Jul 05, 2024  
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog 
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Course Information

Course Lists by Special Designations


Political Science

  • POLS 4310 - Public Policy and the Media


    Role of media in formulation and analysis of public policies primarily in US, also comparisons with other nations.
  • POLS 4321 - Contemporary Southern Politics


    Comprehensive study of southern regional politics. Emphasis on role of mass movements, power structures, political parties, and factionalism. Underlying cultural and economic factors.
  • POLS 4360 - Politics of Developing Areas


    Major theoretical issues and political problems central to processes of modernization and socioeconomic development in Third World.
  • POLS 4382 - Politics of Terrorism

    3 GD

    Explores phenomenon of terrorism throughout world with particular focus on characteristics of terrorism, reasons why groups choose terrorist action, and issues in counter terrorism.
  • POLS 4383 - War in the Modern Age


    Broad-ranging study of politics of modern war. Causes, weaponry and strategy, and effects. Arms control issues and analysis of potential for armed conflict in post-Cold War era.
  • POLS 4501 - Independent Study in Political Science

    1 WI F,S,SS

    May count maximum of 6 s.h. of POLS 4501 , POLS 4502 , POLS 4521 , POLS 4522  toward any degree offered by the Department of Political Science. P: Consent of chair. Individualized program developed through student initiative in consultation with professor of choice as an extension of material offered through formal courses in departmental curriculum. Available only as extended study program when regular course offerings in a particular field of discipline have been exhausted and student is interested in additional study in that field.
  • POLS 4502 - Independent Study in Political Science

    2 WI F,S,SS

    May count a maximum of 6 s.h. of POLS 4501 , POLS 4502 , POLS 4521 , POLS 4522  toward any degree offered by the Department of Political Science. P: Consent of chair. Individualized program developed through student initiative in consultation with professor of choice as an extension of material offered through formal courses in departmental curriculum. Available only as extended study program when regular course offerings in a particular field of discipline have been exhausted and student is interested in additional study in that field.
  • POLS 4521 - Directed Readings in Political Science

    1 F,S,SS

    May count maximum of 6 s.h. of POLS 4501 , POLS 4502 , POLS 4521 , POLS 4522  toward any degree offered by the Department of Political Science. P: Consent of chair. Advanced students read basic literature in field.
  • POLS 4522 - Directed Readings in Political Science

    2 F,S,SS

    May count maximum of 6 s.h. of POLS 4501 , POLS 4502 , POLS 4521 , POLS 4522  toward any degree offered by the Department of Political Science. P: Consent of chair. Advanced students read basic literature in field.
  • POLS 4551 - Honors

    3 WI F,S

    P: POLS major; invitation to participate in honors program.
  • POLS 4552 - Honors

    3 WI F,S

    P: POLS 4551  with a minimum grade of B.
  • POLS 4983 - Internship in Political Science


    140 work and academic hours per semester. Internship must be arranged at least 15 days before term begins. P: Consent of instructor. Practical experience in politics, law, public administration, policy international affairs, and other areas relevant to the discipline of political science. Parallel readings and study. Emphasis on guided application of concepts and principles from related courses and structured readings to applied situations.
  • POLS 4996 - Capitol Experience

    9 F,S,SS

    P: Admission to approved legislative internship program and consent of dept chair. Participation in organized legislative internship program with state legislature or U.S. national government. Experiential learning under academic supervision in political or public agency setting.

Political Science Banked Courses

  • POLS 3145 - Russian Foreign Policy


  • POLS 3242 - Municipal Policy and Administration


    Decision-making process in urban governments. Survey of selected policy areas.
  • POLS 3243 - Comparative State Politics


    Major state political institutions, political context within which they function, and processes by which they work. Comparative analysis rather than detailed account of a particular state government.
  • POLS 3256 - Environmental Politics


    Energy and environmental policies, especially governmental responses to conflicting goals of clean environment and energy sufficiency.
  • POLS 3257 - International Environmental Policy


    Structures and processes used in formulation and implementation of international environmental treaties and agreements. Focus on international environmental policy, law, and cooperation.
  • POLS 3270 - Latin-American Political Systems


    Selected Latin-American governments. Emphasis on internal processes and systems.
  • POLS 3280 - South Asian Political Systems


    RP: POLS 2010 . Comparative analysis of development and change in India, Pakistan, Ceylon, and Burma.
  • POLS 3282 - East Asian Political Systems


  • POLS 3370 - American Political Thought


  • POLS 4107 - Topics in Comparative Politics


    May be repeated for maximum of 6 s.h. with change of topic. P: 12 s.h. in comparative government and politics courses or consent of instructor. Selected topics and issues include executive-legislative relations, ethnicity and nationalism, revolutions, etc.
  • POLS 4305 - Public Administrative Theory


  • POLS 4306 - Intergovernmental Relations in the United States


  • POLS 4307 - Comparative Public Administration


  • POLS 4371 - Western Political Thought I: Moses to Montesquieu


  • POLS 4380 - Topics in International Politics


    May be repeated for maximum of 6 s.h. with change of topic. P: POLS 2020  or consent of instructor. Selected topics and issues in contemporary international politics.
  • POLS 4384 - Inter-American Relations


    International politics among the countries of the Western Hemisphere.


  • ART 2010 - Printmaking Survey

    3 F,S

    P: Two courses (6 s.h.) from ART 1015 , ART 1025 ART 1030 . Broad aspects of relief, intaglio, and planographic processes.
  • ART 2020 - Printmaking Workshop I

    1 S

    2 studio hours per week. P: ART 1015 , ART 1030 ; 1906 or 1907; ART 2010  or consent of instructor. Continued development of artistic skills Basic black and white techniques of collagraphic process.
  • ART 2040 - Printmaking Workshop III


    2 studio hours per week. P: ART 2220 . Continued development of artistic skills. Basic techniques of photo silk-screen process.
  • ART 2050 - Printmaking Workshop IV

    1 S

    2 studio hours per week. P: ART 2010 , ART 2220 ; or consent of instructor. Continued development of artistic skills. Basic techniques of photo-intaglio process.
  • ART 2600 - Printmaking Studio I

    3 F,S

    P: ART 2010  or consent of instructor. Continued development of aesthetic concerns. Basic intaglio acid techniques of line etching, aquatint, soft-ground, lift-ground, and appropriate printing procedures.
  • ART 2610 - Printmaking Studio II

    3 F,S

    P: ART 2600  or consent of instructor. Continued development of aesthetic concerns. Basic intaglio non-acid techniques of drypoint, engraving, mezzotint, and appropriate printing processes Intaglio color printing techniques include multiplate, stenciled color, and one-plate printing methods. Etching techniques from ART 2600  employed to make plates for color printing.
  • ART 3600 - Printmaking Studio III

    3 F,S

    P: ART 2010  or consent of instructor. Continued development of aesthetic concerns. Basic processes of lithography. Printing surface preparation, elementary drawing techniques, and printing.
  • ART 3610 - Printmaking Studio IV

    3 F,S

    P: ART 3600  or consent of instructor. Continued development of aesthetic concerns. Several advanced processes employed in lithography. Include color printing, transfer media, and introduction of other print media.
  • ART 4600 - Printmaking Studio V

    3 F,S

    P: ART 2010 , ART 3610 ; or consent of instructor. In-depth investigation of a printmaking process. Emphasis on aesthetic and technical considerations.
  • ART 4610 - Printmaking Studio VI

    3 F,S

    P: ART 2010 , ART 4600 ; or consent of instructor. In-depth investigation of a printmaking process. Emphasis on aesthetic and technical considerations.
  • ART 4620 - Printmaking Studio VII

    3 F,S

    P: ART 2010 , ART 4610 ; or consent of instructor. Initiation and development of a series of prints to be resolved as folio or fine book.
  • ART 4640 - Printmaking Studio IX

    3 F,S

    P: ART 2010 , ART 4630 ; or consent of instructor. Continuation of ART 4630  Completion of folio or book.
  • ART 4650 - Printmaking Studio X


    P: ART 2010 , ART 4640 . Independent investigation of specific problems in printmaking.


  • PSYC 1000 - Introductory Psychology

    3 F,S,SS GE:SO

    May receive credit for one of PSYC 1000 , PSYC 1060 . General survey of fundamental principles underlying human behavior. Introduction, learning, memory, development, physiological, motivation, social and abnormal behavior, and one or two additional topics as time permits.
  • PSYC 1060 - Honors Introduction to Psychology

    3 F,S GE:SO

    May receive credit for one of PSYC 1000 , 1060. Introduces fundamental concepts in psychology in seminar format.
  • PSYC 1070 - Global Understanding: Psychological Perspectives

    3 F, S GD

    P: PSYC 1000  or PSYC 1060 . Virtual exchange with variety of countries to explore impact of culture on psychological development.
  • PSYC 2101 - Psychological Statistics

    4 F,S,SS GE:SO

    3 lecture and 2 lab hours per week. P: MATH 1065  or equivalent or MATH 1066 ; PSYC 1000  or PSYC 1060 . Descriptive statistics. Measures of central tendency, variability, and correlation. Probability, with emphasis on sampling distributions used for prediction and hypothesis testing. Selection, computation, and interpretation of parametric and nonparametric inferential statistics, including introduction to analysis of variance.
  • PSYC 2210 - Research Methods in Psychology

    4 WI F,S,SS GE:SO

    P: BIOS 1500 MATH 2228 MATH 2283  or PSYC 2101 . Methods of research, including design, measurement, analysis, interpretation, and presentation.
  • PSYC 2211 - Careers in Psychology

    1 F,S

    P: PSYC 1000 . Exploring career opportunities in psychology and related professions.
  • PSYC 2250 - Selected Topics in Psychology


    P: PSYC 1000  or PSYC 1060 . Important current developments. Topics vary according to faculty preferences.
  • PSYC 2777 - Ethnocultural Psychology

    3 GE:SO DD Formerly PSYC 3777

    P: PSYC 1000  or PSYC 1060 . Importance of various ethnocultural factors (gender, race, nationality, education, occupation, religion, sexual orientation, family background) which affect psychological functioning of the individual.
  • PSYC 3206 - Developmental Psychology

    3 SL*: Selected Sections are Service-Learning WI*: Selected Sections are Writing Intensive F,S,SS GE:SO

    P: PSYC 1000  or PSYC 1060 . Psychological development throughout life span. Emphasis on perceptual, cognitive, social, and personality development.
  • PSYC 3221 - Social Psychology

    3 F,S,SS GE:SO DD

    P: PSYC 1000  or PSYC 1060 . Interaction of individual and society. Topics include study of basic psychological factors such as perception and motivation, which shape and reflect social influence; nature, formation, and change of attitudes; attitude measurement; conformity; role expectations; leadership and dynamics.
  • PSYC 3225 - Psychology of Learning

    3 F,S,SS

    P: PSYC 1000  or PSYC 1060 . Introductory survey of experimental methods, basic research, principles, and theories of learning and forgetting.
  • PSYC 3226 - Cognitive Psychology

    3 F,S,SS

    P: PSYC 1000  or PSYC 1060 . Focus on human research and cognition including attention, perception, consciousness, memory, concept learning, language, symbolic behavior, and problem solving.
  • PSYC 3227 - Learning Theories and Applications

    3 F, S Formerly PSYC 4333

    P:   or  . Introductory survey of the basic theories and principles of learning, including classical and operant conditioning, and successful applications of these principles in various settings.
  • PSYC 3241 - Personnel and Industrial Psychology

    3 F,S,SS GE:SO

    May receive credit for one of MGMT 4242 , PSYC 3241. P: PSYC 1000  or PSYC 1060 . Systems approach to study employee-employer relationships influencing productivity and satisfaction. Secondary emphasis on employee selection, job analysis, performance appraisal, and training. Research applied to industrial, governmental, and military organizations.
  • PSYC 3300 - Psychology of Personality

    3 F,S,SS GE:SO

    P: PSYC 1000  or PSYC 1060 . Theories of personality. Emphasis on structure, development, and dynamics.
  • PSYC 3310 - Introduction to Neuroscience

    3 F,S,SS GE:SO Same as NEUR 3310 .

    P: PSYC 1000  or PSYC 1060 . Neuroanatomy and neurophysiology and their relationship to behavior.
  • PSYC 3311 - Neuropsychology

    3 F,S,SS

    P: PSYC 1000  or PSYC 1060 . Clinical and cognitive neuropsychology. Basic anatomy of nervous system and neuronal physiology, cortical lesion syndromes, brain disorders affecting higher functions, and basic research on attention, laterality, language, and thought.
  • PSYC 3312 - Sensation and Perception

    3 F,S

    P: PSYC 1000  or PSYC 1060 . Anatomy and functioning of the various sensory/perceptual systems, including empirical research, controversies, and theories of perception.
  • PSYC 3314 - Psychology of Religion


    P: PSYC 1000  or PSYC 1060 . Psychological perspectives on religious behavior, cognition and affective experience, including research methods, spiritual development, biological and evolutionary approaches to religious experience and behavior, altruism, and current theoretical approaches.
  • PSYC 3325 - Introduction to Psychological Testing


    P:   or  ; a statistics course.  Principles of testing, including requirements for validity, reliability, norm samples, and examples of psychological tests.
  • PSYC 3375 - Abnormal Psychology

    3 F, S, SS Formerly PSYC 4375

    P:   or  . Systematic appraisal of development of human deviant behavior. Examination of formation of deviancy and current diagnostic procedures.
  • PSYC 4000 - Advanced General Psychology

    3 WI F,S,SS

    P: PSYC major; PSYC 2210 ; 2 courses from learning and cognition, biological bases, or general course groups. In-depth overview of psychology as a science organized around five main questions: How do humans (and, where relevant, animals) act, how do they know, how do they interact, how do they develop, and how do they differ from each other?.
  • PSYC 4250 - Advanced Topics Seminar

    3 WI F, S

    May be repeated with change of topic for a maximum of 6 s.h. P: PSYC major; PSYC 2210 ; 2 courses from learning and cognition, biological bases, or general course groups. In-depth coverage of primary research sources in a psychological topic.
  • PSYC 4280 - History of Psychology

    3 WI F,S,SS

    P: PSYC major; PSYC 2210 ; 2 courses from learning and cognition, biological bases, or general course groups. Psychological thought from ancient Greek philosophers to present.
  • PSYC 4305 - Educational Psychology

    3 F,S,SS

    P: PSYC 1000  or PSYC 1060 . Psychological principles applied to educational settings, including learning, motivation, classroom management, and psychological assessment.
  • PSYC 4312 - Laboratory Methods in Behavioral Neuroscience

    3 Formerly PSYC 5312, 5313.

    1 lecture and 4 lab hours per week. P: PSYC 3310 , PSYC 3311 ; or consent of instructor. Basic techniques of animal surgery, histological, examination, drug administration, and behavior testing.
  • PSYC 4315 - Neuroscience: Literature and Laboratory Experience

    3 F,S Formerly PSYC 5315, 5316.

    1-hour seminar and 8 hours lab per week. May be repeated for maximum of 12 s.h. May count a maximum of 12 s.h. toward PSYC major. P: PSYC 2210 ; PSYC 3310  or PSYC 3311 ; consent of instructor. Recently published research in behavioral neuroscience and lab work on ongoing research project.
  • PSYC 4335 - Psychology of Women


    P: PSYC 1000  or PSYC 1060 . Psychological issues pertaining to women. Impact of sex and gender on cognitive and personality development, mental health, methodological issues in research, roles of women in psychology, and influence of feminist theories.
  • PSYC 4340 - Behavioral Pharmacology Seminar

    3 Formerly PSYC 5320.

    P: PSYC 3310 , PSYC 3311 ; or consent of instructor. Behavioral and neurophysiological effects of psychoactive drugs in experimental animals and clinical populations.
  • PSYC 4350 - Psychology of Sexual Behavior


    P: 6 s.h. of PSYC to include PSYC 1000  or PSYC 1060 . Research relating to psychological aspects of sexual behavior. Historical and cultural perspectives and conventional and unconventional sexual expression.
  • PSYC 4401 - Thesis Research


    P: PSYC major; PSYC 2210 ; GPA above 3.00 overall and in Psychology. Research under direction of full-time faculty member leading to preparation of written senior thesis proposal.
  • PSYC 4402 - Senior Thesis/Project

    3 WI

    9 lab hours per week. P: PSYC major; PSYC 4401 ; 2 courses from the learning and cognition, biological bases, or general course groups; GPA above 3.00 overall and in Psychology. Design, conduct, analyze, interpret, and write up an experiment. Conducted in lab or field setting.
  • PSYC 4501 - Psychological Research

    1-3 F,S,SS

    May be repeated. May count a maximum of 6 s.h. toward the major or minor. P: PSYC 1000  or PSYC 1060 ; consent of instructor and chair. Regular class meetings and out-of-class research activities under the supervision of the course instructor. Research activities may include conducting literature reviews, assisting with data collection, data entry and analyses, or other activities detailed via contract with the instructor.
  • PSYC 4601 - Honors Research


    To be taken in second semester of junior year. P: PSYC 2210 ; admission to PSYC Honors Program; GPA above 3.3 overall and in psychology. Research with full-time faculty member leading to preparation of written senior thesis proposal.
  • PSYC 4602 - Senior Honors Thesis

    3 WI

    Satisfies departmental requirements for capstone course. Minimum of 9 hours per week. P: PSYC major; PSYC 4601  with a minimum grade of B; 2 courses from the learning and cognition, biological bases, or general course groups; GPA above 3.3 overall and in psychology. Research with full-time faculty member resulting in senior thesis.
  • PSYC 4990 - Field Experience in Psychology

    1-3 F,S

    May be repeated. May count a maximum of 6 s.h. toward major. P: Minimum of 9 s.h. completed in PSYC, minimum cumulative 2.3 GPA; consent of instructor and chair. Application of concepts and principles from related psychology courses to applied situations in field. Field experiences under joint supervision of field supervisor and university instructor.
  • PSYC 5250 - Topics in Psychology

    3 WI*: Selected Sections are Writing Intensive

    May be repeated with change of topic for a maximum of 6 s.h. P: Minimum of 9 s.h. in PSYC. Selected topics at advanced level. Topics vary.
  • PSYC 5380 - Psychology of the Exceptional Child


    P: PSYC 1000  or PSYC 1060 . Study of children who are markedly different from the average child in physical, mental, emotional, academic, or social characteristics.
  • PSYC 5400 - Advanced Gerontology


    P: PSYC 1000  or PSYC 1060 ; GERO 2400  or consent of instructor. Seminar on psychological research and its applications to the aged.

Psychology Banked Courses

  • PSYC 2010 - Memory and Thinking


  • PSYC 2150 - Applied Psychology


  • PSYC 2201 - Psychology of Childhood

    3 F,S,SS GE:SO

    May receive psychology major or minor credit for one of PSYC 2201, PSYC 3206 . P: PSYC 1000  or PSYC 1060 . Psychological bases of growth and development of children. Brief introduction of major theories and scientific findings and their application to learning, cognitive development, motivation, personality, and social relations (including parent-child, peers, and school relations).
  • PSYC 2275 - Psychology of Adjustment

    3 F,S,SS GE:SO

    P: PSYC 1000  or PSYC 1060 . Overall dynamic adjustive process in individuals in situations of stress, frustration, conflict, disease, disability, and other psychologically thwarting situations.
  • PSYC 3240 - Psychology of Adolescence

  • PSYC 3290 - Comparative and Evolutionary Psychology

  • PSYC 4320 - Behavioral Research


  • PSYC 4321 - Behavioral Research



  • READ 1031 - Reading for College and Beyond

    1 F, S

    Strategies to improve critical reading skills and comprehension.
  • READ 3000 - Literacy Learning in a Diverse World

    3 F, S, SS

    Investigation of how reading and literacy are social practices that vary by context and what that means for literacy instruction in today’s diverse world.
  • READ 3301 - Reading Instruction in the Primary Grades

    3 F,S

    Practicum required. Knowledge of a balanced literacy approach in the primary grades.
  • READ 3302 - Reading Instruction in the Intermediate Grades

    3 F,S

    Practicum required. Knowledge of the components of a balanced literacy approach in the intermediate grades.
  • READ 3990 - Teaching Reading in the Content Areas in the Secondary School

    2 F,S,SS

    May receive credit for one of READ 3990, READ 5317 . P: Secondary education and designated K-12 program majors. Knowledge and skills necessary to assure continuing development of student’s reading capabilities.
  • READ 4000 - Connecting Theory and Practice in K-12 Literacy Instruction


    Exploration of topics and issues in K-12 reading education and connections to effective classroom practice.
  • READ 4532 - Problems in the Teaching of Reading

    1 F,S,SS

    May count maximum of 3 s.h. P: Consent of instructor and dept chair. Independent study of problems in teaching of reading.
  • READ 4533 - Problems in the Teaching of Reading

    2 F,S,SS

    May count maximum of 3 s.h. P: Consent of instructor and dept chair. Independent study of problems in teaching of reading.
  • READ 4534 - Problems in the Teaching of Reading

    3 F,S,SS

    May count maximum of 3 s.h. P: Consent of instructor and dept chair. Independent study of problems in teaching of reading.
  • READ 5312 - Improvement of Reading Instruction


    May not be taken by students who have had READ 3204 . Beginning reading process. Understanding of essential skills. Early detection and remediation of possible reading problems.

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