Feb 08, 2025  
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog 
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Advisement, Progression and Support Services


General Information

Academic Calendars

ECU’s academic calendars for fall and spring semesters as well as summer sessions and the university’s examination schedule are available at http://www.ecu.edu/fsonline/senate/fscalend.cfm.

Authority in the Regulation of Student Affairs and Student Conduct and Discipline

The Chancellor has the ability to exercise full authority in the regulation of student affairs and student conduct and discipline.

Classification of Students

In a regular semester, a student who registers for 12 or more semester hours is classified as full time. A student registered for less than 12 semester hours is classified as part-time. In order to graduate in eight semesters of attendance, a student in a typical degree program (120-128 semester hours) must average 15-16 semester hours of credit per semester.

Students will be classified as to class standing as follows:

Freshman: 1-29 semester hours credit
Sophomore: 30-59 semester hours credit
Junior: 60-89 semester hours credit
Senior: 90 or more semester hours credit

Semester System

Courses are offered in fall and spring semesters, each comprising fourteen weeks plus an additional week at the close of each semester for exams. There are two summer session schedule formats: one eleven-week session, and two five-week one-half terms.

Students entering the university only for a summer session(s) must meet all admission requirements or be approved visitors from another institution. See the Admission and Readmission  section of this catalog or contact the Office of Admissions https://admissions.ecu.edu/ for further information. Graduate students should consult with staff in the Graduate School.

Academic Advisement

To assist students in their academic programs, the university has established in each college, school, and department a system of academic advising, whereby the student is assigned to a faculty member or a professional advisor who serves as his or her advisor. The advisor works with the student to identify appropriate majors; assists during registration; keeps a record of the student’s progress; and is available throughout the year for additional advising. To obtain the advising contact list, students should go to www.ecu.edu/advising/advisors.cfm.

Advisors will make every attempt to give effective guidance to students in academic matters and to refer students to those qualified to help them in other matters. However, the responsibility for meeting all academic requirements for a selected program rests with the student.

Declaring or Changing a Major or Minor

To earn a degree in a timely manner, it is recommended that all students declare a major as soon as possible. Students should consult their academic advisor regarding the timing process for declaring a major and/or minor. Students should declare the major by the time they have earned sixty (60) semester hours of credit.

To declare (to be admitted to) a major, a student must complete the admission requirements for the program and complete the formal admission process as specified by the program. Students may choose to earn a baccalaureate degree, two baccalaureate degrees simultaneously (dual degree), or a double major. Students who hold a baccalaureate degree and wish to pursue a second undergraduate degree will follow the requirements for a dual degree.

Student athletes and pre-health/pre-law students are assigned to academic advisors in their majors. An advisor in their major, as well as the Pre-Professional Advising Center for Allied Health, Medicine, Dentistry, and Law, provide monitoring and support in helping these students to meet their program requirements.

If a degree program requires a minor, the minor must be identified at the time the student declares his or her major and must be approved by the major chair or dean or his or her designee. All BA degrees require a minor unless the degree requirements include a concentration and/or specified cognates. (See Academic Requirements for Degrees and Minors.)

The process for changing a major or minor is the same as declaring a major or minor.


Preparing to Register

Prior to registration, each undergraduate student develops a schedule containing no more than 18 hours of primary courses and a list of alternate courses (each summer session cannot exceed seven hours of courses). Students must meet with his/her advisor for course approval as indicated by the advisor’s signature on the registration form or with the receipt of a registration pin number. All special permissions (e.g., extra hours, majors only courses, dean/chairperson’s permissions, etc.) for course registration must be secured in writing and may only be entered by the Office of the Registrar or the academic department.

Registration Personal Information Number (PIN)

Each semester students receive a PIN to register for classes on Banner. It is recommended that the PIN be written on the registration form so each student will have the proper documentation to register. Graduates and nondegree students do not require a PIN to register.

Registering for Courses

Currently enrolled students may use Banner Self Service through Pirate Port to register for courses. For information about how to register for courses, course wait lists, viewing course seat availability, adding courses and dropping courses, please go to the Office of the Registrar’s website.

Academic Requirements for Degrees and Minors

Baccalaureate Degree Requirements

The bachelor’s degree may be conferred by the university upon the student’s application when the student has earned the minimum number of semester hours of credit required for the degree by the major department or school, has met the general education requirements, and has fulfilled all requirements of the major/minor program. (See department, school, and college listings. Also see following paragraphs for additional requirements.)

The university does not award degrees solely because a student successfully completed the required courses. Violations of the student code of conduct, including both academic and nonacademic violations, may result in a degree not being awarded. For example, when the student has disciplinary charges pending, the degree may be withheld or the awarding of the degree may be delayed.

A degree from East Carolina University requires a minimum of 120 semester hours. A minimum of 25 percent of the credit hours required for the degree and at least 50 percent of the total hours required in the major must be completed through enrollment in East Carolina University. The required resident study does not need to be accomplished in consecutive semesters. Fifty percent (one-half) of the minimum semester hours required in the degree must be earned through enrollment in a regionally-accredited senior college.

Dual Degree or Double Major Requirements

Students in good standing may choose to pursue a dual degree or double major. When making this decision, students are advised to take the following into consideration:

  1. Major-specific requirements for declaration (such as minimum or competitive GPAs, application processes and deadlines, and auditions or portfolio reviews)
  2. Additional time to graduate to complete requirements of multiple majors and feasibility of sequencing required coursework 
  3. Impact of additional courses on financial aid caps and financial aid eligibility
  4. Additional coursework demands and impact on GPA
  5. Additional writing intensive requirement (dual degree)

Earning a Dual Degree
A student may choose to earn two baccalaureate degrees simultaneously. To satisfy the requirements for dual baccalaureate degrees at East Carolina University, the student must complete the requirements for one baccalaureate degree program and also complete a minimum of an additional 30 semester hours through course enrollment at ECU for the other degree. Accordingly, two diplomas are awarded. Other pertinent information for dual degree students includes the following:

  1. The dual degree may count any number of hours from the primary degree toward the secondary degree. 
  2. The student will be advised by both departments and a separate degree review will be completed by each.
  3. All dual degree students will be required to complete at least three semester hours of writing-intensive (WI) course work within the major area of each degree.
  4. General education requirements for one degree may be used to satisfy the general education requirements for the other degree; however, the required general education courses for the secondary degree must be met. All other degree requirements, such as demonstration of proficiency in a foreign language (if required), must be met and may not be waived.

Earning a Double Major
Instead of earning two degrees, a student may choose to earn one baccalaureate degree and add a second major.  One diploma is awarded that lists both the primary and the secondary major. The degree conferred will be that of the primary program. Only the total hours required for the primary degree program requirement need to be completed, as no additional hours are required. Other pertinent information for double major students includes the following:

  1. The double major may count any number of hours from the primary major toward the secondary major. 
  2. The student will be advised by both departments and a separate degree review will be completed by each.
  3. Double major students are not required to complete additional writing-intensive (WI) course work.
  4. General education requirements for the primary major may be used to satisfy the general education requirements for the secondary major unless there are prerequisites or co-requisites required for courses in the second major. If the primary major does not require a foreign language, the student is not required to demonstrate proficiency in a foreign language even if it is required by the secondary major. 

Table 1: Dual Degree Versus Double Major

  Dual Degree Double Major
Structure A student may choose to earn two baccalaureate degrees simultaneously. To satisfy the requirements for dual baccalaureate degrees at East Carolina University, the student must complete the requirements for one baccalaureate degree program and also complete a minimum of an additional 30 semester hours through course enrollment at ECU for the other degree. A student may choose to earn one baccalaureate degree and add a second major. Only the total hours required for the primary degree program requirement need to be completed, as no additional hours are required.  
Application of hours The dual degree may count any number of hours from the primary degree toward the secondary degree. The double major may count any number of hours from the primary major toward the secondary major.
Advising The student will be advised by both departments and a separate degree review will be completed by each. The student will be advised by both departments and a separate degree review will be completed by each.
General Education General education requirements for one degree may be used to satisfy the general education requirements for the other degree; however, the required general education courses for the secondary degree must be met.

General education requirements for the primary major may be used to satisfy the general education requirements for the secondary major unless there are prerequisites or co-requisites required for courses in the second major.

Foreign language and other degree requirements

All other degree requirements, such as demonstration of proficiency in a foreign language (if required), must be met and may not be waived.

If the primary major does not require a foreign language, the student is not required to demonstrate proficiency in a foreign language even if it is required by the secondary major.
Writing intensive All dual degree students will be required to complete at least three semester hours of writing-intensive (WI) course work within the major area of each degree. Double major students are not required to complete additional writing-intensive (WI) course work.
Diploma Two diplomas are awarded. One diploma is awarded that lists both the primary and the secondary major.

Second Undergraduate Degree Requirements

A student who currently holds a baccalaureate degree may enroll in a second baccalaureate degree program. The student must meet the curriculum requirements for the second undergraduate degree in the catalog under which he or she enters or in some subsequent catalog, and must complete a minimum of 30 semester hours in enrollment at ECU. No student will be permitted to complete the second degree under a catalog issued more than three years prior to the date of completion of the second degree.

In evaluating curriculum requirements for the second undergraduate degree, the academic unit offering the second degree will determine whether general education requirements from the first undergraduate degree satisfy general education requirements for the second degree. However, any foreign language requirements for the second degree must be fully met and may not be waived. All second degree students will be required to complete at least three semester hours of writing intensive course work in the major.

A student pursuing a second undergraduate degree must maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA. In determining the GPA, only attempted hours toward the second degree will be counted. Grade points earned in the first degree will not apply in determination of academic eligibility while a student is enrolled for a second degree. However, the GPAs from the first and second undergraduate degrees will be used in the consideration of a degree with distinction.

Minor Requirements

If a degree program requires a minor, the minor must be identified at the time the student declares his or her major and must be approved by the department chair or dean or his or her designee. All BA degrees require a minor, unless the degree requirements include a concentration and/or specified cognates; however, some BA degrees may require a concentration or cognates in addition to a minor.

A minor requires 18-30 semester hours of credit.

Additional Requirements for Degrees

Cognate and Professional Course Requirements

Many baccalaureate programs have requirements in addition to course work in general education, in the major field, and in the minor field. These additional requirements may be labeled cognate courses or professional courses required for teacher certification. Cognates, minor courses, and courses used for the second major may be used to satisfy general education requirements, except where prohibited.

Domestic and Global Diversity Course Requirements

These requirements have two components: domestic diversity and global diversity. Domestic diversity addresses understanding diversity within the USA in the context of problems faced by members of specific groups. Global diversity addresses understanding diversity in other cultures in the context of today’s globalized world.

Undergraduate students are required to complete two three-hour diversity courses: one course with a domestic diversity focus and one with a global diversity focus.

Courses that address diversity provide opportunities for students to learn about the beliefs, values and achievements of people other than those of their own age, ethnicity, culture, national origin, ability, religion, sexual orientation, and gender identity. These courses also provide opportunities to examine problems that may arise from such differences, and opportunities to learn how to deal constructively with these issues.

Requests for diversity credit for a course are evaluated by the General Education and Instructional Effectiveness Committee and approved by the Faculty Senate and the Chancellor. A course receiving domestic diversity credit or global diversity credit must address either the generic domestic or global diversity student learning outcomes stated below.

A study abroad course receives global diversity credit without the need for approval by the General Education and Instructional Effectiveness Committee, the Faculty Senate and the Chancellor provided that the course earns 3 or more credit hours, and that it requires students to be in one or more countries other than the United States for a total of at least fourteen days.

The global diversity credit for a study abroad course that does not require students to be in one or more countries other than the United States for a total of at least fourteen days must be approved by the General Education and Instructional Effectiveness Committee, the Faculty Senate and the Chancellor.

A course that transfers to ECU as equivalent to an ECU course that carries diversity credit receives diversity credit. Transfer courses that are not equivalent to existing ECU diversity courses may be approved for diversity credit by the General Education and Instructional Effectiveness Committee.

Student Learning Outcomes

    1. Domestic Diversity

            a. Students can describe how specific disciplinary or interdisciplinary scholarship addresses domestic diversity in their area of study.

            b. Students can explain how to apply specific disciplinary or interdisciplinary scholarship to domestic diversity issues in their area of study.

    2. Global Diversity

            a. Students can describe how specific disciplinary or interdisciplinary scholarship addresses global diversity in their area of study.

            b. Students can explain how to apply specific disciplinary or interdisciplinary scholarship to global diversity issues in their area of study.

Courses that Carry Diversity (DD, GD) Credit

A list of courses that have been awarded the domestic and global diversity designations can be viewed by going to the course section of this catalog.

Diversity Competency Area Credit Hour Requirements

The diversity requirement is 6 semester hours as follows:

  1. Domestic Diversity (DD) - 3 semester hours at any level (1000-4000)
  2. Global Diversity (GD) - 3 semester hours at any level (1000-4000)

General Education Requirements

General Education Program

Information about East Carolina University’s General Education Program is located in the General Education Program  section of this catalog. There you will be able to view the program’s vision statement, information about general education competencies and course credit, and the general education competency areas and outcomes.

Courses that carry general education credit are identified in the course description by using the GE designation. Course lists are also available and can be viewed by clicking on the following links: humanities (GE:HU);   fine arts (GE:FA) ; natural sciences (GE:SC) ; social sciences (GE:SO) ; health promotion (GE:HL) ; health-related physical activity (GE:EX) ; written communication (GE:EN) ; and mathematics (GE:MA) .

Many majors have specific general education requirements and students should check the requirements for their intended major prior to selecting general education courses. For example, some majors may require specific humanities, fine arts, mathematics, natural sciences, and/or social sciences courses.

Unless prohibited by a degree program requirement, credit hours earned in one general education area (fine arts, humanities, mathematics, natural sciences, or social sciences) may count towards a major in that area.

The general education requirement is 40 semester hours as follows:

  1. Humanities and Fine Arts (GE:HU; GE:FA) - 9 semester hours  (Select at least one course in humanities and one course in fine arts.)
  2. Natural Sciences (GE:SC) - 7 semester hours (At least one course must require laboratory work.)
  3. Social Sciences (GE:SO) - 9 semester hours (Select courses from at least two major prefix areas. )
  4. Health Promotion and Health-Related Physical Activity (GE:HL; GE:EX) - 3 semester hours (Select at least one course in each area.)
  5. Written Communication (GE:EN) - 6 semester hours (Select ENGL 1100 and ENGL 2201.)
  6. Mathematics (GE:MA) - 3 semester hours (Select any 3 s.h. course that receives the general education mathematics designation that is at least equivalent to MATH 1050 or MATH 1065 or MATH 1066 or three hours of logic at least equivalent to PHIL 1500. If logic is used to satisfy this requirement, it may not be used to satisfy the humanities requirement for the baccalaureate degree.
  7. General Education Elective - 3 semester hours (Select any 3 s.h. course that receives either humanities, fine arts, mathematics, natural sciences, or social science general education credit.)

Special Requirements for the BA Degree

All candidates for the BA degree must demonstrate foreign language proficiency through level 2004 as part of their degree requirements. For more information about the foreign language requirement see Placement Testing, Foreign Language .

The number of required credits for a major shall not be fewer than 30 semester hours or more than 36 semester hours.  A candidate for the BA degree must declare a minor if required. Some BA degrees require a concentration and/or specified cognates instead of a minor. However, a BA degree may require a minor and a concentration and/or specified cognates. The number of required credits for a minor shall not be fewer than 18 semester hours or more than 30 semester hours.

Special Requirements for the BS Degree for Students Preparing to Teach

A minimum GPA of 2.7 is required for admission to and retention in the teacher education program. Additionally, PRAXIS Core or SAT or ACT scores and computer competency requirements must be met. To qualify for a North Carolina teaching license, the student must complete the requirements of an approved teacher education program designed to meet the requirements for the professional studies components in all teaching areas. To receive ECU’s recommendation for licensure, the student must submit and pass the edTPA national assessment and obtain passing scores on the program area specific license exams. All teacher education majors should consult their advisors to select appropriate courses which may be required as cognates in their academic discipline.

East Carolina University requires academic concentrations for all majors in elementary education, middle grades education, and physical education. Academic concentration requirements are listed in the degree requirements found in the Colleges/Schools and Associated Programs section of this catalog. Students should consult their departmental advisor for specific information about this component of their program.

For majors in birth through kindergarten, and K-12 programs, see BS degree curricula for students preparing to teach under appropriate department or school. Minors are required in some fields but not in others. Students should check the major requirements presented in the department and school listings to determine if a minor is required in a particular field.

Writing Intensive Requirement

Students enrolling at East Carolina University must fulfill the writing across the curriculum requirement prior to graduation. Writing intensive courses at ECU help student writers meet the University Writing Outcomes, which involve communicating effectively with diverse audiences about complex and significant issues. To fulfill this requirement, each student must complete a minimum of four writing intensive courses, typically including ENGL 1100  and ENGL 2201 ; at least one writing intensive course in the major; and any other writing intensive course of the student’s choice. WI courses that are 6 or more credit hours count for two WI courses. Students enrolled in multiple majors are required to take a WI course in only one of their majors, while dual degree students are required to complete one writing intensive course in each major. A course will transfer into ECU as WI if the course is a writing intensive course in a writing across the curriculum program at the university or college where it was taken, or transfers as equivalent to ENGL 1100 or ENGL 2201. Students transferring credit for only ENGL 2201 are not required to take ENGL 1100, but must still fulfill the WI course requirement. Similarly, students who receive placement credit for a course have not satisfied the WI requirement for that course. Courses that do not meet the above criteria must be approved by the director of the University Writing Program. 

A list of courses that have been awarded the writing intensive designations can be viewed by going to the course section of this catalog.

Academic Support Services

Academic Advising and Support Center

The Academic Advising and Support Center assists students through academic referral and workshops for students on warning or probation. The office staff can provide information on academic policies and procedures and information about academic support programs provided in academic units and other areas. Students may visit the center or access the center’s Web site at www.ecu.edu/advising.

Academic Appeals

Assistance to students at East Carolina University dealing with academic appeals to academic policies, course re-evaluations, graduation issues and concerns, over-hour approvals, permission to take courses at other colleges and/or universities, residency for in-state tuition (initial undergraduate classification), residency appeals, schedule reinstatements, special adds, transfer student services, transfer course equivalencies, and withdrawals from the university are handled through the Office of the Registrar.

Pirate Academic Success Center

The Pirate Academic Success Center (PASC) offers ECU students the following academic support and success services: tutoring assistance with undergraduate coursework in both face to face and digital formats, individual study skills coaching, academic success workshops, peer academic mentoring, and PASC learning communities for new university students.

The Pirate Academic Success Center is located in the 2300 wing of the Old Cafeteria Complex on the first and second floors. Students can make appointments by calling 252-737-3009 or in person. More information is available about PASC services and tutoring sessions at https://pasc.ecu.edu or by e-mail at tutoring@ecu.edu. All PASC services are free to ECU enrolled students.

Pre-Professional Advising Center for Allied Health, Medicine, Dentistry, and Law

The Pre-Professional Advising Center for Allied Health, Medicine, Dentistry, and Law (PPAC) provides programs and information to students interested in pursuing careers and/or graduate studies in the allied health and law sectors. The center houses professional advisors for allied health majors. Students are encouraged to visit the center to learn about professional schools, prepare for standardized tests, attend special workshops, and receive individual assistance. More information is available at https://ppac.ecu.edu.

Student Transitions

Office of Student Transitions (OST) provides a coordinated, comprehensive approach to enhancing success for all students; provides services and supports required for improving student satisfaction, academic success and student retention; and provides services that enhance in and out of classroom student engagement and career readiness.  The work of Student Transitions is grounded in student development theory and encompasses the following areas: New Student Orientation, Transfer Student Orientation, Freshman Seminar (COAD 1000), Pirate Weeks of Welcome, New Student Welcome and Convocation, Pirate Read, PEG Learning Community (for students who receive residency waiver), Camp P.I.R.A.T.E.S., Sophomore to Senior Programming, Student Veteran Services, and Transfer Student Services.

The Office of Student Transitions is located in 210 Mendenhall. For more information about the Office of Student Transitions, telephone 252-328-4173, or access the website at https://studenttransitions.ecu.edu/.

New Student Orientation

New Student Orientation assists students and family members with the transition to the university. With the assistance of departments within the university community, the office provides academic and student life information for all new students and family.

The purpose of orientation is to inform students about the academic requirements of the university and to prepare them for the transition into the university classroom. Students will also meet with an advisor and register for classes. In addition, orientation provides the opportunity for family and students to become knowledgeable about student life programs offered at East Carolina University. Participants will become acquainted with faculty, staff, student leaders, and other new students and family members. New Student Orientation and Transfer Student Orientation are mandatory.

For more information about New Student Orientation, telephone 252-328-4173, or access the website at https://orientation.ecu.edu.

Entering transfer students should contact the assistant director of Student Transfer Services at 252-328-4173 or visit the website at https://orientation.ecu.edu for information on Transfer Face to Face or On-Line Orientations.

Freshman Seminar (COAD 1000)

The Office of Student Transitions offers COAD 1000 (Student Development and Learning in Higher Education) to first year students including transfer students. The course meets twice weekly and helps students transition to college life. While in the course, students focus on the development of academic skills, learning processes, and career decision-making skills. Students who successfully complete the course earn one semester hours of graduation credit. Special topic sessions are available for student veterans, LGBT, male students, transfer students and first generation students (https://studenttransitions.ecu.edu/).

Pirate Engagement Group (PEG) Learning Community

Pirate Engagement Group (PEG) was developed to help establish relationships between students who live off-campus their first year of college and the rest of the ECU community. This learning community will provide opportunities for these students to meet, learn and socialize with one another and other members of Pirate Nation, including upper class students who will help them navigate their way through ECU. Students enrolled in the PEG Learning Community will a first-year seminar course (COAD 1000 ) in the fall semester. Students also sign up for a Gold Meal Plan from Campus Dining. PEG participants meet monthly with an assigned Peer Leader as well as participate once a month in planned programs in order to CONNECT to the ECU campus (https://studenttransitions.ecu.edu/).

Pirate Read (First Year Common Read)

The Pirate Read aims to orient students to the academic community, to prepare students for the college-level environment, to allow students to share a common reading experience with fellow classmates, faculty, and staff and to enable students and faculty to discuss ideas from the book across the curriculum. The Pirate Read committee brings together faculty from across the campus along with Student Affairs educators to select the book and coordinate various educational and co-curricular activities (https://pirateread.ecu.edu/). The book author typically presents to the ECU campus during the fall semester.

Student Veteran Services

Student Veteran Services provides a seamless transition for student veterans both academically and socially by assisting them in becoming fully integrated into the East Carolina University community by educating, preparing, and engaging. Student Veteran Services provides supportive services necessary to ensure that student veterans are successful in their academic pursuits, adjust to the campus environment, and eventually transition to civilian employment.  Programming and services include a two-day mandatory summer orientation for incoming student veterans, COAD 1000 , Pirate Veteran Organization, SALUTE National Honor Society, the PAVE mentoring program, BB&T Veterans Leadership Academy, Female Veteran Programming, Graduate Recognition Ceremony, and a VA VetSuccess Counselor (https://studentveterans.ecu.edu/). The Student Veteran Orientation is mandatory.

Additional Support Services

Career Services

Career Services supports and empowers students in their career development to succeed as professionals in a global community. The following is a list of services and programs Career Services utilizes to assist students:

1. Counseling (one-on-one)

  • Career Counseling/Career Education
  • Graduate School Preparation
  • Interview Preparation and Practice
  • Job and Internship Search
  • Job Offer Evaluation/Negotiation
  • MBTI assessment debriefing
  • Personal Statements and Graduate School Essays

2. Counseling (Walk-In)

15 minute drop-in meetings with career services staff, Monday-Friday from 11am-3pm.

3. CO-Operative Education

The staff collaborates with faculty, employers, and students to help develop and facilitate internships and cooperative education opportunities.

4. Employer Relations and Recruitment

An employer relations team helps connect ECU students and alumni with employers.

5. Presentations and Workshops

Staff present career-related topics to academic classes and campus groups throughout the year.

6. Internship and Employment Posting

Career Services hosts a database called Handshake, a multi-functional Career Management System that lists thousands of employment opportunities exclusive to ECU students and alumni.

7. Online Services and Technology

  • Handshake - Thousands of jobs and internships
  • Virtual Job Shadow - Career exploration and assessment resource
  • Interview Stream - Practice interviewing technology
  • Career Shift - National job postings and contacts
  • Resume Samples - Hundreds of samples for each academic discipline
  • Here’s How Virtual Workshops - Topics include resume writing, job search, and interview preparation

8. Student Business Cards

Students can print personalized business cards for networking events and career fairs.

9. Career Fairs
Throughout the year Career Services hosts numerous employment, graduate and pre-professional fairs to connect students with hiring recruiters from local, national, and global companies.

10. Professional Etiquette Dinner

This annual event helps students learn what to expect and how to perform at formal networking events. This five courses interactive dinner will be hosted by a national professional Etiquette Consultant. Business attire, is required.

11. Pirate Employer Series

Each semester, employers from various industries visit ECU to recruit students and conduct information sessions about their organizations.

12. On Campus Interviews

Employers visit campus to meet students and conduct interviews for internships and full-time jobs.

Each academic college throughout ECU has a career counselor who is a liaison dedicated to providing services to the students and faculty within these academic programs. Information about Career Services is available at https://career.ecu.edu/ or by calling 252-328-6050.

Testing Services

The Testing Center is a member of the National College Testing Association’s (NCTA) Consortium of College Testing Centers. The Testing Center administers national college entrance, credentialing, licensure, and certification exams. Some of the major testing programs administered by the Testing Center include: Scholastic Assessment Tests (SAT), the American College Tests (ACT), College-Level Examination Program Exams (CLEP), Graduate Record Exams (GRE), PRAXIS Teacher Licensure Exams, Law School Admission Tests (LSAT), Miller Analogies Tests (MAT), Certified Health Educators Exams (CHES), National Board of Certified Counselors Exams (NBCC), Pharmacy College Admission Tests (PCAT), National League of Nursing Pre-Admission Exams, and Pearson VUE Exams. The Testing Center does offer exit exam proctoring services for academic departments upon request. Additionally, pre-employment and promotion exams for local municipalities are administered by the Testing Center. Upon request, the Testing Center will proctor individually arranged exams such as correspondence tests for individuals taking courses outside of the University of North Carolina System. The Testing Center is located in D-102 of the Brewster Building. Further information is available by calling 252-328-6811.

University Writing Center

Writing centers are places where writers can share their work-in-progress and talk about their writing with careful readers and writers. The University Writing Center operates on the belief that to be successful, a writer must be able to anticipate the effects of their words on readers. Consultants are committed to helping writers at all stages of the writing process, from generating ideas for a paper to developing later drafts. Located on the first floor of Joyner Library (1015), the University Writing Center supports all writing in the university. The University Writing Center also operates two satellite locations: Health Science (Laupus Library 2514) and Online Writing Lab. Writers can make appointments for any site and access online resources through the University Writing Center website, writing.ecu.edu/uwc.

Graduation Requirements

A student may expect to obtain a degree in accordance with the requirements set forth in the undergraduate catalog in force when he or she enters the university or under subsequent undergraduate catalogs published while he or she is a student. However, a student is restricted in choice to the requirements of one specific undergraduate catalog. Students who enter the university under the requirements of a catalog have a period of five years, inclusive and continuous, in which to claim the degree requirements of that academic catalog.

Students pursuing a second undergraduate degree must select a catalog issued no more than three years prior to completion of the second degree program.

In order to graduate, all students must have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 and a GPA of 2.0 in the major. If a student completes required courses in his or her major and takes other courses in that field as electives, these additional courses as well as cognate courses will be counted in computing the major GPA. Grades made on courses taken at other colleges and universities will not be considered except in the calculation of graduation with honors. Official transcripts must be on file in the Office of the Registrar.

Degrees with Distinction

Based on all work completed at all regionally accredited United States colleges and universities throughout a students’ academic career, three levels of distinction are granted to graduating undergraduates as follows:

  1. Summa Cum Laude for a cumulative average of 3.90 and above
  2. Magna Cum Laude for a cumulative average of equal to or greater than 3.60 and less than 3.90
  3. Cum Laude for a cumulative average of equal to or greater than 3.50 and less than 3.60

Note: International credit earned from institutions located outside of the United States is not included in the calculation of cumulative average for awarding degrees with distinction.

First Undergraduate Degree

Degrees with distinction are granted to transfer students under the following conditions.

  1. The student must complete through enrollment in East Carolina University at least one-half the minimum number of hours required for the degree.
  2. The student must have the required average on all work taken through enrollment in East Carolina University.
  3. The student must have a cumulative average that meets the requirements for the appropriate degree with distinction on all work attempted (all ECU and transfer work, including courses where the grade replacement policy has been applied). If transfer work includes grades of D or F, those grades will be included in the calculation for degrees of distinction.

Second Undergraduate Degree

Second undergraduate degrees with distinction are awarded under the following conditions.

  1. The student must complete a minimum of 30 semester hours through enrollment in East Carolina University.
  2. The student must have a minimum GPA of 3.5 on course work for the second degree and a cumulative average that meets the requirement for the degree with distinction on all course work attempted for the first degree as well as for the second degree.
  3. If transfer work includes grades of D or F, those grades will be included in the calculation for degrees of distinction.

Degree Works Evaluation

Students are encouraged to meet with advisors at least two semesters before graduation. At this meeting, a Degree Works audit will be evaluated. The purpose of the evaluation is to provide the student with a record of remaining requirements for graduation. Final degree certification is processed by the Office of the Registrar using the student’s Degree Works audit. The final responsibility for meeting all academic requirements for the degree rests with the student.

All graduation requirements must be met before the first day of the subsequent term, as shown below:

Graduation Term Date All Requirements Must Be Met
Spring First Day of Summer Term
Summer First Day of Fall Term
Fall First Day of Spring Term

Graduation Application and Commencement

Application deadlines for graduation are available on the Office of the Registrar website. The application should be completed at least one semester prior to graduation online through Pirate Port. Important commencement announcements and information can also be found on the Commencement website.