ; C: CHEM 3451 . Survey of fundamental concepts and theories of inorganic chemistry, periodicity, descriptive chemistry of selected main group elements and transition metals, and their role in organometallic, bioinorganic, and industrial chemistry.
  • CHEM 3451 - Elementary Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory

    1 WI F,S

    P: CHEM 2250 , CHEM 2251 ; C: CHEM 3450  or 5550. Inorganic laboratory techniques, physical methods, and the synthesis and characterization of inorganic and organometallic compounds.
  • CHEM 3501 - Special Topics in Chemistry


    May be repeated for maximum of 6 s.h. with change of topic. May not count toward general education natural sciences credit. P: CHEM 1160 ; consent of instructor. Selected topics of contemporary interest.
  • CHEM 3502 - Special Topics in Chemistry


    May be repeated for maximum of 6 s.h. with change of topic. May not count toward general education natural sciences credit. P: CHEM 1160 ; consent of instructor. Selected topics of contemporary interest.
  • CHEM 3503 - Special Topics in Chemistry


    May be repeated for maximum of 6 s.h. with change of topic. May not count toward general education natural sciences credit. P: CHEM 1160 ; consent of instructor. Selected topics of contemporary interest.
  • CHEM 4350 - Instrumental Analysis

    3 S

    3 lecture hours per week. P: Grade of C (2.0) or higher in CHEM 2250  and CHEM 2251 ; C: CHEM 4351  . Theory of modern instrumental methods of chemical analysis.
  • CHEM 4351 - Instrumental Analysis Laboratory

    1 S

    3 lab hours per week. P: Grade of C (2.0) or higher in CHEM 2250  and CHEM 2251  ; C: CHEM 4350 . Practical uses of modern instrumental methods of chemical analysis.
  • CHEM 4505 - Independent Study

    1 F,S,SS

    May be repeated for credit. May count a maximum of 3 s.h. toward CHEM major. P: Consent of instructor and dept chair. Individual study in selected area of chemistry under immediate direction of faculty member.
  • CHEM 4506 - Independent Study

    2 F,S,SS

    May be repeated for credit. May count a maximum of 3 s.h. toward CHEM major. P: Consent of instructor and dept chair. Individual study in selected area of chemistry under immediate direction of faculty member.
  • CHEM 4507 - Independent Study

    3 F,S,SS

    May be repeated for credit. May count a maximum of 3 s.h. toward CHEM major. P: Consent of instructor and dept chair. Individual study in selected area of chemistry under immediate direction of faculty member.
  • CHEM 4515 - Research Problems in Chemistry

    1 F,S,SS

    May be repeated for credit. May count maximum of 6 s.h. toward CHEM major. P: Consent of instructor. Advanced problems in chemistry pursued under supervision of faculty member.
  • CHEM 4516 - Research Problems in Chemistry

    2 F,S,SS

    May be repeated for credit. May count maximum of 6 s.h. toward CHEM major. P: Consent of instructor. Advanced problems in chemistry pursued under supervision of faculty member.
  • CHEM 4517 - Research Problems in Chemistry

    3 F,S,SS

    May be repeated for credit. May count maximum of 6 s.h. toward CHEM major. P: CHEM 2750 CHEM 4515  or CHEM 4516 ; and consent of instructor. Advanced problems in chemistry pursued under supervision of faculty member.
  • CHEM 4522 - Pharmaceutical Industry Skills Laboratory: Good Manufacturing Practices

    3 S

    2 lecture and 3 lab hours per week. P: Grade of B- (2.7) or higher in CHEM 2250 , CHEM 2251 ; or consent of instructor. Regulations, laws, and skills involved in good laboratory and manufacturing practices (GLP) and good manufacturing practices (cGMP) in the pharmaceutical industry.
  • CHEM 4550 - Advanced Inorganic Chemistry

    3 F

    P: CHEM 3450 CHEM 3451 . Advanced treatment of various topics in inorganic chemistry, including diagrammatic oxidation/reduction chemistry, electronic spectra, organometallic reactions, heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysis, and bioinorganic chemistry. 


  • CHEM 5525 - Special Topics


    May be repeated for credit with change of topic. P: Consent of instructor. Selected topics of current interest in areas of analytical, inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry.
  • CHEM 5526 - Special Topics


    May be repeated for credit with change of topic. P: Consent of instructor. Selected topics of current interest in areas of analytical, inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry.
  • CHEM 5527 - Special Topics


    May be repeated for credit with change of topic. P: Consent of instructor. Selected topics of current interest in areas of analytical, inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry.
  • CHEM 5750 - Advanced Organic Chemistry


    P: CHEM 2760 ; P/C: CHEM 3960 . Physical organic topics, including aromaticity, acid/base chemistry, reactive intermediates, mechanisms of common organic reactions, and relationship between structure and reactivity.
  • CHEM 5760 - Organic Structure Elucidation


    P: Consent of instructor. Applies modern instrumental methods to elucidation of structures of organic compounds, with particular regard to elucidation of complex structures from combined application of spectral tools.
  • CHEM 5993 - Industrial Internship in Chemistry


    25-30 lab hours per week. May count maximum of 3 s.h. toward CHEM major. May be repeated. P: Selection by joint Department of Chemistry/Industry screening committee; CHEM 2250 , CHEM 2760 , CHEM 3950 . Professional experience in industrial application of chemistry.

Chemistry Banked Courses

  • CHEM 1163 - Introduction to Computer Techniques in Experimental Chemistry


  • CHEM 1500 - Materials Chemistry I

    3 S

  • CHEM 1510 - Materials Chemistry II and Laboratory

    1 F

  • CHEM 1511 - Materials Chemistry II and Laboratory

    1 F

  • CHEM 2110 - Scientific Glassblowing

    1 F,S,SS

  • CHEM 2111 - Applications of Molecular Modeling


  • CHEM 2650 - Organic Chemistry for the Life Sciences

    4 F

    May not count toward CHEM major or minor. May not substitute as a prerequisite for CHEM 2760 . P: CHEM 1160 , CHEM 1161 . Principles of organic chemistry. Emphasis on biologically important topics.
  • CHEM 2651 - Organic Chemistry Lab for the Life Sciences

    1 F

    3 lab hours per week. May not count toward CHEM major or minor. May not substitute as a prerequisite for CHEM 2763 . Organic lab techniques.
  • CHEM 3860 - Introduction to Instrument - Computer Interfacing


  • CHEM 3861 - Introduction to Instrument - Computer Interfacing


  • CHEM 4103 - Seminar

    1 S

    P: Junior or senior standing; CHEM 2103 . Discuss contemporary topics in chemistry, instruction on technical presentations, and submission of written and oral reports on approved topics. Requires attendance at selected departmental seminars.

Child Development and Family Relations

  • HDFS 1103 - Marriage and Family Relations

    3 F,S,SS

    Introduces multiple aspects of intimate relationships and family life. Topics include dating and intimacy, marriage, family communication, gender, sexuality, parenting, and family changes.
  • HDFS 2000 - Child Development I: Prenatal Through Early Childhood

    3 F,S,SS

    Behavior and development of children from conception to eight years of age.
  • HDFS 2001 - Child Development II: Middle Childhood Through Young Adulthood

    3 F,S,SS

    Behavior and development of children between the ages of eight and twenty-one years.
  • HDFS 2021 - Introduction to Child Life

    2 S

    May not count toward CDFR minor. P: Intended child life major; sophomore standing; P/C: HDFS 2000 . Requires practicum experience. Overview of the field of child life.
  • HDFS 2123 - Early Experience in Birth through Kindergarten Education

    1 F

    For prospective teachers. May not count toward CDFR minor. Minimum of 16 hours of directed observation and planned participation in preschool settings and 12 hours of seminar. Introduces birth-kindergarten teaching.
  • HDFS 2124 - Interaction Techniques for Working with Young Children

    2 F

    Requires practicum experience. May not count toward CDFR minor. P: CDFR major. Theory and practice in interacting with young children. Emphasis on specific techniques of interaction with and guidance of infants, toddlers, and preschool-aged children.
  • HDFS 2280 - Introduction to Child, Family, and Community Services

    3 SL*: Selected Sections are Service Learning. F,S

    Examines various careers and opportunities to work with children and families from three theoretical perspectives: ecological systems, family systems, and lifespan development.
  • HDFS 2400 - Introduction to Gerontology

    3 F,S,SS GE:SO Same as GERO 2400 ; SOCW 2400 .

    May count toward general education social sciences requirement and SOCI major or minor. Current theory and research in gerontology from interdisciplinary perspective.
  • HDFS 3002 - Child in the Family

    3 F,S,SS

    Overview of child-family relationships. Emphasis on reciprocal interaction of child and family.
  • HDFS 3022 - Death, Dying, and Bereavement

    3 F

    P: CDFR major / minor; HDFS 2000 , HDFS 2001 . Explores the fundamental aspects of human experience related to death, dying, and the bereavement process with emphases on historical, medical/healthcare, legal, religious, ethical, and socio-cultural perspectives.
  • HDFS 3150 - Introduction to Early Childhood Intervention

    3 F,S

    P: HDFS 1103 , HDFS 2000 . Examines concepts, principles, and applications of early childhood intervention for children from birth through five years.
  • HDFS 3210 - Models and Foundations of Early Childhood Education

    3 S

    Explores philosophies and practices associated with different models of early childhood education.
  • HDFS 3215 - The Family As Consumers

    3 S

    P: HDFS 1103 . Comprehensive study of family financial resources and their management with application for consumer decision-making skills and advocacy.
  • HDFS 3306 - Guiding Children’s Behavior

    3 F,S,SS

    P: HDFS 2000 . Roles and responsibilities of parents and teachers in guiding children’s behavior. Review of theory and research addressing appropriate practices and methods of modifying children’s behavior.
  • HDFS 3321 - Infant and Toddler Curriculum

    3 S

    Requires practicum experience. P: HDFS 3150 . Application of principles of child development in designing appropriate environments and curricula for children from birth to three years.
  • HDFS 3400 - Current Issues in Early Childhood Education

    3 SS

    P: HDFS 3150 . May be repeated for credit with change of topic up to 6 s.h. Current topics and issues related to child development and early childhood education.
  • HDFS 3413 - The Hospitalized Child

    3 WI F

    Requires practicum experience. P: Child life major; HDFS 2000 , HDFS 2001 , HDFS 2021 . Recognizing psychosocial needs of children and families in healthcare settings. Techniques to promote positive coping skills of children and families in stressful situations.
  • HDFS 3560 - Exploring Professions and Practices in Family Science

    3 F,S

    P: HDFS 2280 . Human service skills within the context of the domains of family practice.
  • HDFS 4000 - Introduction to Child and Family Research

    3 F,S

    P: FCS major; general education mathematics requirement. Introduction to the basic elements of scientific thought and the stages of the quantitative research process employed in child and family studies.
  • HDFS 4006 - Families, Sexuality, and Gender Roles

    3 F

    P: HDFS 1103 ; junior or senior standing. Biological, cognitive, social, emotional, and cultural influences on human sexuality and gender roles within the context of relationships and families.
  • HDFS 4007 - Public Policy and Legal Issues Affecting Families

    3 S

    P: CDFR major; junior or senior standing. Current public policy and legal issues facing professionals whom work with children and families.
  • HDFS 4100 - Study Abroad in HDFS

    3 or 6 SL*:Selected Sections are Service-Learning SS GD

    May be repeated for credit up to 6 s.h. with change of topic. Study of individuals, children, families, and communities in global societies.
  • HDFS 4121 - Social Studies, Math, and Science Curriculum in Early Childhood

    3 F

    Requires practicum experience. P: HDFS 3321 . Emphasis on foundational social studies, mathematics, and science concepts for children in preschool and kindergarten.
  • HDFS 4122 - Language and Literacy Curriculum in Early Childhood

    3 S

    Requires practicum experience. P: HDFS 3321 . Emphasis on foundational language and literacy development of children in preschool and kindergarten.
  • HDFS 4123 - Learning Environments and Teaching Methods in Early Childhood Education

    3 F

    Requires practicum experience. P: HDFS 4121 , HDFS 4122 , HDFS 4200 , HDFS 4300 ; admission to upper division; RP: HDFS 3306 . Application of principles of development and learning, creation of appropriate environments, and planning and implementation of integrated curricula.
  • HDFS 4200 - Assessing Development and Learning in the Early Childhood Classroom

    3 WI F

    Practicum hours required. P: HDFS 3150 . Assessment skills necessary for documenting individual children’s learning and development to be compiled into classroom profiles used for planning appropriate individualized curriculum.
  • HDFS 4201 - Assessment for Intervention

    3 F

    Practicum hours required. P:  . Skills necessary to identify, evaluate, conduct appropriate assessments and link results to curriculum for identified children.
  • HDFS 4210 - Child Life Practicum

    3 F,S,SS

    1 conference and 8 participation hours per week. P: Child life major; HDFS 3413 , HDFS 4993 . C: HDFS 4410 . Practical experiences in child life programming and care for children with medical or other special needs.
  • HDFS 4300 - Birth through Kindergarten Curriculum Adaptations for Diverse Learners

    3 S

    Requires practicum experience. P: HDFS 3150 , HDFS 3321 . Application of recommended practices, structuring appropriate learning environments, adapting curricula, and planning activities for all young children from birth through kindergarten.
  • HDFS 4303 - Families and Cultural Diversity

    3 F,S DD

    P: HDFS 1103 . Comprehensive study of family diversity that occurs because of different cultural environments. Explores racial, ethnic, and economic differences. Emphasis on developing an understanding and appreciation for families with differing values and beliefs.
  • HDFS 4313 - Trends and Issues in Family Studies

    3 F,S,SS

    P: HDFS 1103 . Review and critique scholarly literature related to marriage and family relationships. Contemporary trends and issues that impact marriage and families will be explored.
  • HDFS 4320 - Practicum in Teaching Birth-Kindergarten in the Public Schools

    1 F

    Taken simultaneously with Senior 1 internship. P: Admission to upper division and consent of instructor; C: Senior I semester. Reflective study of professional issues in early childhood education and topics arising from internship experience.
  • HDFS 4325 - Internship Seminar: Issues in Birth-Kindergarten Education

    2 S

    P: Admission to upper division and consent of instructor; C: HDFS 4324 . Individualized study of problems and/or issues in birth through kindergarten education.
  • HDFS 4366 - Family Life Education

    3 F,S

    P: FCS major with junior or senior standing; HDFS 4000  with a C (2.0) or better. Introduction and critical analysis of family life education. Nature, history, intellectual and philosophical foundations, delivery, and evaluation of methods, materials, resources, and group processes.
  • HDFS 4380 - Grant Writing, Fundraising, and Leadership Development

    3 WI F,S

    P: FCS major with junior or senior standing; HDFS 2280 . Grant writing, fundraising, and leadership skills within the context of family and community services.
  • HDFS 4390 - Family Resource Management

    3 F

    Identification and management of family resources. Impact of decision making on families’ quality of life. Effect of resource generation and allocation on family relationships and well- being at different stages of family life.
  • HDFS 4406 - Parent-Professional Collaboration

    3 WI S

    P: HDFS 3306 . Strategies, leadership skills, and resources needed to facilitate collaboration between early childhood professionals and families.
  • HDFS 4408 - Administration of Programs for Young Children

    3 F

    P: HDFS 3321 . Planning, organizing, and administering programs for young children ages birth through five years.
  • HDFS 4410 - Professional Seminar

    1 F,S

    P: FCS or child life major with senior standing; 2.5 GPA; C: HDFS 4210  or HDFS 4366 . Develop professional practices. Topics vary.

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