The master of arts in psychology is a post-baccalaureate program (34-51 s.h.), which includes three concentrations: clinical psychology, industrial and organizational psychology, and school psychology. All concentrations in the program include a minimum of 3 s.h. in research skills, 3 s.h. in ethics and professional practice, 6 s.h. in applied research, internship or thesis, and a required subspecialty core. Please see below for specific concentration requirements.
The clinical psychology concentration (51 s.h.) is earned en route to the doctor of philosophy in health psychology (clinical health concentration). The clinical psychology concentration is generally completed in the first two years of study. The program provides didactic training in ethics, psychological assessment and diagnosis, and psychotherapy. In addition to classroom learning, the student will also engage in supervised practica experiences during the first-year of training in addition to the second-year practicum. Finally, students will gain research experience through the completion of a thesis project during the second year of training. Admission to the master’s concentration is contingent upon admission to the clinical health concentration in the health psychology doctoral program .
The industrial and organizational psychology concentration (45 s.h.) is designed for students wishing to apply psychological expertise to situations involving human resources in organizations. Students are required to complete either a summer internship between the first and second year of the program or a thesis project. The coursework for the industrial and organizational psychology concentration provides a preliminary foundation for the occupational health psychology concentration in the doctor of philosophy in health psychology . However, acceptance into the industrial and organizational concentration does not guarantee acceptance into the occupational health psychology concentration of the health psychology doctoral program . Students who are enrolled in the industrial and organizational concentration and wish to pursue the doctoral program in health psychology with a concentration in occupational health psychology must apply for admission to the doctoral program.
The school psychology concentration (34 s.h.) is earned en route to the doctor of philosophy in health psychology (pediatric school concentration) or the School Psychology, CAS . The school psychology concentration is generally completed in the first two years of study. It provides foundational courses for practice in schools and related settings, including classroom training in ethics, assessment, and intervention. Students also complete a research project. The thesis is required of students admitted to the doctoral program; either thesis or directed research projects are required for students admitted to the SSP program. Admission to the master’s school psychology concentration is contingent upon admission to the pediatric school psychology concentration of the health psychology doctoral program or to the MA/SSP school psychology program.
Minimum degree requirement is 34-51 s.h. as follows: