Sep 27, 2024  
2017-2018 Graduate Catalog 
2017-2018 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]




  • BIOS 7022 - Biostatistics for Health Professionals II

    3 Formerly BIOS 6022

    P: BIOS 7021  with a grade of B or better or consent of instructor. Continuation of BIOS 7021 . Topics include ANOVA for multi-factor designs and analysis of single degree of freedom contrasts; randomized block and repeated measures designs; nonparametric methods for standard designs; multiple linear and logistic regression; and chi-square analysis of contingency tables.
  • BIOS 7501 - Experimental Design

    3 Formerly BIOS 6501

    P: BIOS 7021  or equivalent with a grade of B or better or consent of instructor. Experimental designs and their analysis. Topics include completely randomized, randomized block, Latin square, and split-unit designs; factorial treatment structures and repeated measures designs; multiple comparison procedures; tests of normality and homogeneity of variance; measures of effect size; and power considerations.
  • BIOS 7550 - Applied Multivariate Analysis

    3 Formerly BIOS 5450

    P: BIOS 7021  or equivalent with a grade of B or better or consent of instructor. Overview of the most commonly used multivariate statistical techniques. Topics include Hotelling’s T-square, MANOVA, discriminant analysis, cluster analysis, principal components, factor analysis, canonical correlation, multidimensional scaling, and correspondence analysis.
  • BIOS 7560 - Nonparametric Statistical Methods

    3 Formerly BIOS 5500

    P: BIOS 7021  or equivalent with a grade of B or better or consent of instructor. Statistical methods requiring less restrictive assumptions (than parametric methods) about the form of the population distribution. General linear rank statistics, tests and estimation of location, dispersion, regression, and association in the nonparametric setting.
  • BIOS 7570 - Introduction to Survival Analysis

    3 Formerly BIOS 5575

    P: BIOS 7021  or equivalent with a grade of B or better or consent of instructor. Statistical methods for time-to-event data, including censoring, hazard rates, estimation of survival curves, and methods to compare survival curves. Applications to clinical trials.
  • BIOS 7580 - Categorical Data Analysis

    3 Formerly BIOS 5600

    P: BIOS 7021  or equivalent with a grade of B or better or consent of instructor. Introduction to the analysis of categorized data; rates, ratios, and proportions; relative risk and odds ratio; Cochran-Mantel- Haenszel procedure; life table methods; linear models for categorical data. Applications in demography, epidemiology, and medicine.


  • BUSI 6001 - Internship in Business


    P: Consent of assistant dean for graduate programs. Part-time experience under the supervision of a business owner, manager, or business professional.
  • BUSI 6002 - Internship in Business


    P: Consent of assistant dean for graduate programs. Part-time experience under the supervision of a business owner, manager, or business professional.
  • BUSI 6003 - Internship in Business


    P: Consent of assistant dean for graduate programs. Part-time experience under the supervision of a business owner, manager, or business professional.

Business and Information Technologies Education

  • BITE 5200 - Microcomputer Business Graphics Applications

    3 F,S,SS

    P: BITE 4200 or consent of instructor. Advanced course in specialized graphics-oriented microcomputer applications software used to produce business documents, reports, brochures, newsletters, pamphlets, and other page or screen composition publications.
  • BITE 5205 - Teaching Special Populations in Business and Information Technologies Education


    P: SPED 2000 or equivalent. Emphasis on modification and development of materials, curricula, and programs for special populations in career and technical education.
  • BITE 5388 - Seminar in Business and Information Technologies Education

    3 F,S,SS

    May be repeated for credit with change of topic. P/C: Problem areas of major concern in business and information technologies education.
  • BITE 5389 - Seminar in Business and Information Technologies Education

    3 F,S,SS

    May be repeated for credit with change of topic. P/C: Problem areas of major concern in business and information technologies education.
  • BITE 5390 - Seminar in Business and Information Technologies Education

    3 F,S,SS

    May be repeated for credit with change of topic. P/C: Problem areas of major concern in business and information technologies education.
  • BITE 5500 - Independent Study in Business and Information Technologies Education

    3 F,S,SS

    P: Senior or graduate standing. Independent study, research, and investigation in business and information technologies education.
  • BITE 5503 - Integrating Information Processing Technology into Business and Information Technologies Education

    3 F, S, SS

    P: For undergraduate students: Senior or graduate standing; consent of dept chair. Integration of information processing technology into career and technical education curricula.
  • BITE 6024 - MAT Internship


    P: TCHR 6010 , TCHR 6011 . Supervised teaching in high school business and marketing education with emphasis on reflective decision-making.
  • BITE 6100 - Designing Virtual Environments in Business and Information Technology Education


    Use of specialized software and microcomputer applications for designing virtual environments.
  • BITE 6103 - Facilities Planning and Management in Business and Information Technologies Education


    Planning building facilities for business and information technologies education.
  • BITE 6400 - Foundations and Management of Retailing for Marketing Education


    Emphasis on retailing and wholesaling institutions, their development, roles in distribution structure, strategies, and practical technical problems. Basic functions of buying, selling, physical distribution, and risk.
  • BITE 6410 - Social, Legal, and Ethical Environments in Business and Information Technologies Education


    Major ideas and institutions that comprise important part of environment within which business and educational transactions occur.
  • BITE 6420 - Problems in Business and Information Technologies Education


    Selected issues in information technologies and development of technology-based solutions.
  • BITE 6422 - Problems in Business and Information Technologies Education


    May be repeated for credit with change of topic. Special topics in selected areas of business and information technologies education.
  • BITE 6423 - Problems in Business and Information Technologies Education


    May be repeated for credit with change of topic. Special topics in selected areas of business and information technologies education.
  • BITE 6424 - Problems in Business and Information Technologies Education


    May be repeated for credit with change of topic. Special topics in selected areas of business and information technologies education.
  • BITE 6426 - Supervision in Business and Information Technologies Education


    Theory, principles, and procedures in supervision as they relate to improvement of instruction and pupil and teacher growth.
  • BITE 6428 - Instructional Strategies for Business and Information Technologies Education


    Planning and implementation of effective instructional procedures for information technology, business or career and technical education.
  • BITE 6430 - Computer Concepts and Applications for Business and Information Technologies Education


    Business-related computer concepts and applications. Hands-on experience using various hardware and software.
  • BITE 6435 - Instructional Strategies for Technical Training


    Development of training strategies, concepts, and materials for enhancing instruction through computer technology.
  • BITE 6450 - Evaluation in Business and Information Technologies Education


    Methods and techniques of evaluating business and information technologies education students, teachers, programs, and facilities.
  • BITE 6700 - Website Design and Maintenance


    Use of specialized software and microcomputer applications for the production and maintenance of websites in Business and Information Technology Education.
  • BITE 6750 - Contemporary Business and Information Technologies Education Research


    Contemporary research and evaluation techniques for business and information technologies education.
  • BITE 7000 - Thesis


    May be repeated. May count maximum of 6 s.h.
  • BITE 7001 - Thesis: Summer Research


    May be repeated. No credit may count toward degree. Students conducting thesis research may only register for this course during the summer.


  • ART 5100 - Ceramics Studio IX


    P: For graduate students: May count as an elective with consent of instructor. Senior projects in ceramic art and design Slide portfolio requirement and senior exhibition.
  • ART 5110 - Ceramics Studio X


    P: For graduate students: May count as an elective with consent of instructor. Advanced projects in ceramic art and design.
  • ART 6100 - Problems in Ceramics


    To be taken in sequence.
  • ART 6101 - Problems in Ceramics


    To be taken in sequence.
  • ART 6102 - Problems in Ceramics


    To be taken in sequence.
  • ART 6103 - Problems in Ceramics


    To be taken in sequence.
  • ART 6104 - Problems in Ceramics


    To be taken in sequence.
  • ART 6105 - Problems in Ceramics


    To be taken in sequence.
  • ART 6106 - Problems in Ceramics


    To be taken in sequence.
  • ART 6107 - Problems in Ceramics


    To be taken in sequence.


  • CHEM 5350 - Instrumental Analysis

    3 WI

    3 lecture hours per week. P: CHEM 3960; C: CHEM 5351 . Theory and practical uses of modern instrumental methods of chemical analysis.
  • CHEM 5351 - Instrumental Analysis Laboratory

    1 WI

    3 lab hours per week. P: CHEM 3960; C: CHEM 5350 . Theory and practical uses of modern instrumental methods of chemical analysis.
  • CHEM 5525 - Special Topics


    May be repeated for credit with change of topic. P: Consent of instructor. Selected topics of current interest in areas of analytical, inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry.
  • CHEM 5526 - Special Topics


    May be repeated for credit with change of topic. P: Consent of instructor. Selected topics of current interest in areas of analytical, inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry.
  • CHEM 5527 - Special Topics


    May be repeated for credit with change of topic. P: Consent of instructor. Selected topics of current interest in areas of analytical, inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry.
  • CHEM 5550 - Advanced Inorganic Chemistry

    4 F

    P: CHEM 3950; C: CHEM 3451 (for BS chemistry majors only). Advanced treatment of atomic and molecular structure, molecular symmetry, group theory, MO theory, the solid state and ionic bonding, transition metal coordination and organometallic compounds, homogeneous catalysis, and acid-base, redox, and bioinorganic chemistry.
  • CHEM 5750 - Advanced Organic Chemistry


    P: CHEM 2760; P/C: CHEM 3960. Physical organic topics, including aromaticity, acid/base chemistry, reactive intermediates, mechanisms of common organic reactions, and relationship between structure and reactivity.
  • CHEM 5760 - Organic Structure Elucidation


    P: Consent of instructor. Applies modern instrumental methods to elucidation of structures of organic compounds, with particular regard to elucidation of complex structures from combined application of spectral tools.
  • CHEM 5993 - Industrial Internship in Chemistry


    25-30 lab hours per week. May count maximum of 3 s.h. toward CHEM major. May be repeated. P: Selection by joint Department of Chemistry/Industry screening committee; CHEM 2250, 2760, 3950. Professional experience in industrial application of chemistry.
  • CHEM 6103 - Chemistry Seminar


    May be repeated. Presentations of assigned topics on contemporary research and attendance at departmental seminars.
  • CHEM 6210 - Organic and Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms


    P: CHEM 2750, CHEM 3450, CHEM 3950. Framework of data analysis and fundamental theories for understanding organic and inorganic reaction mechanisms with emphasis on utilizing tools of mechanistic analysis to examine a wide variety of modern organic and inorganic reactions, including: substitutions, eliminations, organometallic and related catalytic, photochemical, and electron transfer reactions.
  • CHEM 6220 - Physical Principles of Biochemistry


    P: Consent of instructor. Application of concepts from physical chemistry to the study of biological macromolecules and assemblies, including proteins, nucleic acids, membranes, and lipids.
  • CHEM 6230 - Advanced Applications of Analytical Methods


    P: Consent of instructor. In-depth study of the theory and research applications of statistics, sampling and data analysis, spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, separation science, and quantitative organic analysis.
  • CHEM 6501 - Research


    May be repeated. Participation in faculty mentor’s research program.
  • CHEM 6502 - Research


    May be repeated.
  • CHEM 6503 - Research


    May be repeated.
  • CHEM 6504 - Research


    May be repeated.
  • CHEM 6505 - Research


    May be repeated.
  • CHEM 6524 - Special Topics in Analytical Chemistry


    May be repeated for credit with change of topic for a given course number. P: CHEM 5350  or equivalent. Lectures in restricted area of contemporary analytical chemistry. Variable topics and content include spectrometry, chromatography, electrochemical techniques, mass spectrometry, chemometrics, and chemical instrumentation.
  • CHEM 6525 - Special Topics in Analytical Chemistry


    May be repeated for credit with change of topic for a given course number. P: CHEM 5350  or equivalent. Lectures in restricted area of contemporary analytical chemistry. Variable topics and content include spectrometry, chromatography, electrochemical techniques, mass spectrometry, chemometrics, and chemical instrumentation.
  • CHEM 6526 - Special Topics in Analytical Chemistry


    May be repeated for credit with change of topic for a given course number. P: CHEM 5350  or equivalent. Lectures in restricted area of contemporary analytical chemistry. Variable topics and content include spectrometry, chromatography, electrochemical techniques, mass spectrometry, chemometrics, and chemical instrumentation.
  • CHEM 6527 - Special Topics in Inorganic Chemistry


    May be repeated for credit with change of topic for a given course number. P: CHEM 5550  or equivalent. Lectures in restricted area of contemporary inorganic chemistry. Variable topics and content include structure and bonding, transition metal organometallic chemistry and homogeneous catalysis, inorganic kinetics and mechanisms, and physical methods in inorganic chemistry.
  • CHEM 6528 - Special Topics in Inorganic Chemistry


    May be repeated for credit with change of topic for a given course number. P: CHEM 5550  or equivalent. Lectures in restricted area of contemporary inorganic chemistry. Variable topics and content include structure and bonding, transition metal organometallic chemistry and homogeneous catalysis, inorganic kinetics and mechanisms, and physical methods in inorganic chemistry.
  • CHEM 6529 - Special Topics in Inorganic Chemistry


    May be repeated for credit with change of topic for a given course number. P: CHEM 5550  or equivalent. Lectures in restricted area of contemporary inorganic chemistry. Variable topics and content include structure and bonding, transition metal organometallic chemistry and homogeneous catalysis, inorganic kinetics and mechanisms, and physical methods in inorganic chemistry.
  • CHEM 6530 - Special Topics in Organic Chemistry


    May be repeated for credit with change of topic for a given course number. P: Consent of instructor. Lectures in a restricted area of contemporary organic chemistry. Variable topics and content include polymer chemistry, photochemistry, stereochemistry, physical-organic chemistry, and modern synthetic techniques.
  • CHEM 6531 - Special Topics in Organic Chemistry


    May be repeated for credit with change of topic for a given course number. P: Consent of instructor. Lectures in a restricted area of contemporary organic chemistry. Variable topics and content include polymer chemistry, photochemistry, stereochemistry, physical-organic chemistry, and modern synthetic techniques.
  • CHEM 6532 - Special Topics in Organic Chemistry


    May be repeated for credit with change of topic for a given course number. P: Consent of instructor. Lectures in a restricted area of contemporary organic chemistry. Variable topics and content include polymer chemistry, photochemistry, stereochemistry, physical-organic chemistry, and modern synthetic techniques.
  • CHEM 6533 - Special Topics in Physical Chemistry


    May be repeated for credit with change of topic for a given course number. P: Consent of instructor. Lectures in restricted area of contemporary physical chemistry. Variable topics and content include kinetics, spectroscopy, thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, nuclear chemistry, quantum chemistry, and interfacial and colloid chemistry.
  • CHEM 6534 - Special Topics in Physical Chemistry


    May be repeated for credit with change of topic for a given course number. P: Consent of instructor. Lectures in restricted area of contemporary physical chemistry. Variable topics and content include kinetics, spectroscopy, thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, nuclear chemistry, quantum chemistry, and interfacial and colloid chemistry.
  • CHEM 6535 - Special Topics in Physical Chemistry


    May be repeated for credit with change of topic for a given course number. P: Consent of instructor. Lectures in restricted area of contemporary physical chemistry. Variable topics and content include kinetics, spectroscopy, thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, nuclear chemistry, quantum chemistry, and interfacial and colloid chemistry.
  • CHEM 6998 - Major Research Project


    P: Consent of advisor. Formulate research project demonstrating principles and procedures used to recognize, state, solve, and write problems of chemical importance. Requires formal seminar presentation of completed project and paper.
  • CHEM 7000 - Thesis


    May be repeated. May count maximum of 3 s.h.
  • CHEM 7001 - Thesis: Summer Research


    May be repeated. No credit may count toward degree. Students conducting thesis research may only register for this course during the summer.
  • CHEM 7301 - Teaching Laboratory


    P: Consent of chair. Instruction in the methods of teaching laboratory.
  • CHEM 7520 - Pharmaceutical Analysis


    P: Consent of chair. Theory and application of contemporary techniques for the analysis of pharmaceutical compounds and other relevant species.
  • CHEM 7522 - Current Good Manufacturing Practices


    P: Consent of chair. Regulations, laws, and skills involved in good laboratory and manufacturing practices (GLP) and good manufacturing practices (cGMP).
  • CHEM 7524 - Advanced Analytical Chemistry

    3 Formerly CHEM 6250

    P: Consent of chair. In-depth study of theory and research applications of statistics, sampling and data analysis, spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, separation science, and quantitative organic analysis.
  • CHEM 7530 - Medicinal Chemistry


    P: Consent of chair. Study of the mechanism of drug action and the application of organic chemistry methodologies to the synthesis of biologically active substances such as therapeutic drugs, toxins, and drugs of abuse.
  • CHEM 7532 - Organic Synthesis

    3 Formerly CHEM 6750

    P: CHEM 2760 or consent of chair. Synthetically useful organic reactions and strategies in organic synthesis.
  • CHEM 7534 - Natural Product Synthesis


    P: CHEM 7532  or consent of instructor. Synthetic methodologies used in the synthesis of complex natural products.
  • CHEM 7540 - Biophysical Techniques for Studying Biological Structure


    P: Consent of chair. Theory and application of techniques for the study of biological structure and function.
  • CHEM 7541 - Biomolecular Modeling; Theory and Applications


    P: Consent of chair. Computational molecular modeling and quantum chemistry of biologically relevant systems.
  • CHEM 7542 - Advanced Theoretical Chemistry

    3 Formerly CHEM 6950

    P: Consent of chair. Discussion of quantum mechanics, molecular orbital theory, valence bond theory, chemical spectroscopy, and group theory.
  • CHEM 7993 - Pharmaceutical Internship


    May be repeated. May count maximum of 6 s.h. P: Consent of chair. Professional experience in pharmaceutical application of chemistry.
  • CHEM 8810 - Methods and Techniques


    Must be repeated for a minimum of 6 s.h. May count a maximum of 9 s.h. P: Consent of chair. Rotation through research laboratories supervised by program faculty members.
  • CHEM 8815 - Seminar


    May be repeated. May count maximum of 3 s.h. P: Consent of chair. Seminar presentations on research or critical review of current literature topics by students in IDPBS.
  • CHEM 8820 - Special Topics in Pharmaceutical Chemistry


    May be repeated for credit with change of topic. P: Consent of chair. Topics reflect new scientific developments in pharmaceutical chemistry.
  • CHEM 8830 - Introduction to Research


    May be repeated. May count a maximum of 15 s.h. P: Consent of chair. Design of experimental protocols and participation in preceptor’s research program.
  • CHEM 9000 - Dissertation Research


    May be repeated. May count a maximum of 36 s.h. This course is graded S or U and is not included in meeting the cumulative “B” average required for graduation.

Coastal and Marine Studies

  • COAS 5001 - Coastal Marine Resources Problem Analysis


    Equivalent of 60 hours of research per semester. P: Research project approved by instructor. Analysis of recognized problem in coastal marine resources in consultation with assigned faculty.
  • COAS 5002 - Coastal Marine Resources Problem Analysis


    Equivalent of 60 hours of research per semester. P: Research project approved by instructor. Analysis of recognized problem in coastal marine resources in consultation with assigned faculty.
  • COAS 6000 - Scientific Diving and Underwater Research Techniques

    3 Formerly COAS 5000 

    P: Basic SCUBA certification (or equivalent) and consent of instructor. Fundamentals of scientific diving, including the use of Nitrox, specialized diving equipment, emergency procedures, and sampling techniques. Successful completion of this course and scientific diver qualification may be used to meet AAUS and ECU scientific diver certification requirements.

Coastal Resources Management

  • CRM 7005 - Human Dimensions of Coastal Management


    P: Graduate standing in coastal resources management PhD program or consent of instructor. Concepts, theories, and frameworks of human values, attitudes and behavior related to coastal resources.
  • CRM 7006 - Seminar in Coastal Issues and Professional Development


    Must be repeated for a maximum of 4 s.h. Topics include analysis of coastal issues, proposal and dissertation preparation, professional communications, and ethics in research.
  • CRM 7007 - Research Design in Marine and Coastal Studies

    3 Formerly CRM 6200

    P: Graduate standing in coastal resources management PhD program or consent of instructor. Fundamentals of planning, evaluation, and implementation in marine research.
  • CRM 7008 - Data Analysis


    P: Graduate standing in coastal resources management PhD program or consent of instructor. Statistical, quantitative, qualitative, and spatial techniques for coastal research.

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