Electives - 21 s.h.
(Choose the 21 s.h. from one of the following three options.)
Course Work Only Option
Twenty-one (21) s.h. from 6000-level software engineering (SENG) courses and 6000-level computer science (CSCI) courses. The semester hours from the CSCI courses must not exceed nine (9).
Project Option
Eighteen (18) s.h. from 6000-level software engineering (SENG) courses and 6000-level computer science (CSCI) courses. The semester hours from the CSCI courses must not exceed nine 9. Additionally, SENG 6290 - Software Engineering Project with a written project report is required for this option.
The project option involves collecting research literature on a topic of interest, critically examining it, and summarizing the research in the form of a formal technical report. This option may also involve developing software systems or proof of concept systems. Students must deliver an oral presentation of their findings. Students select topics for their projects in consultation with research advisors prior to the beginning of the last semester of study. SENG 6290 is typically completed during the last semester of study.
Thesis Option
Fifteen (15) s.h. from 6000-level software engineering (SENG) courses and 6000-level computer science (CSCI) courses. The s.h. from the CSCI courses must not exceed nine (9). Additionally, SENG 7000 - Thesis with a written thesis report is required for this option.
For the thesis option, students must summarize their research work in the form of a formal written document and deliver an oral presentation. Thesis research work is typically conducted over two semesters.