Modern Campus Catalog™ Online Help Close Window 

This document contains help on the following topics:

  1. Selecting a Different Catalog
  2. Searching the Catalog
    1. Search Options
  3. Browsing the Catalog
    1. Printing Pages of the Catalog

For additional help, please contact support.

 1. Selecting a Different Catalog

There may be more than one catalog available from the East Carolina University system e-catalog Gateway at a time. If there is more than one, you will see a dropdown box toward the top of the page with the name of the current catalog. Clicking the dropdown box provides access to other available catalogs. Selecting an alternate catalog will load it into the Gateway. If you do not see the dropdown box, then only a single catalog is currently published.

 2. Searching the Catalog

The Catalog Search (shown at the top of the navigation) allows quick retrieval of catalog content that matches your interests.

To use the Catalog Search, simply enter a search keyword or phrase and press ENTER. The search will find any matching content in the catalog including courses, programs, school/colleges, departments or other narrative content.

 2.1. Search Options

Search options are available by clicking on the Advanced Search link below the regular search form or by clicking the Modify Search Options link after performing a search. The search options offer more precise searching of the catalog content.

To limit your search to only specific types of catalog content, check only the checkboxes for content categories you wish to include in your search.

Check the "Whole Word/Phrase" check box to search for an exact match for a keyword or phrase. For instance, entering "bio" will only return hits in which the term "bio" stands alone; it will not return any instances of the term "biology". The same is true if you enter a phrase.

Click "Show Prefix List" to display a list of all course prefixes available in the catalog. You may enter a keyword phrase that includes a course prefix and code (like "ENG 101") to better locate a specific course. The closest available matches will be returned first.

Click the Search button to perform the search.

 3. Browsing the Catalog


You may easily browse through the catalogs by using the different navigation links on the left side of the page. Each catalog may have its own distinct set of navigation links.

Some links may display pages about the catalog or other related information. Other links may display listings of courses or programs within the catalog. These navigation links may display other information that is broken down by various methods such as by school/colleges, by departments, or by program, or course types.

Some pages may show "Go to Information..." links following a school/college or department which, when clicked, will display more information about that school/college or department.

Course and program titles are almost always shown as links. Clicking on a course title will display course information below the course title about the course (course information may be shown in a pop up window if you have an older browser). Clicking on a program title will display all the related information for the program.

FlashPoint™ Links

Some school/colleges, departments, programs, and courses may have FlashPoint Links associated with them that may be a text link or a click-able graphic. These FlashPoint Links are links to an additional digital resource. The digital resource may be another web page, a text document, audio, video, or many other types of media and may require a special browser plug-in.

To view a FlashPoint Link, simply click on it. All FlashPoint Links will be displayed in a new pop up window.

To print a page click the print link. The "Print Friendly" version will open up with just the content of the page in it (no navigation or header). If you click the print link on a "Print Friendly" page the browser will popup with the print dialog allowing you to print that page.

Problems with Gateway Print Links

If your browser does not support the print link you may need to use the operating system or web browser's built in print functions instead.