Entrepreneurship and Small Business Concentration Program Coordinator: Mike Harris (1200 Bate Building; 252-328-6836; harrismi@ecu.edu)
General Business Concentration Program Coordinator: Mike Harris (1200 Bate Building; 252-328-6836; harrismi@ecu.edu)
International Business Concentration Program Coordinator: Tope Bello (3107 Bate Building; 252-328-4856; bellot@ecu.edu)
Management Concentration Program Coordinator: (1200 Bate Building; 252-328-6836; harrismi@ecu.edu)
The BSBA in management offers students the opportunity to acquire knowledge in the management of human and physical resources and to acquire skills useful in the management of domestic and international organizations.
Minimum degree requirement is 120 s.h. of credit as follows: