Jul 03, 2024  
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog 
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Course Information

Course Lists by Special Designations



  • GEOG 4540 - Coastal Storms

    3 F Same as  

    P: ATMO 1300  or  ; or consent of instructor. Basic dynamics, analysis, and forecasting of extratropical and tropical storms; history of storms in the Carolinas and current mitigation plans.
  • GEOG 4580 - Radar and Satellite Meteorology

    3 S Same as  

    P:   or  ; GEOG 3420 ; or consent of instructor. History, theory and applications of radar and satellite meteorology, with a focus on techniques of satellite image interpretation and radar data processing applied to severe weather forecasting and climate analysis.
  • GEOG 4590 - Tropical Meteorology

    3 F Same as  

    P:   or  ; or consent of instructor. Tropical atmosphere as a key component of global weather and climate and climate prediction. Examination of the El Niño – Southern Oscillation, the Madden Julian Oscillation, tropical cyclones and monsoons and their associated climate predictability.
  • GEOG 4801 - Geographic Internship

    1 F,S,SS

    60 hours of work responsibility for 1 s.h. credit. May be repeated for maximum of 6 s.h. May not count toward general education social sciences requirement. P: Consent of director of geography internships; consent should be obtained during the semester prior to internship. Application of geographic principles in industrial, governmental, or business setting.
  • GEOG 4802 - Geographic Internship

    2 F,S,SS

    61 hours of work responsibility for 1 s.h. credit. May be repeated for maximum of 6 s.h. May not count toward general education social sciences requirement. . P: Consent of director of geography internships; consent should be obtained during the semester prior to internship. Application of geographic principles in industrial, governmental, or business setting.
  • GEOG 4803 - Geographic Internship

    3 F,S,SS

    62 hours of work responsibility for 1 s.h. credit. May be repeated for maximum of 6 s.h. May not count toward general education social sciences requirement. P: Consent of director of geography internships; consent should be obtained during the semester prior to internship. Application of geographic principles in industrial, governmental, or business setting.
  • GEOG 4900 - Honors Research

    3 F,S

    P: Admission to GEOG honors program. Supervised reading and research in area of geography that leads to preparation of senior honors thesis proposal.
  • GEOG 4901 - Senior Honors Thesis

    3 F,S

    P: GEOG 4900  with a grade of B or higher. Extensive program of supervised research in area of geography that leads to writing of senior honors thesis.
  • GEOG 4999 - Geography Professional Seminar

    1 F,S

    P: Consent of instructor. Design and completion of professional portfolio. Examines transition from undergraduate student status to professional life or continued education.
  • GEOG 5220 - Physical Geography Field Experience


    10 classroom hours of orientation and organization over a 2- week period followed by 3 weeks (15 working days) in a field location. Undergraduates may not count toward general education social sciences requirement. P: GEOG 1300 , GEOG 2250 ; or consent of instructor. Field-based introduction to basic aspects of physical geography research. Development of research questions, field techniques, use of modern instrumentation, and geographic analysis of field data.
  • GEOG 5281 - Selected Topics in Physical Geography


    May be repeated for up to 6 s.h. Undergraduates may not count toward general education social sciences requirement. P: Consent of instructor. Seminar on selected topic.
  • GEOG 5282 - Selected Topics in Physical Geography


    May be repeated for up to 6 s.h. Undergraduates may not count toward general education social sciences requirement. P: Consent of instructor. Seminar on selected topic.
  • GEOG 5283 - Selected Topics in Physical Geography


    May be repeated for up to 6 s.h. Undergraduates may not count toward general education social sciences requirement. P: Consent of instructor. Seminar on selected topic.
  • GEOG 5393 - Seminar in Human Geography


    May be repeated for up to 6 s.h. Undergraduates may not count toward general education social sciences requirement. P: Consent of instructor. Seminar on selected topic in economic-human geography.

Geography Banked Courses

  • GEOG 1100 - World Regional Geography


  • GEOG 1201 - Introduction to Physical Geography Laboratory


  • GEOG 2009 - Human Geography


  • GEOG 2201 - Weather and Climate Laboratory


  • GEOG 3008 - Evolution of Cartography


  • GEOG 3048 - Eastern Europe


  • GEOG 3201 - Land Form Analysis Laboratory


  • GEOG 3221 - Natural Regions of the United States Field Studies


  • GEOG 3222 - Natural Regions of the United States Field Studies


  • GEOG 3223 - Natural Regions of the United States Field Studies


  • GEOG 4072 - Intermediate Cartography


  • GEOG 4560 - Urban Climatology

    3 F

    P: GEOG 1300 ; or consent of instructor. Impact of urbanization upon atmospheric processes, including energetic balance, precipitation, atmospheric circulation, and pollution.
  • GEOG 4570 - Hydrometeorology

    3 S

    May not count toward general education social science requirement. P: GEOG 1300 ; or consent of instructor. Theory and observation of atmospheric processes as they relate to surface hydrology. Emphasis on measurement, prediction, and Climatology of precipitation, evapotranspiration and associated hydrologic events, such as flooding.

Geological Sciences

  • GEOL 1500 - Dynamic Earth

    3 F,S,SS GE:SC

    Introductory survey of geologic materials (minerals and rocks), topographic features on the continents and in the ocean basins, geologic structures (faults, folds, etc.), and various processes (plate tectonics, igneous activity, weathering, erosion, sedimentation, glaciation, mountain-building, etc.) that produce geologic features.
  • GEOL 1501 - Dynamic Earth Laboratory

    1 F,S,SS GE:SC

    3-hour lab per week. C: GEOL 1500 . Study, classification, and identification of common minerals and rocks of the earth’s crust; study of various topographic features as revealed on topographic maps and aerial photographs; and study of geologic structures as seen on geologic maps, structural cross sections, and aerial photographs.
  • GEOL 1550 - Oceanography

    4 F,S GE:SC

    Introductory survey of geological, biological, chemical, and physical characteristics of marine environment, their interrelationships, and interaction between people and the ocean.
  • GEOL 1600 - Earth and Life Through Time

    4 F,S GE:SC

    Survey of physical, chemical, and biological geologic events that have occurred on earth during its long history. Chronologic arrangement of these events in world-wide geologic time scale and consideration of their causes. Major theme is organic evolution.
  • GEOL 1700 - Environmental Geology

    4 F,S GE:SC

    Interactions among basic geologic processes, geomorphic features, earth resources, and people whose activities are an expanding and increasingly demanding geological agent.
  • GEOL 1800 - Geology of the National Parks

    4 GE:SC

    Geologic evolution and scenic features in our national park system. Topics may include volcanoes, caverns, sea coasts, glaciation, arid regions, and fault block mountains. Relationship of scenery to geologic processes and materials.
  • GEOL 2000 - Quantitative Methods in the Geological Sciences


    P: MATH 1065 . Introduction to quantitative techniques used in descriptive and predictive aspects of the geological sciences.
  • GEOL 2500 - The Atlantic Ocean and the Mid-Atlantic Coast


    RC: GEOL 2501 . History and oceanography of the Atlantic Ocean and the morphology of and processes affecting the Mid-Atlantic coast.
  • GEOL 2501 - The Atlantic Ocean and the Mid-Atlantic Coast Laboratory


    Mid-Atlantic coastal environments and their governing physical, geological and related biogeochemical processes, with field investigations.
  • GEOL 2600 - Analysis Techniques and Methods of Coastal Ocean Research


    RC: GEOL 2501 . Lab and field methods used to examine oceanographic processes and introduction to coastal ocean research.
  • GEOL 3050 - Mineralogy and Petrology I

    4 F

    3 lectures per week. P: 1000-level GEOL course; RP: CHEM 1150 , CHEM 1151 ; GEOL 1500 , GEOL 1501 , or consent of instructor. Systematic approach to hand-specimen study and classification of minerals and igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks.
  • GEOL 3051 - Mineralogy and Petrology I Laboratory

    0 F

    3 lab hours per week. P: 1000-level GEOL course; RP: CHEM 1150 , CHEM 1151 ; GEOL 1500 , GEOL 1501 , or consent of instructor. Systematic approach to hand-specimen study and classification of minerals and igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks.
  • GEOL 3150 - Mineralogy and Petrology II

    4 S

    3 lectures per week. P: GEOL 3050 , GEOL 3051 ; P/C: CHEM 1150 , CHEM 1151 . Crystallographic and chemical properties of minerals and study of chemical and physical processes governing the classification, origin, and occurrence of minerals and rocks.
  • GEOL 3151 - Mineralogy and Petrology II Laboratory

    0 S

    3 lab hours per week. P: GEOL 3050 , GEOL 3051 ; P/C: CHEM 1150 , CHEM 1151 . Crystallographic and chemical properties of minerals and study of chemical and physical processes governing the classification, origin, and occurrence of minerals and rocks.
  • GEOL 3200 - Introduction to Field Methods

    2 F

    1 lecture and 1 3-hour lab per week. P: GEOL 1600 . Introduces standard scientific methods of solving geologic field problems. Techniques include description, sampling, and measurement of geologic processes and sections, and principles of field mapping, utilizing the Brunton compass, aerial photographs, and plane table and alidade.
  • GEOL 3201 - Introduction to Field Methods

    0 F

    1 lecture and 1 3-hour lab per week. P: GEOL 1600 . Introduces standard scientific methods of solving geologic field problems. Techniques include description, sampling, and measurement of geologic processes and sections, and principles of field mapping, utilizing the Brunton compass, aerial photographs, and plane table and alidade.
  • GEOL 3209 - Environmental Forensics


    P: CHEM 1150 , CHEM 1151 , CHEM 1160 , CHEM 1161 ; or equivalent; or consent of instructor. C: GEOL 3210 . Identification of environmental pollutants, estimation of their source(s), quantification of how long the pollution has persisted, and assessment of human health and ecosystem exposure. Investigation of common environmental contamination within air, water, soil, groundwater, sediments, and biota.
  • GEOL 3210 - Environmental Forensics Laboratory


    1 3-hour lab per week. P: CHEM 1150  ,CHEM 1151 , CHEM 1160 CHEM 1161 ; or equivalent; or consent of instructor; C: GEOL 3209 .  Identification of environmental pollutants, estimation of their source(s), quantification of how long the pollution has persisted, and assessment of human health and ecosystem exposure. Investigation of common environmental contamination within air, water, soil, groundwater, sediments, and biota.
  • GEOL 3250 - Introduction to Geomorphology


    2 lectures per week. P: GEOL 1500 , GEOL 1501  or consent of instructor. Study and classification of landforms, their origin, and the processes which shape them. Emphasis on field observation and dating techniques for Quaternary processes and landforms.
  • GEOL 3251 - Introduction to Geomorphology Laboratory


    1 3-hour lab per week. P: GEOL 1500 , GEOL 1501  or consent of instructor. Study and classification of landforms, their origin, and the processes which shape them. Emphasis on field observation and dating techniques for Quaternary processes and landforms.
  • GEOL 3300 - Structural Geology

    4 S

    3 lectures per week. P: GEOL 3200 , GEOL 3201 . Structures resulting from tectonic formation of earth’s crust and intrusion of molten magma.
  • GEOL 3301 - Structural Geology Laboratory

    0 S

    1 3-hour lab per week. P: GEOL 3200 , GEOL 3201 .. Structures resulting from tectonic formation of earth’s crust and intrusion of molten magma.
  • GEOL 3402 - Engineering Geology


    P: GEOL 1500 ; MATH 1065 . Study of geologic factors affecting the location, design, construction, operation and maintenance of engineering structures.
  • GEOL 3500 - Hydrogeology and the Environment


    Hydrogeology with emphasis on environmental water resources issues.
  • GEOL 3700 - Advanced Oceanography


    P: GEOL 1550  or equivalent; or consent of the instructor. An in-depth examination of the structure and formation of ocean basins, the role of oceans in the hydrological cycle, the physical properties of seawater, atmospheric and ocean circulation, waves and tides. Emphasis is placed on key scientific studies, research methods, data analysis and quantitative problem solving.
  • GEOL 3800 - Earth’s Climate: A Geological Perspective


    The geologic record and causes (processes) of climate change with a focus on the Quaternary.
  • GEOL 4000 - Summer Field Course in Geology

    6 SS

    Full-time each week for the entire 6-week session. P: GEOL 3050 , GEOL 3051 , GEOL 3300 , GEOL 3301 . Stratigraphy, structure, geomorphology, and economic deposits of southwestern and central New Mexico and southern Colorado through basic mapping on topographic and photo bases. Mapping exercises involve wide variety of geologic features ranging from complexly faulted Mesozoic and Cenozoic rocks to isoclinally folded Precambrian rocks in areas of excellent exposures.
  • GEOL 4010 - Sedimentology

    4 WI F

    3 lecture hours per week. P: GEOL 1600 , GEOL 2000 , GEOL 3050 , GEOL 3051 . Analysis of processes and products of sedimentation. Flow mechanics and sedimentary structures, depositional systems, sedimentation and tectonics, the effects of sea level on depositional systems, methods of description and classification of sediments and sedimentary rocks, and preparation of sedimentologic field reports.
  • GEOL 4011 - Sedimentology Laboratory

    0 WI F

    3 lab hours per week. P: GEOL 1600 GEOL 2000 , GEOL 3050 , GEOL 3051 . Analysis of processes and products of sedimentation. Flow mechanics and sedimentary structures, depositional systems, sedimentation and tectonics, the effects of sea level on depositional systems, methods of description and classification of sediments and sedimentary rocks, and preparation of sedimentologic field reports.
  • GEOL 4020 - Stratigraphy

    3 WI S

    2 lectures per week. P: GEOL 1600 . Description, classification, and interpretation of stratified sedimentary rocks. Emphasis on principles and methodology.
  • GEOL 4021 - Stratigraphy Laboratory

    0 WI S

    1 2-hour lab per week. P: GEOL 1600 . Description, classification, and interpretation of stratified sedimentary rocks. Emphasis on principles and methodology.
  • GEOL 4200 - Paleontology

    4 WI S

    3 lectures per week. P: GEOL 1600 . Fossilized remains of principal animals that lived during earth history. Emphasis on paleontologic principles, especially as applied to invertebrate fossils. Topics include population dynamics, taxonomic principles, functional morphology, paleoecology, evolution, and biostratigraphy.
  • GEOL 4201 - Paleontology Laboratory

    0 WI S

    1 3-hour lab per week. P: GEOL 1600 . Fossilized remains of principal animals that lived during earth history. Emphasis on paleontologic principles, especially as applied to invertebrate fossils. Topics include population dynamics, taxonomic principles, functional morphology, paleoecology, evolution, and biostratigraphy.
  • GEOL 4550 - Honors Thesis

    3 F,S

    9 research hours per week. P: Junior standing with minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA; completion of minimum of 20 s.h. in GEOL; a minimum grade of C (2.0) and minimum 3.0 GPA in GEOL courses. Extensive program of carefully supervised reading and research in area of geology. Written report in scientific format.
  • GEOL 4551 - Honors Thesis

    3 F,S

    9 research hours per week. P: Junior standing with minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA; completion of minimum of 20 s.h. in GEOL; a minimum grade of C and minimum 3.0 GPA in GEOL courses. Extensive program of carefully supervised reading and research in area of geology. Written report in scientific format.
  • GEOL 5000 - Geomorphology


    2 lectures per week. P: GEOL 1500 , GEOL 1501 ; an additional 4 s.h. in introductory GEOL sequences; or consent of instructor. Advanced study of landforms, stages of their development, and agents which have shaped them.
  • GEOL 5001 - Geomorphology Laboratory


    1 3-hour lab per week. P: GEOL 1500 , GEOL 1501 ; an additional 4 s.h. in introductory GEOL sequences; or consent of instructor. Advanced study of landforms, stages of their development, and agents which have shaped them.
  • GEOL 5150 - The Geologic Component of Environmental Science


    P: Introductory GEOL course or consent of instructor. Basic geologic knowledge and insights that support sound, rational, and science-based environmental decisions and policies in regard to land and water use. Topics include pollution abatement, clean up, and prevention; resource extraction, use, and conservation; and hazardous geologic processes.
  • GEOL 5300 - Geology of Coastal Processes and Environments


    May include field trips to various coastal systems. P: GEOL 1550 , GEOL 4010 , GEOL 4011 ; or consent of instructor. Modern coastal systems. Diversity and distribution, complexity and dynamics of interacting processes and responses, origin and evolutionary history, and role of man as major modifying force.
  • GEOL 5350 - Marine Geology


    P: GEOL 1550 , GEOL 4010 , GEOL 4011 ; or consent of instructor. Geology of world’s ocean basins. Impact of geophysical, geochemical, and geobiological principles on concepts of origin and evolution of ocean basins; source, transportation, and deposition of marine sediments and formation of marine stratigraphic record; and role of oceanographic processes affecting earth history such as sea level fluctuation, plate tectonics, paleogeography, and paleoclimatology.
  • GEOL 5400 - Optical Mineralogy


    2 lectures per week. P: GEOL 3050 , GEOL 3051 . Theory and basic techniques for determining optical constants of crystals using a polarizing microscope and thin sections.
  • GEOL 5401 - Optical Mineralogy Laboratory


    1 3-hour lab per week. P: GEOL 3050 , GEOL 3051 . Theory and basic techniques for determining optical constants of crystals using a polarizing microscope and thin sections.
  • GEOL 5450 - Introduction to Aqueous Geochemistry


    P: CHEM 1150 , CHEM 1151 , CHEM 1160 , CHEM 1161 ; or equivalent; C: GEOL 5451 . Chemical principles for the study of elements at earth’s surface and their transportation in aqueous solutions; and weathering, groundwater, and surface water chemistry, geochemical cycles, and distribution of stable isotopes.
  • GEOL 5451 - Aqueous Geochemistry Laboratory


    3 lab hours per week. C: GEOL 5450 . Application of chemical principles to study of elements at earth’s surface, their transportation in aqueous solutions, weathering, groundwater and surface-water chemistry, geochemical cycles, and distribution of stable isotopes.
  • GEOL 5500 - Directed Studies in Geology


    P: Senior or graduate standing in GEOL or consent of instructor. Independent study on selected topic. May include field work, directed readings, or some combination thereof. Occasionally special field study or course offered using one of these course numbers.
  • GEOL 5510 - Directed Studies in Geology


    P: Senior or graduate standing in GEOL or consent of instructor. Independent study on selected topic. May include field work, directed readings, or some combination thereof. Occasionally special field study or course offered using one of these course numbers.
  • GEOL 5520 - Directed Studies in Geology


    P: Senior or graduate standing in GEOL or consent of instructor. Independent study on selected topic. May include field work, directed readings, or some combination thereof. Occasionally special field study or course offered using one of these course numbers.
  • GEOL 5600 - Economic Geology


    2 lectures per week. P: GEOL 3050 , GEOL 3051 . Genesis, mode of occurrence, and utilization of mineral resources. Metals, nonmetals, and basic energy resources such as petroleum, coal, and uranium. Emphasis on geology of these resources and their relationship to modern technological society.
  • GEOL 5601 - Economic Geology Laboratory


    1 3-hour lab per week. P: GEOL 3050 , GEOL 3051 . Genesis, mode of occurrence, and utilization of mineral resources. Metals, nonmetals, and basic energy resources such as petroleum, coal, and uranium. Emphasis on geology of these resources and their relationship to modern technological society.
  • GEOL 5700 - Geohydrology of Drainage Basins


    2 lectures per week. P: GEOL 1500 , GEOL 1501 ; or consent of instructor. Drainage basin geology and hydrology. Emphasis on quantitative analysis, evaporation, streamflow, and hydrologic parameters of surface water and ground water basins.
  • GEOL 5701 - Geohydrology of Drainage Basins Laboratory


    1 3-hour lab per week. P: GEOL 1500 , GEOL 1501 ; or consent of instructor. Drainage basin geology and hydrology. Emphasis on quantitative analysis, evaporation, streamflow, and hydrologic parameters of surface water and ground water basins.
  • GEOL 5710 - Ground Water Hydrology


    2 lectures per week. P: GEOL 1500 , GEOL 1501 ; or consent of instructor. Origin, occurrence, movement, quality, regional analysis, and management of ground water. Interrelationship of ground and surface water. Lab emphasis on aquifer test data collection and interpretation.
  • GEOL 5711 - Ground Water Hydrology Laboratory


    1 3-hour lab per week. P: GEOL 1500 , GEOL 1501 ; or consent of instructor. Origin, occurrence, movement, quality, regional analysis, and management of ground water. Interrelationship of ground and surface water. Lab emphasis on aquifer test data collection and interpretation.

Geological Sciences Banked Courses

  • GEOL 1601 - Historical Geology Laboratory


  • GEOL 3000 - Mineralogy


  • GEOL 3001 - Mineralogy Laboratory


  • GEOL 3100 - Petrology


  • GEOL 3101 - Petrology Laboratory


  • GEOL 4100 - Sedimentation and Stratigraphy


  • GEOL 4101 - Sedimentation and Stratigraphy Laboratory


  • GEOL 5750 - Introduction to Engineering Geology


  • GEOL 5751 - Introduction to Engineering Geology Laboratory



  • GERM 1001 - German Level I


    Lab work. Recommended early in college career for BA students and potential GERM majors and minors. First of four-course sequence. Intensive training in basic skills of understanding, speaking, reading, and writing German. Focus on life and culture of German-speaking world.
  • GERM 1002 - German Level II


    Lab work. Recommended early in college career for BA students and potential GERM majors and minors. P: GERM 1001  or placement in 1002 by German placement test. Second of four-course sequence. Further intensive training in basic skills of understanding, speaking, reading, and writing German. Focus on life and culture of German-speaking world.
  • GERM 2003 - German Level III

    3 Formerly GERM 1003

    Recommended early in college career for BA students and potential GERM majors and minors. P: GERM 1002  or placement in 2003 by German placement test. Third of four-course sequence. Intensive training leading to more advanced levels of achievement in understanding, speaking, reading, and writing German. Focus on life and culture of German-speaking world.
  • GERM 2004 - German Level IV

    3 Formerly GERM 1004

    Recommended early in college career for BA students and potential GERM majors and minors. P: GERM 2003  or placement in 2004 by German placement test. Fourth of four-course sequence. Further intensive training leading to intermediate-level proficiency in understanding, speaking, reading, and writing German. Readings and discussions to further acquaint student with life, literature, and culture of German-speaking world.
  • GERM 2611 - Early Experiences for the Prospective Teacher


    For prospective teachers. Minimum of 16 hours of directed observations and planned participation in appropriate school environments and 8 hours of seminar class instruction in the teaching area. May not count toward BA or minor. Introduces teaching of German.
  • GERM 3001 - German Composition and Conversation I

    3 Formerly GERM 2210

    P: GERM 2004  or consent of instructor. Intensive development of oral skills for use in everyday situations, vocabulary growth, listening comprehension, and correctness in grammar. Practice in task-oriented compositions and comprehensive review of grammatical forms and usage.
  • GERM 3002 - German Composition and Conversation II

    3 Formerly GERM 2211

    P: GERM 2004  or consent of instructor. with emphasis on developing students’ writing skills and increasing knowledge of contemporary culture. Makes use of variety of print and multimedia texts, including literature, newspaper, magazines, film, television and world-wide Web.
  • GERM 3110 - German Business Communication

    3 WI

    P: GERM 3001  or GERM 3002 ; or consent of instructor. Working knowledge of oral and written German as used in business world. Preparation for dealing effectively with business German in the US and abroad.
  • GERM 3120 - German Business Communication II

    3 WI

    P: GERM 3001  or GERM 3002 ; or consent of instructor. Introduces students to contemporary topics impacting business in German-speaking countries. Prepares students to apply for a job or internship with a German-language company.
  • GERM 3210 - Conversation


    P: GERM 3001  or GERM 3002 ; or consent of instructor. Direct and systematic use of spoken language. Intensive approach for developing functional levels of communication in German.
  • GERM 3330 - Composition and Advanced Grammar

    3 WI

    P: GERM 3001  or GERM 3002 ; or consent of instructor. Principles of effective writing in German and advanced review of grammar. Emphasis on syntax, forms, and usage.

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