Feb 09, 2025  
2012-2013 Undergraduate Catalog 
2012-2013 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Advisement, Progression and Support Services


General Information

East Carolina University offers academic programs through traditional on-campus class attendance as well as by distance education classes offered via the Internet and at other locations. Courses are offered in fall and spring semesters, each comprising fourteen weeks plus an additional week at the close of each semester for exams. Both traditional and nontraditional students may be enrolled in on-campus and/or distance education classes. (See www.ecu.edu)

Summer classes are offered for both on-campus and distance education instruction. There are two summer session schedule formats: one eleven-week session, and two five-week terms. Schedules for fall and spring semesters as well as summer school are located in the front of this catalog and are also available at www.ecu.edu. Students entering the university only for a summer session(s) must meet all admission requirements or be approved visitors from another institution. See Section 2, Admission and Readmission , or contact the Office of Admissions, www.ecu.edu/admissions, for further information. Graduate students should consult the Graduate School.

The Office of Undergraduate Studies

The Office of Undergraduate Studies (OUS) is an integral part of the university’s commitment to improving undergraduate education. This office, housed in the Division of Academic Affairs, serves as an administrative and academic home for housing various programs and services that relate to the academic undergraduate experience at East Carolina. The office works in collaboration with other initiatives with specific focus on retention, persistence, and graduation.

OUS includes the Academic Advising and Support Center, oversees the Advising Collaborative and is the campus center for programs focused on retention and persistence. The office also serves as an institutional clearinghouse for nationally competitive, external fellowships, grants and scholarships relating to undergraduate students and manages the Undergraduate Assistantship program.

One of the unique programs offered by East Carolina University is a dual enrollment university credit program for high school junior and seniors via the Second Life learning platform. This early college program is in collaboration with school systems in eastern North Carolina. For more information, consult www.ecu.edu/ecslp.

Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is expected of every East Carolina University student.

Academic violation of the Honor Code consists of the following: cheating, the giving or receiving of any unauthorized aid or assistance, or the giving or receiving of unfair advantage on any form of academic work; plagiarism, copying the language, structure, ideas, and/or thoughts of another and adopting those as one’s original work; falsification, statement of untruth, either verbal or written, regarding any circumstances relating to academic work; and attempting any act which if completed would constitute an academic integrity violation as defined above. Procedures governing academic integrity violations are described in the East Carolina University Student Handbook and in the Faculty Manual.

No student may drop the involved course or withdraw from the university prior to resolving an academic integrity charge.

Academic Advisement

To assist students in their academic programs, the university has established in each college, school, and department a system of academic advising, whereby the student is assigned to a faculty member or a professional advisor who serves as his or her advisor. The advisor helps to plan the student’s academic program, particularly during registration periods; keeps a record of his or her progress; and is available throughout the year for additional advising. To obtain the name of assigned advisors, students should go to ECU OneStop (https://onestop.ecu.edu/onestop) , and click on Banner Self Service.

Advisors will make every attempt to give effective guidance to students in academic matters and to refer students to those qualified to help them in other matters. The responsibility for meeting all academic requirements for a selected program rests with the student.

Upon admission to the university, students are advised in the appropriate areas as follows:

  • On-campus freshmen and sophomore students are advised in the General College, unless otherwise specified below, until a major is declared. (See General College, below.) Students admitted directly into a degree program are advised in that unit. (Consult academic unit.) Students admitted under the nontraditional student admissions policy will be advised by General College advisors until they have satisfied both the stipulations of their letter of admission and the requirements for admission to their major.
  • Distance education students are advised by a faculty member and/or professional advisor in the major program.

Student Progression

As students matriculate, they are classified by semester hours of credit as freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior. Students who entered through the General College will choose a major as they near completion of the foundations curriculum requirements or meet the requirements as specified in a selected degree program. Students admitted under the nontraditional student admissions policy may not declare a major until they have met published stipulations.

Classification of Students

In a regular semester, a student who registers for 12 or more semester hours is classified as full time. A student registered for less than 12 semester hours is classified as part-time. In order to graduate in eight semesters of attendance, a student in a typical degree program (120-128 semester hours) must average 15-16 semester hours of credit per semester. Students will be classified as to class standing as follows:

1-29 semester hours credit: Freshman
30-59 semester hours credit: Sophomore
60-89 semester hours credit: Junior
90 or more semester hours credit: Senior

Liberal Arts Foundations Program

The Liberal Arts Foundations program consists of the freshman- and sophomore-level courses that satisfy the requirements in foundations curriculum for baccalaureate degrees. In some majors, notably music, art, and the sciences, sequence course work which must be taken in the freshman and sophomore years requires that some Liberal Arts Foundations requirements be postponed until the junior year. Suggested course sequences and other advising information may be found at www.ecu.edu/advising.

The Goals of the Liberal Arts Foundations Curriculum

The overarching goal of the Liberal Arts Foundations curriculum is to provide students with the fundamental knowledge and abilities essential to their living worthwhile lives both private and public. The curriculum is based on the faculty’s belief that the best way to prepare students for living worthwhile lives is to provide them with a solid foundation in the core disciplines in the liberal arts (the humanities, arts, natural sciences, and social sciences), in conjunction with a multidisciplinary education in the specific areas of health promotion and physical activity and mastery of writing and mathematics competencies. The foundations curriculum provides a common, unified knowledge and skills base to students who will major in different subjects and who come from diverse cultural backgrounds. Foundations courses give students the shared knowledge and abilities necessary to integrate their foundational education with their major. Taken from the perspective of students’ personal, private interests, this foundation and its integration with specialized learning in the students’ majors enables students to live broadly informed, responsible, worthwhile lives. From the public perspective, this integration is essential to good citizenship in an increasingly global yet culturally diverse and conflicted world.

Fundamental Goal Areas

The foundations curriculum is divided into four basic, core disciplinary areas (humanities, arts, natural sciences, social sciences), one multidisciplinary area in health promotion and physical activity, and two areas of competence: writing and mathematics.

All foundations courses in the core liberal arts disciplines must meet the three fundamental goals of a foundational liberal arts education:

Students must learn the subject matter of one or more of the disciplines in each of the four core areas (humanities, arts, sciences, and social sciences).
Students must learn the fundamental concepts and research methods utilized in one or more of the disciplines in each core area.
Students must learn the relevance of scholarship in the discipline and in its core area to the student’s overall education.

All courses in the required multidisciplinary area (health promotion and physical activity) and competency areas (writing and mathematics) must meet the goals specific to each of these areas.

Goals for the humanities, arts, sciences, social sciences, health promotion and physical activity, writing, and mathematics are available at www.ecu.edu/cs-acad/fsonline/as/liberalartsfoundation.cfm.

Courses that Carry Foundations Curriculum (FC) Credit

Many courses that carry foundations curriculum credit are identified in the course listings using the FC designation; however, there may be other courses that also carry foundations curriculum credit. Many majors have specific foundation course requirements (see listing in section). Students should check their intended degree requirements prior to selecting foundation courses. For example, some majors may require specific science, math, social science, fine arts, and/or humanities courses. Courses in the student’s major prefix area may not count toward foundations curriculum requirements.

ENGL 1100 , ENGL 1200  (FC:EN) - 6 semester hours
Health (FC:HL) and Exercise and Sport Science
(FC:EX) - 3 semester hours

(Select at least one course in each area.)

Humanities and Fine Arts
(FC:HU) (FC:FA) - 10 semester hours

Select at least one course in humanities and one course in fine arts from the following areas:
Humanities (FC:HU)
Literature (English or American)
Literature in a foreign language or in translation
(See Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures . Foreign languages 1001-1004 will not meet this requirement.)
Religious Studies
Selected Linguistics Courses
Fine Arts (FC:FA)
Communication (selected courses)
Theatre Arts

Mathematics (FC:MA) - 3 semester hours

Three hours of mathematics at least equivalent to MATH 1050  (not for some teacher education majors, consult advisor) or MATH 1065  or MATH 1066  or three hours of logic at least equivalent to PHIL 1500  (If logic is used to satisfy this requirement, it may not be used to satisfy the humanities requirement for the baccalaureate degree.)

Science (FC:SC) - 8 semester hours

At least one course must require laboratory work. Select one or more courses from the following departments:
Anthropology (ANTH 2015 , ANTH 2016 )
Geography (GEOG 1300 )

Social Sciences (FC:SO) - 12 semester hours

Select courses from at least three of the following areas:
Political Science

Certain honors and interdisciplinary courses (CDFR, ETHN, INTL, RCLS, RUSI, and WOST) may be used to satisfy foundations curriculum requirements. For specific courses used to meet the foundations curriculum requirements see Section 9.

Declaration or Change of Major and Minor

Students should consult their academic advisor regarding the process for declaring a major and/or minor.

Declaring a Major

To declare (to be admitted to) a major, a student must complete the admission requirements for the program and complete the formal admission process as specified by the program. Students may choose to earn a baccalaureate degree, two baccalaureate degrees simultaneously (dual degree), or a double major. Students who hold a baccalaureate degree and wish to pursue a second undergraduate degree will follow the requirements for a dual or second major, below. (See Academic Requirements for Degrees and Minors.)

Student athletes and pre-health/pre-law students are assigned to academic advisors in their majors. Athletics and the Pre-Professional Advising for Allied Health, Medicine, Dentistry, and Law continue to provide monitoring and support in helping these students to meet their program requirements.

Declaring a Minor

If a degree program requires a minor, the minor must be identified at the time the student declares his or her major and must be approved by the major chairperson or dean or his or her designee. All BA degrees require a minor unless the degree requirements include a concentration and/or specified cognates. (See Academic Requirements for Degrees and Minors.)

Academic Requirements for Degrees and Minors

Baccalaureate Degree Requirements

The bachelor’s degree may be conferred by the university upon the student’s application when the student has earned the minimum number of semester hours of credit required for the degree by the major department or school, has met the foundations curriculum requirements, and has fulfilled all requirements of the major/minor program. (See department, school, and college listings. Also see following paragraphs for additional requirements.)

The university does not award degrees solely because a student successfully completed the required courses. Violations of the student code of conduct, including both academic and nonacademic violations, may result in a degree not being awarded. For example, when the student has disciplinary charges pending, the degree may be withheld or the awarding of the degree may be delayed.

A degree from East Carolina University comprises a minimum of 120 semester hours. A minimum of 25 percent of the credit hours required for the degree and at least 50 percent of the total hours required in the major discipline must be completed through enrollment in East Carolina University. The required resident study does not need to be accomplished in consecutive semesters. One-half of the minimum semester hours required in the student’s program must be earned through enrollment in a regionally-accredited senior college.

Double Major Requirements

The double major comprises a primary major and a secondary major. The student desiring to double major will be advised in the department offering the primary major. However, the chairperson, director, or dean of the unit offering the secondary major also must review the requirements for the second major and sign the senior summary sheet. The double major may count any number of hours from the primary major toward the secondary major. The number of hours applicable toward a second major should not be limited.

If the primary major is part of a non-BA degree program and the secondary major is identified in the curriculum for the BA degree, neither additional foundations curriculum requirements for the BA degree nor a foreign language requirement will apply. Courses taken to meet foundations curriculum requirements may be used to satisfy requirements for the secondary major or a minor, except where prohibited, but not for the primary major. (See specific major requirements for restrictions.) Double major students, however, are not required to complete additional writing-intensive course work.

Additional Requirements for all Degrees

Writing Intensive Requirement
Students enrolling at East Carolina University must fulfill the writing across the curriculum requirement prior to graduation. To do so, each student must complete a minimum of 12 semester hours of writing intensive courses, typically including ENGL 1100 , ENGL 1200 ; at least one semester hour of writing intensive courses in the major; and any other three semester hours writing intensive course of the student’s choice. Students entering the university with transfer credit for ENGL 1200 have satisfied the foundations curriculum requirement in the area of English. Such students are still required to complete a total of 12 semester hours of credit in writing intensive courses. All second degree students will be required to complete at least three semester hours of writing intensive course work in the major. Writing intensive courses/sections of courses are identified each semester in the course schedule listing and will be designated WI on the student’s transcript. A complete listing of courses approved as writing intensive may be found at the University Writing Program Web site www.ecu.edu/writing. A course will transfer into ECU as WI under two conditions. The course must either be a writing intensive course in a writing across the curriculum program at the university or college where it was taken, and/or the course must have the words “writing” or “communication” (e.g., “Writing for Business and Industry” or “Business Communications”) in the course title. Courses meeting either of these two criteria will be accepted as WI, and count as writing intensive for ECU degree requirements.

Cultural Diversity Requirement
Each academic unit will ensure that its majors complete at least one course which exposes them to cultural diversity. Courses which meet this requirement will be designated by the respective unit.

Cognate and Professional Course Requirements
Many baccalaureate programs have requirements in addition to course work in foundations curriculum, in the major field, and in the minor field. These additional requirements may be labeled cognate courses or professional courses required for teacher certification (see requirements for degree in section 8). Cognates, minor courses, and courses used for the second major may be used to satisfy foundations curriculum requirements, except where prohibited. Professional courses required for teacher certification may not be used to satisfy foundations curriculum requirements.

Additional Requirements for BA Degree

All candidates for the BA degree must complete a foreign language through level 1004 as part of their degree requirements. The number of required credits for a major shall not be fewer than 30 semester hours or more than 36 semester hours A candidate for the BA degree must declare a minor if required. Some BA degrees require a concentration and/or specified cognates instead of a minor. However, a BA degree may require a minor and a concentration and/or specified cognates. The number of required credits for a minor shall not be fewer than 24 semester hours or more than 30 semester hours.

Special Requirements for BS Degree for Students Preparing to Teach

A minimum GPA of 2.5 is required for admission to and retention in the teacher education program. Additionally, PRAXIS I or SAT or ACT scores and computer competency requirements must be met. Students will complete a senior-year portfolio, which includes a technology product. To qualify for a North Carolina teacher license, the student must complete the requirements of an approved competency-based teacher education program designed to meet the requirements for the professional studies components of programs in all teaching areas. All teacher education majors should consult their advisors to select appropriate courses which may be required as cognates in their academic discipline.

East Carolina University requires academic concentrations for all majors in elementary education, middle grades education, business and marketing education, health education, and physical education. Academic concentration requirements are listed in the College of Education subsection. Students should consult their departmental advisor for specific information about this component of their program.

Professional credits for majors in elementary education, middle grades, secondary education, business and marketing education, secondary education, and special education are listed in Section 8, College of Education: Requirements for Students Preparing to Teach. For majors in birth through kindergarten, and K-12 programs, see BS degree curricula for students preparing to teach under appropriate department or school. Minors are required in some fields but not in others. Students should check the major requirements presented in the department and school listings to determine if a minor is required in a particular field.

Minor Requirements

Major, minor, cognate, core curriculum, and/or certification requirements are presented in the department and school listings. If the degree program requires a minor, the minor must be identified at the time the student declares his or her major and must be approved by the major chairperson or dean or his or her designee. A minor shall be 24-30 semester hours of credit. All BA degrees require a minor, unless the degree requirements include a concentration and/or specified cognates; however, some BA degrees may require a concentration or cognates in addition to a minor.

Dual or Second Degree Requirements

A student may choose to earn simultaneously two degrees (e.g., BA and BS or BS and BFA, etc.). To satisfy the requirements for dual baccalaureate degrees at East Carolina University, the student must complete the requirements for one baccalaureate degree program and also complete a minimum of an additional 30 semester hours through course enrollment at ECU for the other degree. The student will be advised by both departments and a separate senior summary completed by each.

Foundations curriculum requirements for one degree may be used to satisfy the foundations curriculum requirements for the other degree, however, the required foundations curriculum courses for the second degree must be met. All other degree requirements, including a foreign language, must be met and may not be waived. All dual degree students will be required to complete at least three semester hours of writing intensive course work in each major. Students who wish to satisfy the requirements for a BS degree in teacher education may use the same major for both degrees provided the university offers a teacher certification program in that major.

A student who currently holds a baccalaureate degree may enroll in a second baccalaureate degree program. The student must meet the curriculum requirements for the second undergraduate degree in the catalog under which he or she enters or in some subsequent catalog, and must complete a minimum of 30 semester hours in enrollment at ECU. No student will be permitted to complete the second degree under a catalog issued more than three years prior to the date of completion of the second degree.

In evaluating curriculum requirements for the second undergraduate degree, the academic unit offering the second degree will determine whether foundations curriculum requirements from the first undergraduate degree satisfy foundations curriculum requirements for the second degree. However, any foreign language requirements for the second degree must be fully met and may not be waived. All second degree students will be required to complete at least three semester hours of writing intensive course work in the major.

A student pursuing a second undergraduate degree must maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA. In determining the GPA, only attempted hours toward the second degree will be counted. Grade points earned in the first degree will not apply in determination of academic eligibility while a student is enrolled for a second degree. However, the GPAs from the first and second undergraduate degrees will be used in the consideration of a degree with distinction.

Graduation Requirements

Every student should confer with his or her academic advisor and/or the major department/school administrator or designee about program and degree requirements. At least two semesters prior to graduation, each student must, in consultation with the unit administrator or designee, complete a graduation requirements review (also called a senior summary) in consultation with their advisor and complete the application for graduation that is available in the Office of the Registrar and departmental offices.

All requirements must be met by the official graduation date of East Carolina University. A student may expect to be allowed to obtain a degree in accordance with the requirements set forth in the regulations in force when he or she enters the university or under subsequent regulations published while he or she is a student. However, a student is restricted in choice to the requirements of one specific catalog. Undergraduate students who enter the university under the regulations of a catalog have a period of five years, inclusive and continuous, in which to claim the degree requirements of that catalog.

Students pursuing a second undergraduate degree must select a catalog issued no more than three years prior to completion of the second degree program.

In order to graduate, all students must have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 and a GPA of 2.0 in the major. If a student completes required courses in his or her major and takes other courses in that field as electives, these additional courses as well as cognate courses will be counted in computing the major GPA. Grades made on courses taken at other colleges and universities will not be considered except in the calculation of graduation with honors, but official transcripts must be on file in the Office of the Registrar.

Degrees with Distinction

Based on all work attempted at all higher education institutions throughout the students’ academic career and without regard to institutional practices which substitute or “forgive” grades, three levels of distinction are granted to graduating undergraduate students as follows:

“Summa Cum Laude” for a cumulative average of 3.90
“Magna Cum Laude” for a cumulative average of 3.60
“Cum Laude” for a cumulative average of 3.50

First Undergraduate Degree

Degrees with distinction are granted to transfer students under the following conditions.

  1. The student must complete through enrollment in East Carolina University at least one-half the minimum number of hours required for the degree.
  2. The student must have the required average on all work taken through enrollment in East Carolina University.
  3. The student must have a cumulative average that meets the requirements for the appropriate degree with distinction on all work attempted (all ECU and transfer work, including courses where the grade replacement policy has been applied). If transfer work includes grades of D or F, those grades will be included in the calculation for degrees of distinction.

Second Undergraduate Degree

Second undergraduate degrees with distinction are awarded under the following conditions.

  1. The student must complete a minimum of 30 semester hours through enrollment in East Carolina University.
  2. The student must have a minimum GPA of 3.5 on course work for the second degree and a cumulative average that meets the requirement for the degree with distinction on all course work attempted for the first degree as well as for the second degree.
  3. If transfer work includes grades of D or F, those grades will be included in the calculation for degrees of distinction.

Academic Support Services

Academic Advising and Support Center

The Academic Advising and Support Center assists students through academic referral and workshops for students on warning or probation. The office staff can provide information on academic policies and procedures and information about academic support programs provided in academic units and other areas. Students may visit the center or access the center’s Web site at www.ecu.edu/advising.

Pre-Professional Advising Center for Allied Health, Medicine, Dentistry, and Law

The Pre-Professional Advising Center for Allied Health, Medicine, Dentistry, and Law provides programs and information to students interested in pursuing careers and/or graduate studies in the allied health and law sectors. The center houses professional advisors for allied health majors. Students are encouraged to visit the center to learn about professional schools, prepare for standardized tests, attend special workshops, and receive individual assistance.

The Pirate Tutoring Center

The Pirate Tutoring Center offers students help with adjusting to college-level coursework and study skills development. The Pirate Tutoring Center is located in Joyner Library and offers the following services at no cost to students.

  • Free Tutoring: Walk-in course content tutoring available at Joyner Library on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights from 6:30 pm to 9 pm.
  • Study Skills Coaching: Individual student appointments focusing on study skills strategies, GPA recovery, and study skills development.
  • Specialized Workshops: Included are the survivor workshop series and final exam assistance.
  • Online Study Skills Assistance: Available at the Pirate Tutoring Center Web site (www.ecu.edu/piratetutoringcenter)

More information is available at tutoring@ecu.edu.

Academic Appeals and Exceptions

Assistance to students at East Carolina University dealing with academic appeals and exceptions to academic policies, course re-evaluations, graduation issues and concerns, over hour approvals, permission to take courses at other colleges and/or universities, residency for in-state tuition (initial undergraduate classification), residency appeals, schedule reinstatements, special adds, transfer student services, transfer course equivalencies, and withdrawals from the university are handled through the Office of Enrollment Services.

Office of Student Transitions and First Year Programs

The Office of Student Transitions and First Year Programs (OSTFYP) provides a coordinated, comprehensive approach to enhancing first year student success , and beyond, by achieving four fundamental goals: developing a sense of belonging, collaborating with academic affairs, serving as a liaison for parent council, and maintaining a sense of progression during the first year of college and beyond. These goals are accomplished through the following functional areas: New Student Orientation, Transfer Student Orientation, Freshman Seminar (COAD 1000), Plunge Into Purple, Student Convocation, Parent Services and Diversity Outreach, and Transfer Student Services.

New Student Orientation

New Student Orientation assists students and family members with the transition to the university. With the assistance of departments within the university community, the office provides academic and student life information for all new students and family.

The purpose of orientation is to inform students about the academic requirements of the university and to prepare them for the transition into the university classroom. During orientation, students may take a placement test in mathematics so that they may register for the appropriate course. Students will also meet with an advisor and register for classes. In addition, orientation provides the opportunity for family and students to become knowledgeable about student life programs offered at East Carolina University. Participants will become acquainted with faculty, staff, student leaders, and other new students and family members.

For more information about New Student Orientation, telephone 252-328-4173, or access the Web site at www.ecu.edu/fyc.

Entering transfer students should contact the assistant director of Student Transfer Services at 252-328-6077 or access the Web page at www.ecu.edu/cs-acad/transfer/.

Freshman Seminar (COAD 1000)

The Office of Student Transitions and First Year Programs offers COAD 1000 (Student Development and Learning in Higher Education) to first year students including transfer students. The course meets twice weekly and helps students transition to college life. While in the course, students focus on the development of academic skills, learning processes, and career decision-making skills. Students who successfully complete the course earn one semester hours of graduation credit.

Service Learning

Certain courses have an SL designation indicating that the course includes a significant service-learning component. Service-learning is an instructional method that deepens students’ understanding of course content through organized service in the community along with purposeful reflection about their learning experiences. Students apply the skills and theories they have learned in the classroom to solve the real-life problems facing a variety of communities. Participation in courses with the service-learning (SL) designation affords opportunities to impact the community while at the same time gaining a deeper understanding of the academic material, their own abilities, and the community.

University Writing Center

The University Writing Center provides support for all writing in the university except for that in ENGL 1100 and 1200, which is supported by assistance offered through the Department of English’s First-Year Writing Studio. The main site of the University Writing Center is on the first floor of Joyner Library; however, satellite locations are available in Bate Building (2026) and in the Health Sciences Building (1504). Students are encouraged to visit any site of the University Writing Center at least twenty-four hours before an assignment is due to discuss a piece of writing with a trained writing consultant. Students may access additional resources, including the online writing lab for students enrolled in distance education courses, through the University Writing Program Web site, www.ecu.edu/writing.

Career Center

Our mission is to assist and guide all students in their career quest. We will provide a safe harbor for students to explore career options while identifying skills, experience internships, cooperative education, and part-time positions, and engage with the rest of their lives.

The Career Center provides programs and services to assist students with the transition from academic endeavors to the world of work by preparing students for life after graduation. We offer services which include classroom presentations, workshops and seminars on career-related subjects, assistance with resume writing and interviewing, and opportunities for co-op positions and internships. Each academic college has a career staff member assigned as a liaison to provide service to the students and faculty in that college.

The Career Center staff communicate with students and employers, and post part-time on- and off-campus jobs, internships/co-ops, and full-time, post graduation jobs through a dynamic system called eRecruiting. Students upload their resume to the system and employers post positions in eRecruiting.

The Career Center is open Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information, access the Career Center at www.ecu.edu/e3careers, telephone 252-328-6050, or visit 701 East Fifth Street. It takes just five minutes to sign up for Pirate Jobs, the ECU Career Center’s private listing of jobs and internships. Students may register at www.ecu.edu/career and activate their account.

Testing Center

The Testing Center, operated by the Office of Institutional Planning, Research, and Effectiveness administers several national testing programs, including the PRAXIS, American College Testing (ACT), College-Level Examination Program (CLEP), Law School Admission Test (LSAT), Medical College Admission Test (MCAT), Miller Analogies Test (MAT), Pharmacy College Admission Test (PCAT), Scholastic Assessment Tests (SAT), and Test of Spoken English (TSL). Local, state, and national licensing and certification examinations are administered by the office. Upon request, the office will administer individually arranged exams such as correspondence tests for other colleges and employer personnel examinations. The Testing Center does not administer exams for ECU’s distance education courses. Further information is available from the Testing Center, D-102 Brewster; telephone 252-328-6811.