Sep 26, 2024  
2012-2013 Graduate Catalog 
2012-2013 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]




  • MUSC 6457 - Advanced Vocal Accompanying


    May be repeated for credit. Extensive study of techniques correlated with practical experience of performing with vocal majors. Accompanying of vocal music major in half recital in one of two semesters.
  • MUSC 6467 - Advanced Vocal Accompanying


    May be repeated for credit. Extensive study of techniques correlated with practical experience of performing with vocal majors. Accompanying of vocal music major in half recital in one of two semesters.
  • MUSC 6557 - Advanced Instrumental Accompanying/Chamber Music


    May be repeated for credit. Extensive study of techniques correlated with practical experience of performing with instrumental majors. Accompanying of instrumental music major in half recital in one semester.
  • MUSC 6567 - Advanced Instrumental Accompanying/Chamber Music


    May be repeated for credit. Extensive study of techniques correlated with practical experience of performing with instrumental majors. Accompanying of instrumental music major in half recital in one semester.
  • MUSC 6993 - Graduate Recital


    May be repeated for credit. P: Acceptance in MM degree in accompanying; prior approval by appropriate faculty necessary before recital may be scheduled. Public performance of instrumental musical compositions appropriate to MM degree in accompanying.
  • MUSC 6994 - Graduate Recital


    May be repeated for credit. P: Acceptance in MM degree in accompanying; prior approval by appropriate faculty necessary before recital may be scheduled. Public performance of vocal musical compositions appropriate to MM degree in accompanying.


  • ACCT 6221 - Principles of Accounting and Finance


    Generation and flow of financial information through the accounting system as well as financial control, capital budgeting, time value of money, ratio analysis, and valuation.
  • ACCT 6231 - Principles of Business


    Functions of business from organizational structure and human resource management to marketing behavior.
  • ACCT 6241 - Financial and Managerial Accounting


    May not count toward the MSA. Generation and flow of financial information through accounting system and its uses by management in decision-making process.
  • ACCT 6301 - Fraud Examination


    May not count toward the MSA. P: ACCT 6241  Basic understanding of fraud prevention, detection concepts, and examination techniques.
  • ACCT 6521 - Accounting for Decision Making


    May not count toward the MSA. P: ACCT 6241 . Managerial accounting, cost theories, and applications and their effect on decision making.
  • ACCT 6611 - Auditing


    P: ACCT 6631 . Auditing standards and procedures and their relation to principles and systems of internal control of business operations.
  • ACCT 6621 - Intermediate Financial Accounting Theory


    P: ACCT 6221  Principles and concepts underlying the compilation of financial statements along with financial reporting problems and contemporary financial accounting issues.
  • ACCT 6631 - Advanced Cost and Systems


    P/C: ACCT 6221 . Types of cost accounting for planning, control, and product cost combined with the study of the accounting system.
  • ACCT 6641 - Advanced & Governmental Accounting


    P: ACCT 6621 . Business combinations, other advanced accounting topics and the principles underlying the compilation/presentation of governmental and nonprofit financial statements.
  • ACCT 6701 - Regulation


    P: ACCT 6891 , ACCT 6911 ; P/C: ACCT 6901 . Regulatory issues confronting accountants and AICPA standards for professional responsibility.
  • ACCT 6801 - Accounting Theory


    P: ACCT 6221 . Accounting principles, practices, and procedures of complex business enterprises.
  • ACCT 6811 - Cost Accounting Theory


    P: ACCT 6221 . Basic concepts underlying cost accounting and use of knowledge in studying contemporary business environment.
  • ACCT 6891 - Federal Income Taxation


    P/C: ACCT 6221 . General income tax theory and applications to problems encountered by individuals and businesses. Compliance, planning, and research.
  • ACCT 6901 - Advanced Federal Taxation


    P: ACCT 6891 . Income tax issues encountered by corporations, partnerships, and families. Includes gift and estate taxation, research and compliance procedures, and planning for maximization of after-tax benefits for multiple entities.
  • ACCT 6911 - Research in Taxation


    P: ACCT 6891 . Federal taxation at research level. Research for individuals and corporations. Introduction to estates and trusts.
  • ACCT 6921 - Advanced Taxation of Partnerships


    P: ACCT 6891 . Federal taxation of partnerships, S-corporations, and limited liability companies.
  • ACCT 6931 - Advanced Taxation of Estates


    P: ACCT 6891 . Federal taxation of estates, trusts, and gifts.
  • ACCT 6951 - Auditing Seminar


    P: ACCT 6611 , ACCT 6891  P/C: ACCT 6901 . Conceptual framework of independent auditing. Emphasis on development of theory, methodology, standards, and practice.
  • ACCT 6961 - Information Technology Auditing


    P: ACCT 6611 . Fundamental concepts of the information technology (IT) security audit and control process in government, financial, and healthcare industries.
  • ACCT 6971 - Corporate Governance and Accounting Ethics


    P: ACCT 6221  Fundamental concepts of corporate governance and accounting ethics.
  • ACCT 6981 - The Professional Accounting Environment


    P: ACCT 6611 , ACCT 6891 ; P/C: ACCT 6901 . Advanced accounting topics, the audit, and contemporary issues and problems. Emphasis on cost accounting, international accounting, business combinations, taxation, and practical application.
  • ACCT 6991 - Advanced Topics in Accounting


    P: ACCT 6901 . Investigation of specific problems in accounting.

Accounting Banked Courses

  • ACCT 6831 - Taxation and Business Decisions


Adult Education

  • ADED 6001 - Special Topics Seminar


    May be repeated for maximum of 6 s.h. P: Consent of instructor. Focused study in selected topics in adult education.
  • ADED 6002 - Special Topics Seminar


    May be repeated for maximum of 6 s.h. P: Consent of instructor. Focused study in selected topics in adult education.
  • ADED 6003 - Special Topics Seminar


    May be repeated for maximum of 6 s.h. P: Consent of instructor. Focused study in selected topics in adult education.
  • ADED 6240 - Effective College Teaching


    Basic principles and practice of effective teaching at college level. Conceptual understanding and experiential skills in planning, implementing, and evaluating college instruction.
  • ADED 6307 - Proposal Writing for Grants and Contracts


    Sources of support of sponsored programs. Design of proposals for research, training/education, public service, development, and other types of grants and contracts. Emphasis on practical application of knowledge and techniques for proposal preparation.
  • ADED 6379 - Issues and Strategies in Adult Literacy


    Educational, psychological, social, cultural, and political problems that may be present for adults with low levels of literacy. Strategies and practical applications developed for understanding, motivating, and teaching under-educated adult.
  • ADED 6445 - Introduction to Adult and Community Education


    P: Baccalaureate degree. Overview of adult education to aid student in conceptualizing social, historical, and philosophical nature of the field.
  • ADED 6446 - Community Education and Community Development


    P: ADED 6445 . Relationship between community education and community development and agencies and institutions in community. Techniques for assessing, coordinating, and delivering services through persons trained as community education specialists.
  • ADED 6450 - Community, Junior, and Technical College


    Philosophy, roles, organization, and historical foundations of community, junior, and technical colleges as specific institutions designed to meet educational needs of a rapidly changing society.
  • ADED 6453 - The Adult Learner


    Uniqueness of adult as learner. Development and changes in adulthood that affect learning process.
  • ADED 6454 - Educational Gerontology


    Developmental process of aging through sociological, physiological, and psychological aspects. Emphasis on overall educational implications, particularly resources and program planning related to all areas of older adult population.
  • ADED 6461 - Introduction to Training and Development


    Current writings and research, models of training and development, and relationship between training and development and other human resource specialty areas.
  • ADED 6462 - Seminar in Training and Development


    P: ADED 6461 . Advanced understanding of current problems, issues, and trends in training and development in business, industry, health care, and governmental agencies.
  • ADED 6481 - Development of Adult Education Programs


    Concepts, theories, processes, and practices essential to developing programs for adult learners.
  • ADED 6484 - Organization and Administration of Adult Education


    Organizational practices, principles, and theories as applicable to adult education organizations. Emphasis on specific administrative policies and functions.
  • ADED 6487 - Instructional Strategies in Adult Education


    Methods and techniques for effective instruction of adults in a variety of settings. Emphasis on concepts, theories, and principles relevant to the selection, use, and evaluation of instructional strategies.
  • ADED 6490 - Issues and Trends in Adult Education


    May be repeated for a maximum of 6 s.h. P: Consent of instructor. Current issues, trends, and controversies that affect adult and continuing education practice, including emerging technological, sociocultural, economic, demographic, and ethical issues.
  • ADED 6491 - Research Problems in Adult Education


    Advanced study on use, understanding, and critique of existing educational research, including methodologies, ethics of research, thesis, and manuscript preparation.
  • ADED 6492 - Directed Readings in Adult and Community Education


    P: 12 s.h. of ADED coursework. Advanced exploration of literature in adult and community education under direction of adult education faculty.
  • ADED 6493 - Directed Readings in Adult and Community Education


    P: 12 s.h. of ADED coursework. Advanced exploration of literature in adult and community education under direction of adult education faculty.
  • ADED 6495 - Educational Program Evaluation


    Components and processes of effective educational program evaluation.
  • ADED 6550 - Leadership and Communication Skills in Education

    3 Same as Same as ELEM 6550 

    Teacher leadership, communication, and reflective practice in schools. Skill development enhances communication and collaboration with families, students, and educational professionals. Addresses organizational challenges and facilitates positive change.
  • ADED 6590 - Multicultural Issues in Education


    Role of culture in varying learning venues and contexts, the socio-cultural and political nature of education, and the relationship of power in the teaching/learning transaction.
  • ADED 6600 - Introduction to International Higher Education Administration


    Administrative aspects of international education on university campuses in the United States and abroad.
  • ADED 6690 - Current Topics in International Higher Education Administration


    P: ADED 6600 . Applied case study to addressing contemporary issues in international education.
  • ADED 6989 - Internship in Adult Education


    Full-time or part-time experience under the supervision of an expert adult education practitioner.
  • ADED 6990 - Internship in Adult Education


    Full-time or part-time experience under the supervision of an expert adult education practitioner.
  • ADED 7000 - Thesis


    May be repeated for a maximum of 6 s.h.
  • ADED 7001 - Thesis: Summer Research


    May be repeated. No credit may count toward degree. Students conducting thesis research may only register for this course during the summer.
  • ADED 7580 - Introduction to Medical Education


    Review of the historical roots and continuum of medical education, instructional methods, accreditation requirements, and research of medical education.

Anatomy and Cell Biology

  • ANAT 6290 - Current Topics in Anatomy and Cell Biology


    May be repeated more than once. P: Admission to a BSOM graduate program or consent of chair. Read and discuss literature in selected fields relevant to anatomy. Format and subject matter may be tailored to needs of individual student or small group of students at discretion of chair, student’s advisory committee, and faculty member willing to direct readings.
  • ANAT 6291 - Current Topics in Anatomy and Cell Biology


    May be repeated more than once. P: Admission to a BSOM graduate program or consent of chair. Read and discuss literature in selected fields relevant to anatomy. Format and subject matter may be tailored to needs of individual student or small group of students at discretion of chair, student’s advisory committee, and faculty member willing to direct readings.
  • ANAT 6292 - Current Topics in Anatomy and Cell Biology


    May be repeated more than once. P: Admission to a BSOM graduate program or consent of chair. Read and discuss literature in selected fields relevant to anatomy. Format and subject matter may be tailored to needs of individual student or small group of students at discretion of chair, student’s advisory committee, and faculty member willing to direct readings.
  • ANAT 7200 - Gross Anatomy and Embryology


    P: Admission to the Anatomy and Cell Biology graduate program or consent of chair. Human anatomy based on systematic dissection of human body with emphasis on structure-function relationships. Pertinent human embryology and radiologic anatomy integrated topically with area of body being dissected. Relevance of different areas of anatomy and embryology to clinical procedures and/or disease processes presented by practicing clinicians.
  • ANAT 7202 - Molecular Cell Biology

    4 Same as Same as MCBI 7410 

  • ANAT 7210 - Histology and Cell Biology


    P: Admission to a BSOM graduate program or consent of chair. Emphasis on light microscopic features of cells, tissue, and organs. Electron microscopic features of cell organelles studied to highlight functions basic to all cells. Both histological and cell biological features integrated with physiological function, pathological abnormalities, and pharmacological treatment.
  • ANAT 7215 - Medical Neuroscience

    5 Same as Same as PHLY 7730 

    P: Admission to a BSOM graduate program or consent of chair. Comprehensive survey and function of human nervous system, including introduction to clinical neuroscience. Lab sessions include dissection of human brain and study of prospected specimens.
  • ANAT 7230 - Developmental Biology

    2-4 Not offered every year.

    P: Admission to a BSOM graduate program or consent of chair. Discuss contemporary concepts in developmental biology. Human embryological formation clearly traced to various cell and molecular biological mechanisms for clear understanding of their role, which is crucial in understanding normal, abnormal, and oncogenic development in humans.
  • ANAT 7240 - Research Problems in Cell Biology*


    Register for course for 3 semesters. P: Admission to the Anatomy and Cell Biology Graduate program or consent of chair. Allow student to begin research activity and explore thesis research topics under guidance of scientist with ongoing research project. Student carefully guided to formulate hypothesis, design experiments, collect data, analyze data, and make conclusions so that research efforts will have high likelihood for seminar presentation, abstract/poster presentation at a national meeting, or journal publication.
  • ANAT 7250 - Seminar in Cell Biology*


    Register for course for 4 semesters. P: Admission to the Anatomy and Cell Biology Graduate program or consent of chair. Student will attend dept seminar series comprised of well-respect scientists describing their recent methodology and research results in current and exciting cell biological problems as related to clinical issues. Students present formal seminar in chosen cell biological area under guidance of faculty. Faculty will instruct students in scientific content, proper slide preparation, organization, basic public speaking skills, handling of audience questions, audience awareness, and stage presence.
  • ANAT 7345 - Cell Motility

    2 Same as Same as BIOC 7345; BIOL 7345

    P: General chemistry, organic chemistry, general biology, and general physics; or consent of instructor. Multidisciplinary exploration of mechanism, structure, and function of motile systems essential for eukaryotic life.
  • ANAT 9000 - Dissertation Research*


    May be repeated. May count maximum of 36 s.h. This course is graded S or U and is not included in meeting the cumulative “B” average required for graduation.
  • ANAT 9001 - Dissertation: Summer Research


    May be repeated. No credit may count toward degree. Students conducting dissertation research may only register for this course during the summer.


  • ANTH 5005 - Contemporary Latin American Cultures


    Introduces varied and diverse cultural groups in modern Latin America.
  • ANTH 5010 - Advanced Archaeological Methods and Theory


    P: ANTH 3077 or equivalent or consent of instructor. Advanced survey of methodology relevant to analysis of archaeological cultures Emphasis on research design, processes of culture change, and theoretical applications.
  • ANTH 5015 - Advanced Ethnographic Methods and Theory


    3 hours per week and field research projects. P: ANTH 3050 or equivalent or consent of instructor. Advanced training in ethnographic field methods and theory. Emphasis on individual and group research.
  • ANTH 5030 - Economic Anthropology


    P: ANTH 2200 or consent of instructor. Production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services from an anthropological perspective. Emphasis on ways in which society and culture influence economic behaviors in underdeveloped regions.
  • ANTH 5065 - Maritime Anthropology


    P: ANTH 2200 or consent of instructor. Systematic study of human adaptations to marine environments around the world from prehistoric to contemporary periods. Emphasis on cross-cultural examinations of nonindustrial societies.
  • ANTH 5120 - Archaeology of the Southeastern US


    P: ANTH 2000 or consent of instructor. Intensive study of prehistoric cultures in Southeastern US. Emphasis on cultural dynamics and environmental relationships.
  • ANTH 5125 - Historical Archaeology


    P: ANTH 2000 or consent of instructor. Development and practice of historical archaeology with theoretical and methodological contributions. Contemporary issues, including ongoing projects in NC and Southeast.
  • ANTH 5126 - Public Archaeology


    P: ANTH 2000 or consent of instructor. Pragmatic approach to archaeology beyond the academic setting, including legislative mandates, contract archaeology, and public education.
  • ANTH 5175 - Advanced Archaeological Field Training


    40 hours of field research per week (summer). P: ANTH 3077 or 3175 or equivalent; or consent of instructor. Research methods applied to specific archaeological field problems.
  • ANTH 5201 - Special Topics in Archaeology


    May be repeated for maximum of 6 sh. P: Graduate standing or consent of instructor. Advanced level Topics vary depending on student interest and current issues.
  • ANTH 5202 - Special Topics in Cultural Anthropology


    May be repeated for maximum of 6 sh. P: Graduate standing or consent of instructor. Advanced level Topics vary depending on student interest and current issues.
  • ANTH 5203 - Special Topics in Physical Anthropology


    May be repeated for maximum of 6 sh. P: Graduate standing or consent of instructor. Advanced level Topics vary depending on student interest and current issues.
  • ANTH 6007 - Medical Anthropology and Public Health: A Global Perspective

    3 Same as Same as MPH 6007 

    Explores the issues related to the fields of medical anthropology and public health leading toward developing global health interventions.
  • ANTH 6020 - Advanced Physical Anthropology Methods and Theory


    P: Graduate standing or consent of instructor. Advanced training. Primate behavior, human genetics, anthroposcopy, anthropometry, dermatoglyphics, and osteometry.
  • ANTH 6101 - Core Course: Archaeology


    P: Admission to anthropology graduate program or consent of instructor. Methodological concepts, cultural-historical applications, and theoretical orientations appropriate to contemporary research in archaeology.
  • ANTH 6102 - Core Course: Cultural Anthropology


    P: Admission to anthropology graduate program or consent of instructor. Contemporary research in subfield of cultural anthropology.
  • ANTH 6103 - Core Course: Physical Anthropology


    P: Admission to anthropology graduate program or consent of instructor. Contemporary research in subfield of physical anthropology.
  • ANTH 6104 - Anthropological Research Design


    P: Admission to anthropology graduate program or consent of instructor. Analytical techniques most useful to anthropologists. Persuasive writing and organizational skills necessary to develop effective research program.
  • ANTH 6106 - Anthropological Perspectives of Security


    P: Graduate standing or consent of instructor. Explores security and violence issues related to cultural anthropology.
  • ANTH 6225 - Battlefield Archaeology

    3 Same as Same as HIST 6225 

    Theoretical and practical approaches to the analysis of battlefields using archaeology, history, and material culture.
  • ANTH 6501 - Independent Reading and Research


    May be repeated for maximum of 6 s.h. for thesis and internship option and 3 s.h. for non-thesis option. P: Consent of instructor. Intensive research in selected sub-discipline of anthropology.
  • ANTH 6502 - Independent Reading and Research


    May be repeated for maximum of 6 s.h. for thesis and internship option and 3 s.h. for non-thesis option. P: Consent of instructor. Intensive research in selected sub-discipline of anthropology.
  • ANTH 6503 - Independent Reading and Research


    May be repeated for maximum of 6 s.h. for thesis and internship option and 3 s.h. for non-thesis option. P: Consent of instructor. Intensive research in selected sub-discipline of anthropology.
  • ANTH 6845 - Advanced Archaeological and Museum Artifact Conservation

    3 Same as Same as MAST 6845  and HIST 6845 

    P: Consent of instructor. Advanced archaeological and curatorial artifact conservation, stabilization, and micro-excavation techniques and training.
  • ANTH 6860 - Archaeological and Museum Conservation Methods Internship

    3 Same as Same as MAST 6860  and HIST 6860 

    P: HIST 6840  and consent of instructor. Internship in Archaeological and Museum artifact conservation and artifact conservation laboratory operations.
  • ANTH 6993 - Internship


    140 hours of supervised field experience. P: Admission to ANTH graduate program.
  • ANTH 6994 - Internship


    141 hours of supervised field experience. P: Admission to ANTH graduate program.
  • ANTH 7000 - Thesis


    May be repeated. May count maximum of 3 s.h.

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