Mar 10, 2025  
2013-2014 Graduate Catalog 
2013-2014 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Master of Arts in Education

Master of arts in education (MAEd) degree programs range from a minimum of 36-39 semester hours, depending on the teaching field. All MAEd degree programs require completion of course work in the following competency areas: research, trends, and issues in education; the diverse learner; and, effective communication and leadership. The program is designed so that students and advisors have options in completing these competencies. Additional courses may be added to the following list of core courses as they are approved.

All MAEd teaching degree programs require completion of a final product. Depending on the teaching area selected, the final product may be in the form of a comprehensive examination (written or oral), a thesis, a research project, or a portfolio. See the description of teaching area specific courses (below) for information about how the final product requirement is satisfied in each teaching area.

A student may seek acceptance into the College of Education and one of several teaching areas offered in the MAEd. Minimum requirements for admission to the College of Education’s MAEd program include the following:

  1. All MAEd applicants (except those applying to the adult education MAEd program) must currently hold or be eligible for an initial teaching license. Entrance into an MAEd teaching area other than that of the initial licensure area may require prerequisite courses and a passing score on the area specialty PRAXIS exam for licensure.
  2. Overall GPA of 2.7 on a 4.0 scale on all undergraduate work from an institution accredited by a regional association.
  3. Satisfactory entrance examination scores on either the Graduate Record Examination or the Miller Analogies Test. This must be completed prior to admission or completion of 9 s.h. of graduate credit.
  4. A completed Graduate School application packet, including the written statement of purpose, a copy of the initial teaching license, and three letters of recommendation from persons who can attest to the applicant’s academic competence orability to do graduate work.

Upon acceptance into a teaching area, the student is assigned an advisor.

MAEd programs administratively located in their respective departments:

Required core courses - 9-12 s.h.


Teaching area specific courses - 24-30 s.h.

(Choose from one of the following areas.)

Business education - 27 s.h.


Choose 9 s.h. in an elementary content strand as follows:


Final product requirement:

A research project with an oral presentation (ELEM 6000  and ELEM 6001 ) or a thesis with an oral thesis defense (ELEM 7000 ).


(IRB research approval procedures are required for all students in this research series)

18 s.h. of English or English education courses 6 s.h. of which must be at the 6000 or 7000-level.


Final product requirement:

A research project initiated in ENED 6510  and completed with an oral presentation in ENED 6511 .

Final product requirement:

A professional portfolio (HLTH 6990  and HLTH 6991 ) is required for completion of the final product requirement.

Concentration: Choose American History or European History

Choose 21 s.h. in the area, including 9 s.h. from the historiography course, the seminar in issues and topics, and a directed research project.

6 s.h. in a related field outside the concentration.


At least 3 s.h. of coursework must be in the area of culturally diverse or multicultural populations.


Final product requirement:

A research project with an oral defense and comprehensive oral examination.

Final product requirement:

Either the development of a professional portfolio and an internship (EDTC 6992 ) or a thesis with an oral defense (EDTC 6995) and an internship (EDTC 6992 ).

Choose a technology elective from BITE, or EDTC


Final product requirement:

The development of a professional portfolio with an oral defense or a thesis with an oral defense (BITE 7000 ).

Concentration Area:

Choose 12 s.h. from one concentration area or a minimum of 9 s.h. from one area and 3 s.h. from another.

Final product requirement:

A research project with a presentation and written documentation (MIDG 6401 ) or a thesis with an oral thesis defense (MIDG 7000 ).

Physical education - 24 s.h.


Choose 6 s.h. from one option as follows:


Option I. Courses for Related Study:

Approved electives from reading and classroom teaching, reading specialist, adult literacy, teaching English as a second language (TESL) or a combination of related study courses

Option II. Non-Thesis:

Choose from approved list of electives

Option III. Thesis:

(2 required courses)

Final product requirement:

A professional electronic portfolio (READ 6406 , READ 6407 , READ 6418 , READ 6421 , READ 6422 , READ 6430 ) and presentation.

Final product requirement:

Action research project.

Choose 15 s.h. from one concentration area as follows:


Electronic portfolio requirement:

Demonstration of field-based master teaching, research, collaboration, and leadership skills developed throughout the SPED MAEd program

Final product requirement:

Completion of a thesis (SPED 7000 ) or a field-based project (SPED 7002 ); both require a presentation to faculty and students

Electronic portfolio requirement:

Demonstration of field-based master teaching, research, collaboration, and leadership skills developed through the SPED MAEd program

Final product requirement:

Completion of a thesis (SPED 7000 ) or a field-based project (SPED 7002 ); both require a presentation to faculty and students

Admission to Candidacy

Admission to candidacy for the MAEd will be met when the following have been completed.

  1. Unconditionally admitted to graduate standing.
  2. Acquired initial NC teaching licensure in appropriate area.
  3. Accepted to a program area and assigned an advisor.
  4. Completion of 12 s.h. of graduate credit over and above any entrance deficiencies or conditions.

Transfer Credit

Transfer of credit regulations which have been established by the Graduate School apply to this degree program. Transfer of credit is only accepted when it is fulfilling a deficiency or content area of knowledge.

Residence Requirements

The residence requirement for a nondoctoral degree program is met when a student has earned at least eighty percent of the required graduate degree credit for his or her program through enrollment in courses offered by East Carolina University.

Continuous Enrollment (or Registration)

Graduate students who have previously registered for all credits in a graduate degree program but who have not completed all requirements (e.g., thesis, professional paper, internship, etc.) must continue to register each semester (except summer terms) until all degree requirements are completed and filed with the registrar. Under special circumstance, exception to continuous registration may be approved by the dean of the Graduate School. Students must be registered for the semester of graduation (except summer if registered for preceding spring semester).

Other Requirements for the MAEd

General requirements for the completion of the master’s degrees are as follows:

  1. 36-39 s.h. of course work, depending upon the teaching area.
  2. A cumulative grade point average of 3.0.
  3. Meeting specific teaching area requirements.
  4. Completion of a culminating project.

Students who do not have at least a 3.0 GPA upon completion of the MAEd program may be allowed to submit up to 6 s.h. additional graduate credit hours in residence on the East Carolina University campus or at an approved graduate center in order to accumulate a 3.0 average. These credits will be in the area(s) evaluated as being weak.

Graduate courses with a final grade of C may be credited toward completion of any part of a nondoctoral degree program, but any student who receives a final grade of C on courses totaling in excess of 6 s.h. will have his or her program terminated. A “B” average is required for graduation based on semester hours of A-graded work equal to or exceeding semester hours of C-graded work. A student who receives two Fs or two Cs and an additional C or F as final grade is subject to termination.