Sep 23, 2024  
2013-2014 Graduate Catalog 
2013-2014 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]



Interdisciplinary and Independent Study

  • ART 6510 - Directed Graduate Field Study in Art


    Minimum of 35 hours of instruction at a qualified off-campus institution or program. May count toward studio major. P: Graduate standing; consent of area coordinator and supervising instructor. Studio research supervised by School of Art and Design faculty in conjunction with another structure program or institution. Strengthens competence in areas related to School of Art and Design programs.
  • ART 6511 - Directed Graduate Field Study in Art


    Minimum of 35 hours of instruction at a qualified off-campus institution or program. May count toward studio major. P: Graduate standing; consent of area coordinator and supervising instructor. Studio research supervised by School of Art and Design faculty in conjunction with another structure program or institution. Strengthens competence in areas related to School of Art and Design programs.
  • ART 6512 - Directed Graduate Field Study in


    Minimum of 35 hours of instruction at a qualified off-campus institution or program. May count toward studio major. P: Graduate standing; consent of area coordinator and supervising instructor. Studio research supervised by School of Art and Design faculty in conjunction with another structure program or institution. Strengthens competence in areas related to School of Art and Design programs.
  • ART 6515 - Directed Graduate Field Study in Art


    Minimum of 105 hours of instruction at a qualified off-campus institution or program. May count toward studio major. P: Graduate standing; consent of area coordinator and supervising instructor. Studio research supervised by School of Art and Design faculty in conjunction with another structure program or institution. Strengthens competence in areas related to School of Art and Design programs.
  • ART 6991 - Problems in Interdisciplinary Studies in Art


  • ART 6992 - Problems in Interdisciplinary Studies in Art


  • ART 6993 - Problems in Interdisciplinary Studies in Art


  • ART 6994 - Problems in Interdisciplinary Studies in Art


  • ART 7000 - Thesis


    May be repeated. May count maximum of 6 s.h.
  • ART 7001 - Thesis: Summer Research


    May be repeated. No credit may count toward degree. Students conducting thesis research may only register for this course during the summer.

Interdisciplinary Rural Health Education

  • IRHE 6000 - Introduction to Interdisciplinary Virtual Team Work


    Provides foundation for acquisition of knowledge and skills in interdisciplinary virtual health care team communications and functions within clinical and community environments.
  • IRHE 6100 - The Clinical Consulting Team


    Employs health care professionals knowledge and skills of health care team function. Prepares health care professionals to examine models for clinical consultation, formulate, and serve as clinical consultant team within rural environments.
  • IRHE 6300 - Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Theory


    Concepts and models that inform interdisciplinary/ interprofessional health care theory and practice.

Interior Design and Merchandising Banked Courses

  • IDSN 6481 - Seminar in Interior Design


  • IDSN 6486 - Advanced Interior Design


  • IDSN 6978 - Internshi Interior Design


  • IDSN 6979 - Internshi Interior Design


  • MRCH 6301 - Issues and Strategies in Apparel/Textile Merchandising


  • MRCH 6302 - International Production and Trade of Apparel and Textiles


  • MRCH 6303 - Apparel/Textile Quality Analysis Research


  • MRCH 6420 - Seminar in Apparel and Textiles


  • MRCH 6982 - Internship in Apparel and Textiles


  • MRCH 6983 - Internship in Apparel and Textiles


International Studies

  • INTL 5000 - Senior Seminar in International Studies

    3 S

    P: Consent of instructor or graduate standing. Diverse contemporary international issues. Topics determined by instructor may include ethical/normative perspectives in world community; demographic trends of population, food, and health; energy policies; environmental hazards such as climate and pollution; economic development; selected regional conflicts; and initiatives in transnational cooperation.
  • INTL 6005 - Communication Across Cultures

    3 Same as ANTH 6005 

    P: Consent of instructor. Different modes of human communication as related to varying cultural contexts.
  • INTL 6105 - Global Issues


    P: Consent of instructor. History and contemporary dynamics of globalization, including economic integration and restructuring, political relations among state and non-state actors, and social and cultural change.
  • INTL 6500 - International Problem Solving and Decision Making


    P: Consent of instructor. Focus on understanding and application of process at organizational level. Analytical models appropriate to public and private sectors may include project management, cost/benefit analysis, mathematical programming, and simulation in international settings.
  • INTL 6510 - Global and Multicultural Discourse


    P: Consent of instructor. Analysis of international and intercultural discourse with a view toward the enhancement of global and multicultural understanding.
  • INTL 6930 - International Field Experience


    Second-culture study, practical training, internship, research, and/or employment in student’s field of study and professional activities.
  • INTL 6940 - International Field Experience


    Second-culture study, practical training, internship, research, and/or employment in student’s field of study and professional activities.
  • INTL 7000 - Thesis


    May be repeated. May count a maximum 6 s.h.
  • INTL 7001 - Thesis: Summer Research


    May be repeated. No credit may count toward degree. Students conducting thesis research may only register for this course during the summer.


  • MUSC 6095 - Jazz Harmony


    P: Consent of instructor. Principles of twentieth-century jazz keyboard harmony, form, and structure from ragtime to present.
  • MUSC 6096 - Advanced Jazz Harmony


    P: Consent of instructor. Advanced principles of twentieth-century jazz keyboard harmony, form, and structure.
  • MUSC 6097 - Jazz Rhythm Concepts


    May be repeated for credit. P: Audition or consent of instructor. Performance practices and concepts used in performance and rehearsal settings by the traditional, contemporary, and augmented rhythm section.
  • MUSC 6195 - Jazz Improvisation


    May be repeated for credit. P: Consent of instructor. Techniques.
  • MUSC 6196 - Advanced Jazz Improvisation


    May be repeated for credit. P: Consent of instructor. Advanced techniques.
  • MUSC 6295 - Jazz Theory


    P: Consent of instructor. Jazz music theory and analysis of various styles performed in twentieth century.
  • MUSC 6296 - Jazz Arranging


    May be repeated for credit. P: Consent of instructor. Jazz arranging for various combinations of performance ensembles.
  • MUSC 6395 - Jazz Recording Technique


    P: Consent of instructor. Studio and recording technique for the jazz musician. Emphasis on performance practice for quality studio recording.
  • MUSC 6396 - Jazz History


    P: Consent of instructor. Emphasis on major artists and styles of twentieth century.

Library Studies

  • LIBS 6010 - Foundations of Library and Information Studies


    P: Admission to MLS program or consent of chair; demonstrated competency in the basic operation of word processing, data bases, and spreadsheets. Development and functions of libraries and information centers, professional practice and ethics, and current issues and trends.
  • LIBS 6012 - Analyzing and Synthesizing Professional Library Information


    P/C: LIBS 6010 . Analysis and synthesis of professional library literature and resources.
  • LIBS 6014 - Introduction to Reference


    P/C: LIBS 6010  and consent of chair. Major general reference sources used to answer information needs of library users.
  • LIBS 6018 - Collection Development


    P/C: LIBS 6010  and consent of chair. Principles and methods of selecting print and nonprint materials, intellectual freedom, and formulation of selection policies.
  • LIBS 6026 - Organization of Information in Libraries


    P/C: LIBS 6010  and consent of chair. Organization of information resources, including classification, cataloging (MARC), and subject headings.
  • LIBS 6031 - Library Administration and Management


    P/C: LIBS 6010  and consent of chair. Theory and principles of management with relevant application for public, school, and academic libraries.
  • LIBS 6042 - Technology for Library Services


    P/C: LIBS 6010  or consent of chair. Use of technology in effective programs for youth services. Evaluative criteria for hardware and software and methods and strategies to integrate technology into instructional process.
  • LIBS 6060 - Using the World Wide Web for Research


    Identification and evaluation of research resources found on World Wide Web. Search strategies, copyright, and censorship.
  • LIBS 6133 - Materials for Early Childhood


    Survey of materials for infants, toddlers and preschool age children, emphasizing the evaluation and selection of print and non-print resources for use in early literacy-enriched story-time programming.
  • LIBS 6135 - Materials for Children


    Evaluation, selection, and use of contemporary fiction, informational books, and other media for elementary through middle school age children in grades K-8.
  • LIBS 6137 - Materials for Young Adults

    3 Formerly LIBS 5115

    Evaluation, selection and use of contemporary fiction, informational books and other media for high school age young adults, grades 9-12.
  • LIBS 6142 - Instructional Foundations of the School Library Media Program


    P: LIBS 6010 , LIBS 6012 , LIBS 6014 , LIBS 6026 , LIBS 6031 , LIBS 6042 ; or consent of instructor. Educational standards, models of information literacy, assessment, and their impact on student achievement.
  • LIBS 6144 - Instructional Strategies and Leadership for School Media Specialists


    P: LIBS 6042 . Strategies for education, collaboration, leadership, and assessment.
  • LIBS 6160 - The Art of Storytelling


    Storytelling techniques and performance for varied audiences. Historical origins, story memory, and development of storytelling programs for all ages.
  • LIBS 6215 - Genealogy for Librarians


    One or more field trips. Roles of libraries and librarians as related to genealogical collections and services. Review of genealogical resources in other libraries, archives, and institutions. Emphasis on materials and methods of genealogical research.
  • LIBS 6220 - History of Books and Libraries


    Origin and development of the book in its various forms from earliest times to twentieth century. Evolution of library as institution.
  • LIBS 6225 - Government Publications


    Forms, distribution, care, and use of all types of federal government publications.
  • LIBS 6240 - Virtual Reality: Principles and Applications

    3 Same as EDTC 6240 

    Basic principles of virtual reality. Emphasis on applications in education and other fields. Students select special projects according to their interests and build virtual environment.
  • LIBS 6242 - Building and Using Graphics-Based Virtual Environments for Education

    3 Same as EDTC 6242 

    P: EDTC 6240  or LIBS 6240  or consent of chair. Graphics-based environment design, building, application, and evaluation for education.
  • LIBS 6244 - Building and Using Text-Based Virtual Reality Environments for Education

    3 Same as EDTC 6244 

    P: EDTC 6240  or LIBS 6240  or consent of chair. Text-based environment design, building, applications, and evaluation for education.
  • LIBS 6345 - Library of Congress Classification System


    P: LIBS 6026  or consent of chair. Construction, use, and notation. Development of subject headings.
  • LIBS 6735 - Seminar on Intellectual Freedom


    Intellectual freedom principles in library and information studies. Pressure groups, censorship, and strategies for coping with attempts to limit access to information.
  • LIBS 6848 - Seminar on Virtual Reality and Education

    3 Same as EDTC 6848 

    P: EDTC 6242  or LIBS 6242 ; EDTC 6244  or LIBS 6244 ; or consent of chair. Explores problems and issues affecting building, use and evaluation of virtual reality environments in educational settings.
  • LIBS 6900 - Electronic Portfolio Development

    3 Same as EDTC 6900 

    Practical application of theory, assessment, and reflection addressing state and national standards in professional electronic portfolios.
  • LIBS 6901 - Special Topics in Library Studies


    May be repeated for credit with change of topic for given course number. P: LIBS 6014 , LIBS 6018 , LIBS 6031 ; or consent of chair. Variety of newly developed and special courses offered as sections.
  • LIBS 6902 - Special Topics in Library Studies


    May be repeated for credit with change of topic for given course number. P: LIBS 6014 , LIBS 6018 , LIBS 6031 ; or consent of chair.  Variety of newly developed and special courses offered as sections.
  • LIBS 6903 - Special Topics in Library Studies


    May be repeated for credit with change of topic for given course number. P: LIBS 6014 , LIBS 6018 , LIBS 6031 ; or consent of chair. Variety of newly developed and special courses offered as sections.
  • LIBS 6904 - Special Topics in Library Studies


    May be repeated for credit with change of topic for given course number. P: LIBS 6014 , LIBS 6018 , LIBS 6031 ; or consent of chair.  Variety of newly developed and special courses offered as sections.
  • LIBS 6972 - Research Methods in Library and Information Studies


    P: LIBS 6014 , LIBS 6018 , LIBS 6031 ; or consent of chair. Various available resources and problems of research in library and information studies.
  • LIBS 6973 - Research Paper


    Directed by assigned faculty member. P: LIBS 6972 . Research project developed in proposal form in LIBS 6972 . Select methodology, collect and analyze data, draw conclusions, and present findings in written report.
  • LIBS 6981 - Directed Independent Study


    May be repeated for credit for maximum of 6 s.h. P: Consent of chair. Topic not otherwise offered in curriculum or more in depth than is possible within context of regular course.
  • LIBS 6982 - Directed Independent Study


    May be repeated for credit for maximum of 6 s.h. P: Consent of chair. Topic not otherwise offered in curriculum or more in depth than is possible within context of regular course.
  • LIBS 6983 - Directed Independent Study


    May be repeated for credit for maximum of 6 s.h. P: Consent of chair. Topic not otherwise offered in curriculum or more in depth than is possible within context of regular course.
  • LIBS 6989 - Early Internship


    110 hours of observation and practical experience. For students seeking initial licensure. P: 9 s.h. in LIBS or consent of chair. Placement in school library media setting.
  • LIBS 6991 - Internship: Seminar


    110 hours of observation and practical experience. P: 30 s.h. in LIBS or consent of chair. Placement in library setting appropriate to student’s field of concentration.
  • LIBS 6992 - Internship: Seminar


    110 hours of observation and practical experience. P: 30 s.h. in LIBS or consent of chair. Placement in library setting appropriate to student’s field of concentration.
  • LIBS 7000 - Thesis


    May be repeated. May count maximum of 3 s.h.
  • LIBS 7001 - Thesis: Summer Research


    May be repeated. No credit may count toward degree. Students conducting thesis research may only register for this course during the summer.
  • LIBS 7030 - Financial Management of Public Library Organizations


    P: LIBS 6010 , LIBS 6031 ; or consent of instructor. Introduction to theory, resources, concepts, and current practices of the financial management of public libraries.
  • LIBS 7050 - Seminar on Public Libraries


    P: LIBS 6031  or equivalent or consent of chair. Characteristics, operations, and problems of public libraries.
  • LIBS 7060 - Seminar on Community College Learning Resource Centers


    P: LIBS 6031  or equivalent or consent of chair. Characteristics, operations, and problems of learning resource centers in technical institutes and community colleges.
  • LIBS 7070 - Seminar on Library Automation


    P: LIBS 6046  or equivalent or consent of chair. Problems of library automation. Emphasis on current trends in design and implementation.
  • LIBS 7110 - Advanced Storytelling


    For those with some storytelling background. P: LIBS 6160  or equivalent or consent of chair. Develop and enhance storytelling performance. Presentation of self as entrepreneurial storyteller.
  • LIBS 7150 - Programs for Youth in Public Libraries


    P: LIBS 6014 , LIBS 6031 , LIBS 6042 , LIBS 6135 ; or consent of chair. Theory and methods of building effective public library programs for children and young adults.
  • LIBS 7160 - The Adult Reader


    Internet connectivity required. P: LIBS 6014 , LIBS 6031 , LIBS 6042 , LIBS 6135 ; or consent of chair. Examines selection of sixteen popular genres for adult readers, including readers’ advisory services.
  • LIBS 7210 - Computer-Assisted Instruction in Librarianship


    Theory, design, application, and evaluation of computer-assisted instruction in librarianship.
  • LIBS 7250 - Qualitative Research and Evaluation in Librarianship


    Qualitative methods for research and evaluation as applied to information needs of groups, libraries, and similar institutions.
  • LIBS 7901 - Special Topics in Library Studies


    May be repeated for credit with change of topic for a given course number. P: Consent of chair. Variety of newly developed and special courses offered as sections.
  • LIBS 7902 - Special Topics in Library Studies


    May be repeated for credit with change of topic for a given course number. P: Consent of chair. Variety of newly developed and special courses offered as sections.
  • LIBS 7903 - Special Topics in Library Studies


    May be repeated for credit with change of topic for a given course number. P: Consent of chair. Variety of newly developed and special courses offered as sections.
  • LIBS 7904 - Special Topics in Library Studies


    May be repeated for credit with change of topic for a given course number. P: Consent of chair. Variety of newly developed and special courses offered as sections.

Library Studies Banked Courses

  • LIBS 6003 - Reference in the Social Sciences


  • LIBS 6004 - Reference in the Humanities


  • LIBS 6005 - Reference in the Pure and Applied Sciences


  • LIBS 6046 - Automation in Libraries


  • LIBS 6120 - Information Storage and Retrieval


  • LIBS 6340 - Online Cataloging



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