Feb 11, 2025  
2012-2013 Undergraduate Catalog 
2012-2013 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Military Programs

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Steve Duncan, Director, Spilman 207

Department of Aerospace Studies (US Air Force ROTC)

Lt. Col. Serena Armstrong, Professor of Aerospace Studies

Students may obtain consent of the chairperson of the Department of Aerospace Studies prior to enrolling in an aerospace studies course if prerequisites for the course have not been met.

How to Apply for AFROTC

  1. Students applying for the three- and four-year programs register for Air Force ROTC in the same manner and at the same time they register for other university courses.
  2. Students interested in applying for other programs must contact the chairperson of the Department of Aerospace Studies. Generally, the student must have two academic years of study remaining after completion of the four week field training course, either at the undergraduate or graduate level or a combination of the two.


A student must meet the following requirements before he or she can enroll in the Air Force ROTC:

General Military Course (GMC): Freshman, Sophomores, and Graduate Students with at least three semesters remaining.

  1. Be enrolled as a full-time student at East Carolina University or be classified as a visiting student by the registrar.
  2. Be a citizen of the United States.
  3. Be at least fourteen years old.
  4. Have no obvious disqualifying medical defects.
  5. Inform the chairperson of the Department of Aerospace Studies if he or she is a former serviceman or servicewoman or has received previous military schooling (e.g., high school ROTC). The student may not be required to complete the entire general military course.
  6. AFROTC physical fitness requirements must be met before attending field training.

The General Military Course (GMC) represents the first half of the program and it is taken during the Freshman and/or Sophomore (or graduate equivalent) year(s). This program allows students to participate in Air Force ROTC for up to two years with no commitment unless on an Air Force ROTC scholarship. As a GMC cadet, students will learn more about the Air Force and the historical development of airpower. The last half, called the Professional Officer Course is competitive and is taken during the Junior and Senior (or graduate equivalent) years. These courses cover leadership skills and national defense policy.

Professional Officer Course (POC): Juniors, Seniors and Graduate Students with at least two semesters remaining.

  1. Complete the Air Force ROTC general military course during the freshman and sophomore years of college.
  2. Successfully complete the Air Force Officer Qualification Test (AFOQT).
  3. Meet the medical requirements for a commission.
  4. Be selected upon the basis of all test scores and GPA by a selection board at ROTC headquarters, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama.
  5. Successfully complete a four-week field training course at a US Air Force base (may be postponed under certain conditions).
  6. Have approval from the chairperson of the Department of Aerospace Studies.
  7. Be in good academic standing with the university.
  8. Meet AFROTC physical fitness requirements.

The Professional Officer Course (POC) is highly competitive so students are encouraged to apply early. The leadership and national defense policy courses are the same as those offered the last of the three- and four-year programs.

AFROTC College Scholarship Program

Scholarships are available to students on a competitive basis and are awarded based on academic performance, SAT/ACT scores, physical fitness test, medical exam, a personal interview, and Air Force Officer Qualifying Test (AFOQT) scores. Scholarships pay for college tuition, books, lab fees, plus a monthly allowance. Many different types are available. Many scholarships are available in majors identified as critical by the US Air Force (typically in computer science, mathematics, and physics). Students interested in these scholarships should contact the Department of Aerospace Studies, 310 Wright Annex, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC 27858-4353. High school students should contact their guidance counselor for information and application forms or apply directly to HQ AFROTC/RRUC via www.afrotc.com. High school applications should be made prior to December 1 of the high school senior year.

Academic Status of Courses in Aerospace Studies

General Military Course (GMC). This program is primarily for cadets enrolled in the four-year program. There is no military obligation to students enrolled in the GMC who are not on scholarship. It requires four semesters for completion, for which 8 s.h. of credit will be allowed. AERO credits may be applied toward other degree requirements in the following manner, provided individual certification requirements are met.

Students may substitute all AERO semester hours earned for free electives.

Professional Officer Course (POC). This program is primarily for cadets who have met all qualifications. It requires four semesters for completion, for which 16 s.h. are allowed. Credits earned in this portion of the AERO curriculum may be applied toward other degree requirements as follows:

  1. Students may substitute all AERO credits earned for free electives.
  2. After AERO credits have been substituted for a minimum of one-half of the total number of free electives available to a student, he or she may substitute remaining credits for specific courses in his or her field of study upon approval of his or her advisor.
  3. AERO courses may help satisfy the full-time student status requirements of the Veterans Administration (VA) for GI Bill Educational Benefits.

Professional Officer Course (POC)

Consent of department chair is a prerequisite for all courses in the POC numbered above 2999.

Department of Military Science (US Army ROTC)

LTC Dan Heape, Professor of Military Science, 204 Christenbury Gym


All university students may enroll in the military science basic course without an obligation to the US Army. To be eligible for participation in the advanced course, an applicant must be enrolled as a full-time student at East Carolina University; be in good academic standing with the university; be physically qualified; must have satisfactorily completed the basic course or an equivalent; and must have a minimum of two years remaining as a full-time student at either the undergraduate or graduate level. In addition, applicants must be commissioned by their thirty-eighth birthday.

How to Apply for Army ROTC

Students applying for the four-year program must register for military science and leadership courses in the same manner and at the same time as they register for other university courses. The courses are listed under Military Science (MLSC) in the course listing section of this catalog.

Students interested in applying for the two-year program must contact a US Army ROTC representative in 203 Christenbury Gym. The student must have at least two academic years of study remaining at the undergraduate or graduate level. Exceptions may be made.

Army ROTC College Scholarship Program

The Department of Military Science offers three- and two-year college scholarships for students enrolled at East Carolina University. Scholarships include laboratory expenses, incidental fees, and $600 per semester for books and supplies. Students also receive stipend payments of $350-500 a month in nontaxable pay during each annual period of the scholarships. To apply for a three- or two-year US Army ROTC scholarship, a student should contact the ECU US Army ROTC scholarship officer in 200A Christenbury Gym; telephone 252-328-4180. Four-year scholarships are available to incoming freshmen who apply during high school and who meet requirements.

Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP)

SMP allows students to be members of the US Army National Guard or the US Army Reserve and US Army ROTC at the same time. Students enlisted in the US Army National Guard and US Army Reserve may take advantage of this program and enroll directly into the advanced course. Advanced ROTC SMP students receive full in-state tuition and are paid approximately $265 per month for one weekend of Army Reserve or National Guard training, plus $4,050 - 4,500 a year subsistence allowance from the ROTC advanced course. In addition, they receive $4,515 per year tuition assistance from the North Carolina National Guard. They serve as officer trainees in their guard or reserve units under the close supervision of a commissioned officer.

Professional Military Education (PME) Requirements

The professional education component, required for a commission, comprises a baccalaureate degree and one of the below listed military history courses.

Military History:




      Aerospace StudiesMilitary Science

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