Program Coordinator: Todd Finley (132 Ragsdale Hall; 252-328-6695;
A minimum GPA of 2.7 is required for admission to the English, Secondary Education, BS program. Majors must have a minimum grade of C (2.0) in EDTC 4001 ; EDUC 4400 or PSYC 4305 ; ENED 2123 , ENED 3018 , ENED 3815 , ENED 4010 , ENED 4323 , ENED 4960 ; ENGL 2000 , LING 2700 , LING 2710 , ENGL 3000 , ENGL 3010 , ENGL 3020 ; PSYC 1000 or PSYC 1060 ; PSYC 2777 ; READ 3990 or READ 5317 ; and SPED 4010 . For information about NC teacher licensure requirements see Licensure .
The degree requires a minimum of 120 s.h. as follows: