Jul 08, 2024  
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog 
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Course Information

Course Lists by Special Designations



  • SPAN 2117 - Spanish for Professions


    P: SPAN 2004  or consent of instructor. Introduces vocabulary and cultural concepts necessary to communicate and function effectively in Spanish-speaking professional world. Fields may include but are not limited to business, criminal justice, health sciences, and social sciences.
  • SPAN 2611 - Early Experiences for the Prospective Teacher


    Minimum of 16 hours of directed observations and planned participation in appropriate school environments and 8 hours of seminar class instruction in the teaching area. For prospective teachers. May not count toward BA major or minor. Introduction to teaching Spanish.
  • SPAN 2700 - Special Topics in Hispanic Studies


    May be repeated for maximum of 6 s.h. with change of topic. P: SPAN 2004  or consent of instructor. Selected topics relating to language, literature, culture, or civilization of Spain or Latin America.
  • SPAN 3001 - Spanish Conversation

    3 Formerly SPAN 2222

    For students with limited experience in Spanish-speaking environments. P: Minimum grade of B- (2.7) in SPAN 2004  or consent of instructor; RP: SPAN 3002 . Develop oral communication skills. Emphasis on use of language in everyday situations, vocabulary growth, listening comprehension, and correctness in grammar.
  • SPAN 3002 - Spanish Composition and Review of Grammar

    3 Formerly SPAN 2330

    P: Minimum grade of B- (2.7) in SPAN 2004  or consent of instructor; RP: SPAN 3001 . Intensive practice in task-oriented compositions and comprehensive review of grammatical forms and usage. Emphasis on vocabulary development.
  • SPAN 3003 - Spanish for Heritage Speakers

    3 DD

    May not receive credit for SPAN 3003 after receiving credit for SPAN 3001 and SPAN 3002. Development of Spanish proficiency for native or heritage speakers of Spanish who have been raised in Spanish-speaking communities or households.
  • SPAN 3110 - Spanish for the Health Professions


    P: SPAN 2004  or consent of instructor. Linguistic and cultural foundations for current and future healthcare professionals seeking to interact with Spanish-speaking patients.
  • SPAN 3210 - Advanced Composition

    3 WI Formerly SPAN 3330

    P: SPAN 3001 , SPAN 3002 . Refinement of Spanish writing skills through exercises which enhance control of grammar, expand vocabulary, and promote greater awareness of rhetoric, critical reading, and revising.
  • SPAN 3220 - Advanced Oral Communication Through Multimedia


    P: SPAN 3001  or consent of instructor. Advanced practice in spoken Spanish. Emphasis on topics of current interest. Use of material available through newspapers, magazines, films, radio and television broadcasts, software, and the world-wide Web.
  • SPAN 3310 - Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics


    P: SPAN 3001  or SPAN 3002  or consent of instructor.  Overview of the main areas of linguistic inquiry. May include selections from phonology, phonetics, morphology, syntax, historical development, sociolinguistics, bilingualism, semantics, pragmatics, second language acquisition and/or other topics.
  • SPAN 3325 - Spanish Phonetics and Phonology

    3 Formerly SPAN 3225

    P: SPAN 3001 , SPAN 3002 ; or consent of instructor. Physiology of phonetics applied to Spanish language. Sound system of Spanish contrasted with English. Introduction to various dialects. Emphasis on improving pronunciation. Phonetic transcription.
  • SPAN 3335 - Structure of the Spanish Language


    P: SPAN 3210  or consent of instructor. Contemporary linguistic theory and its practical application to teaching of syntactic and semantic components of Spanish. Contrasts structures of Spanish and English.
  • SPAN 3440 - Spanish Culture and Civilization

    3 WI*: Selected Sections are Writing Intensive GD Formerly SPAN 2440

    P: SPAN 3001  or SPAN 3002  or consent of instructor. Readings, films, and discussion about artistic, political, historical, and social development of Spain and its geography and regional diversity.
  • SPAN 3441 - Latin-American Culture and Civilization

    3 GD Formerly SPAN 2441

    P: SPAN 3001  or SPAN 3002  or consent of instructor. Overview and contrastive study of geography, history, social and political structures, currents of thought, and artistic expressions of Latin America which contribute to contemporary life.
  • SPAN 3550 - Introduction to Cultural Analysis

    3 GE:HU Formerly SPAN 2550

    P: SPAN 3001  or SPAN 3002  or consent of instructor. Interpretation of cultural texts in Spanish. Relevant terminology and its application to representative Spanish and Spanish-American texts.
  • SPAN 3700 - Special Topics in Hispanic Studies


    May be repeated for maximum of 6 s.h. with change of topic. P: SPAN 3001  or SPAN 3220 ; SPAN 3002 ; or consent of instructor. Selected topics relating to language, literature, culture, or civilization of Spain or Latin America.
  • SPAN 4140 - Introduction to Translation

    3 Formerly SPAN 3340

    P: SPAN 3210  or consent of instructor. Examination of translation theory and practice. Translation of source language texts in English and Spanish.
  • SPAN 4320 - Spanish Applied Linguistics


    P: SPAN 3310  or consent of instructor. Principles and aspects of the Spanish language, including variations based on cultural contexts, as well as relevant notions of second language acquisition, technology and assessment as applied to Spanish language teaching and learning. Emphasis on learner development of Spanish and issues in teaching Spanish as a foreign or second language.  
  • SPAN 4330 - Spanish in the United States


    P: SPAN 3310  or permission of instructor. Explores regions in the US where Spanish has an established history and incipient communities of Spanish speakers. Emphasis given to the socio-cultural factors responsible for the migration of Hispanics/Latinos to the US and the linguistic outcomes of these population movements.
  • SPAN 4340 - Intermediate Translation


    P: SPAN 3335 , SPAN 4140 ; or consent of instructor. Further practice in Spanish-English and English-Spanish translation. Longer texts from areas of general knowledge. Introduction to translation of specialized material (such as business, medical and legal documents, and literary texts). Study of related lexical and stylistic.
  • SPAN 4555 - Medieval Spain (900-1499)

    3 WI

    P: SPAN 3440 , SPAN 3550 ; or consent of instructor. Selected texts of Medieval Spain from primitive lyric to La Celestina examined against background of cultural, social, and historical transformations of Spanish Middle Ages.
  • SPAN 4556 - Renaissance and Baroque Spain (1500-1681)


    P: SPAN 3440 , SPAN 3550 ; or consent of instructor. Reading and discussion of representative works from drama, poetry, and prose of great literary figures of Renaissance and Golden Age (such as Garcilaso de la Vega, the Mystics, Cervantes, Lope de Vega, Calderon de la Barca, Gongora). Cultural, social, and political factors that influenced their development.
  • SPAN 4557 - Spain from Neo-Classicism to Realism (1681-1898)


    P: SPAN 3440 , SPAN 3550 ; or consent of instructor. Selected texts from Spain from Neoclassic Period to end of nineteenth century. Emphasis on social, political, and cultural context.
  • SPAN 4558 - Contemporary Spain (1898-Present)

    3 GD

    P: SPAN 3440 , SPAN 3550 ; or consent of instructor. Selected texts of contemporary Spain analyzed in social, political, and cultural contexts of monarch, republic, dictatorship, and democracy.
  • SPAN 4560 - Major Latin American Authors

    3 WI

    P: SPAN 3441 , SPAN 3550 ; or consent of instructor. Evolution of Latin American literature from period of discovery to present. Readings and discussion of representative writers, movements, and genres within context of political, social, historical, and artistic realities.
  • SPAN 4561 - Colonial Latin America in Texts and Images


    P: SPAN 3441 , SPAN 3550 ; or consent of instructor; RP: SPAN 4560 . Development of Latin-American literature and culture through analysis of representative texts from late Pre-Columbian times through Colonial Period.
  • SPAN 4562 - Latin American Texts of the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries


    P: SPAN 3441 , SPAN 3550 ; or consent of instructor; RP: SPAN 4560 . Representative literary works and reappraisal of critical problems and themes within aesthetic framework of movements of Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Realism, Naturalism, Modernism, and the Avantgarde, and within political, social, and economic realities of period from Independence to early twentieth century.
  • SPAN 4563 - Latin American Texts: The Boom and Beyond

    3 GD

    P: SPAN 3441 , SPAN 3550 ; or consent of instructor; RP: SPAN 4560 . Major Latin American writers from mid-twentieth century to present.
  • SPAN 4611 - Teaching Second Languages in Grades K-12


    5 lectures per week and approximately 60 hours of field experience per semester. May not be used to fulfill requirements for BA major or minor. P: Admission to upper division; 18 s.h. of SPAN above SPAN 2004  or consent of instructor. Modern methodologies, techniques and strategies, instructional resources, and evaluation procedures.
  • SPAN 4700 - Special Topics in Hispanic Studies


    May be repeated for maximum of 6 s.h. with change of topic. P: Consent of instructor. Selected topics relating to language, literature, culture, or civilization of Spain or Latin America.
  • SPAN 4881 - Internship Seminar: Issues in Spanish Teaching


    P: Admission to upper division; C: SPAN 4880 . Individualized study of problems or issues related to teaching Spanish.
  • SPAN 4882 - Internship for Professions

    1 F,S,SS

    Supervised internship in appropriate professional setting during junior or senior year of the Hispanic studies degree program. P: Consent of instructor. Fields may include but are not limited to business, criminal justice, health sciences, and social sciences.
  • SPAN 4883 - Internship for Professions

    1 F,S,SS

    Supervised internship in appropriate professional setting during junior or senior year of the Hispanic studies degree program. P: Consent of instructor. Fields may include but are not limited to business, criminal justice, health sciences, and social sciences.
  • SPAN 4884 - Internship for Professions

    1 F,S,SS

    Supervised internship in appropriate professional setting during junior or senior year of the Hispanic studies degree program. P: Consent of instructor. Fields may include but are not limited to business, criminal justice, health sciences, and social sciences.
  • SPAN 4950 - Directed Readings in Spanish


    P: Consent of instructor. In-depth exploration of selected topics relating to language, literature, culture, or civilization of Spain or Latin America.
  • SPAN 4951 - Directed Readings in Spanish


    P: Consent of instructor. In-depth exploration of selected topics relating to language, literature, culture, or civilization of Spain or Latin America.
  • SPAN 4952 - Directed Readings in Spanish


    P: Consent of instructor. In-depth exploration of selected topics relating to language, literature, culture, or civilization of Spain or Latin America.
  • SPAN 4953 - Directed Readings in Spanish


    P: Consent of instructor. In-depth exploration of selected topics relating to language, literature, culture, or civilization of Spain or Latin America.
  • SPAN 4954 - Directed Readings in Spanish


    P: Consent of instructor. In-depth exploration of selected topics relating to language, literature, culture, or civilization of Spain or Latin America.
  • SPAN 4990 - Honors


    P: Minimum 3.5 GPA in SPAN. Independent study of selected aspect of Spanish culture under direction of faculty member in student’s major area of interest.

Spanish Banked Courses

  • SPAN 1060 - Spanish for Reading Knowledge


  • SPAN 3005 - Spanish Business Communication


  • SPAN 3006 - Spanish for International Business


  • SPAN 3290 - Spanish Poetry


  • SPAN 4319 - Teaching Foreign Languages in the Middle Grades


  • SPAN 4350 - The Spanish Novel


  • SPAN 4360 - Spanish Theatre


  • SPAN 4385 - History of the Spanish Language


  • SPAN 5340 - Advanced Translation I


    P: SPAN 4340 . Practice of translation skills with greater variety of style and subject matter.
  • SPAN 5440 - Contemporary Issues of the Hispanic World


    May be repeated for maximum of 6 s.h. with change of topic. P: Consent of instructor. Selected events, artistic trends, and currents of thought that significantly contribute to life in contemporary Hispanic societies.
  • SPAN 5445 - Hispanic Cinema


    May be repeated for maximum of 6 s.h. with change of topic. P: Consent of instructor. Films as cultural product reflecting social, political, and economic realities. Power to represent, inform, and create. Viewed and discussed by representative directors.
  • SPAN 5550 - Hispanic Women Writers


    May be repeated for maximum of 6 s.h. with change of topic. May not be repeated for credit by students in WOST program. P: Consent of instructor. In-depth study and discussion of representative writings by women in Hispanic countries from variety of genres. Emphasis on relationships between society and origin, content, and form of texts.
  • SPAN 5700 - Special Topics in Hispanic Studies


    May be repeated for maximum of 6 s.h. with change of topic. P: Consent of instructor. Topics relating to language, literature, culture, or civilization of Spain or Latin America.
  • SPAN 5940 - Advanced Translation II


    Candidates who successfully complete this course may be allowed to take qualifying exams for award of the Certificate in Spanish Translation. P: SPAN 5340 . Continuation of skills practiced in SPAN 4340 , SPAN 5340  at advanced level. Translation of written texts in variety of styles and different topics, from Spanish into English and vice versa.

Special Education

  • SPED 2000 - Introduction to Exceptional Children

    2 F, SS

    Incidence, causes, education, and rehabilitation of exceptional children.
  • SPED 2100 - Introduction to Students with Disabilities in the General Curriculum

    3 F

    P: SPED 2000  C: SPED 2109 . Comprehensive survey of students with disabilities receiving services in the general curriculum. Emphasis on child development characteristics, historical aspects, etiology, identification, theoretical explanations and models, Individualized Education Program development and placement alternatives.
  • SPED 2109 - Introductory Practicum with Students with Disabilities in the General Curriculum

    1 F

    P: SPED 2000 ; C: SPED 2100 . Practicum experience in structured and guided observation of students with disabilities in the general curriculum.
  • SPED 2123 - Early Experiences for Prospective Teachers

    1 S

    Minimum of 16 hours of directed observations and planned participation in appropriate school environments and 8 hours of seminar class instruction in the teaching area. For prospective teachers.
  • SPED 2200 - Introduction to Students with Disabilities in the Adapted Curriculum

    3 F

    P: SPED 2000 ; C: SPED 2209 . Comprehensive survey of students with disabilities receiving services in the adapted curriculum. Emphasis on child development characteristics, historical aspects, etiology, identification, theoretical explanations and models, Individualized Education Program development and placement alternatives.
  • SPED 2209 - Introductory Practicum with Students with Disabilities in the Adapted Curriculum

    1 F

    P: SPED 2000 ; C: SPED 2200 . Practicum experience in structured and guided observation of students with disabilities in the adapted curriculum.
  • SPED 3001 - Assessing Students with Disabilities

    3 S

    P: SPED 2100 , SPED 2109 ; or SPED 2200 , SPED 2209 ; Comprehensive and socially responsible approaches to formal and informal assessment of students with disabilities receiving special education services.
  • SPED 3003 - Academic Instruction for Students in the Adapted Curriculum

    3 SL F

    Students are expected to provide personal transportation to site. P: SPED 2200 . Instructional strategies for teaching reading, mathematics, and science for students in the adapted curriculum.
  • SPED 3004 - Managing the Learning Environment

    3 F

    P: SPED 2000 , SPED 2100 , SPED 2109 ; or SPED 2200 , SPED 2209 ; C: SPED 3005 . Methods and strategies for establishing a positive, strength-based classroom environment that incorporates developmental understanding of behavior, effective teaching structures, and social emotional learning.
  • SPED 3005 - Instructional Programming in Special Education

    3 WI F

    P: SPED 2100 , SPED 2109 ; or SPED 2200 , SPED 2209 ; C: SPED 3004 . Fundamentals of effective teaching of learners who have disabilities. Emphasis on long and short term instructional planning for students with special needs, individual and team planning considerations, and program evaluation.
  • SPED 3006 - Augmentative and Alternative Communication for Students with Disabilities


    Includes 6 hour practicum experience. Students expected to provide transportation to field site. P: SPED 2000 , SPED 2200 , SPED 2209 ; C: SPED 3001 . Methods and strategies for identifying and providing augmentative and alternative communication strategies for students with communication disabilities in the adapted educational setting. Areas of application include trans-disciplinary planning, assessment, and interventions.
  • SPED 3007 - Managing the Physical Needs of Learners with Disabilities

    2 F

    P: SPED 2200 , SPED 2209 . Assessment techniques and procedures in the classroom setting to manage the physical needs of learners who have motor challenges and / or complex medical conditions.
  • SPED 3100 - Instructional Methods for Students with Disabilities in the General Curriculum

    4 S

    P: Admission to upper division; SPED 3001 , SPED 3004 , SPED 3005 ; C: SPED 3109 . Methods and strategies for the design and delivery of instructional programs for students with disabilities in the general curriculum.
  • SPED 3109 - Instructional Practicum for Exceptional Children in the General Curriculum

    2 S

    P: Admission to upper division; SPED 3001 , SPED 3004 , SPED 3005 ; C: SPED 3100 . Supervised instruction of exceptional children in the general curriculum in individual, small group, and large group arrangements.
  • SPED 3200 - Instructional Methods for Students with Disabilities in the Adapted Curriculum

    4 S

    P: Admission to upper division; SPED 3004 , SPED 3005 ; C: SPED 3209 . Methods and strategies for the design and delivery of instructional programs for students with disabilities in the adapted curriculum.
  • SPED 3209 - Instructional Practicum for Students with Disabilities in the Adapted Curriculum

    2 S,SS

    P: Admission to upper division; SPED 3004 , SPED 3005 ; C: SPED 3200 . Supervised instruction of students with disabilities in the adapted curriculum in individual, small group, and large group arrangements.
  • SPED 3510 - Methods in Early Childhood Special Education

    3 S

    P: Admission to upper division; SPED 3000; C: SPED 3511 . Assessment, classroom organization, interagency collaboration, family consultation, inclusion, and educational plan development for meeting needs of preschool children with disabilities and their families.
  • SPED 3511 - Practicum in Early Childhood Special Education

    1 S

    P: Admission to upper division; C: SPED 3510 . Minimum of 30 hours of directed observation and planned participation in an appropriate school environment with preschool children who have disabilities.
  • SPED 3600 - Issues, Trends, and Laws in Disability


    P: SPED 2000 . Analysis of laws, current issues, and trends concerning children and adults with disabilities; topics include legislation, definitions, identification/eligibility, and services.
  • SPED 3601 - Positive Behavior Strategies for Individuals with Disabilities


    10 hour instructor-approved practicum required. P: SPED 2000 . Applying principles of positive behavior intervention and support to address individual behavior challenges.
  • SPED 3602 - Introduction to Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder


    P: SPED 2000 . Definitions, research, characteristics, and intervention alternatives related to children and adults with autism spectrum disorder.
  • SPED 3603 - Language and Communication for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder


    10 hour instructor-approved practicum required. P: SPED 2000 , SPED 3602 . Alternative communication strategies for children and adults with autism spectrum disorder.
  • SPED 4000 - Technology in Special Education

    3 S,SS

    P: SPED 2000 ; EDTC 4001 . Introduces specialized hardware and software, variety of adaptive and assistive devices, computer adaptations and peripherals, special educational instructional and productivity software, and issues related to each.
  • SPED 4001 - Instructional Programming and Transition Planning in the Adapted Curriculum

    3 F

    P: SPED 3200 SPED 3209 . Instructional programming related to developing individual education plans and transition planning across the lifespan in the adapted curriculum.
  • SPED 4010 - Effective Instruction in Inclusive Classrooms

    2 F,S

    2 lecture and 1 lab hours per week. RP: SPED 2000 . Knowledge and skills fundamental to effective teaching of individuals with exceptionalities in the regular classroom. Emphasis on individualization, content modification, instructional techniques, and classroom management.
  • SPED 4020 - Teaching Students with Exceptionalities in Elementary Classrooms

    3 F,S

    P: Admission to upper division. Development of knowledge and skills for effective teaching of students with exceptionalities and other diverse needs in the inclusive elementary classroom.
  • SPED 4100 - Issues and Strategies for Students with Disabilities in the General and Adapted Curricula

    3 F

    P: Admission to upper division; SPED 3100 , SPED 3109 ; or SPED 3200 , SPED 3209 ; C: SPED 4300 . Application of current issues and instructional strategies for providing services to students receiving special education.
  • SPED 4300 - Practicum in Special Education

    3 F

    P: Admission to upper division; SPED 3100 , SPED 3109 ; or SPED 3200 , SPED 3209 ; C: SPED 4100 . Directed observation and planned participation with persons who have disabilities in an appropriate school environment. Must be taken semester prior to internship in special education.
  • SPED 4320 - Communication and Collaboration in Special Education

    3 S

    P: Admission to upper division; SPED 4100 , SPED 4300 ; C: SPED 4324 . Culturally responsive communication and collaboration with families, community agencies, and other professionals. Focus on skills that provide effective programs and services for students with disabilities.
  • SPED 4324 - Internship in Special Education

    10 S

    Full-time, semester-long internship. P: Admission to upper division; SPED 3005 , SPED 4000 . Observation and teaching in assigned special education public school classroom.
  • SPED 4353 - Seminar in Learning Disabilities


    P: Admission to upper division; C: SPED 4324 . Integration of theory, research, ethics, and legislation related to teaching persons who have learning disabilities. Emphasis on effective teaching and reflective thinking skills.
  • SPED 4354 - Seminar in Behaviorally Emotionally Handicapped


    P: Admission to upper division; C: SPED 4324 . Integration of theory, research, ethics, and legislation related to teaching persons who have behavior disorders. Emphasis on effective teaching and reflective thinking skills.
  • SPED 5101 - Introduction to Individuals with Disabilities


    Incidence, nature, causes, rehabilitation, and education of individuals with disabilities.
  • SPED 5102 - Perspectives in Intellectual Disabilities


    Incidence, nature, causes, and education of students who have intellectual disabilities.
  • SPED 5301 - Tests and Measurements in Special Education


    P: Consent of instructor. Basic testing theory in terms of exceptional children.
  • SPED 5501 - Minor Problems in Special Education


    Each may be repeated for maximum of 6 s.h. P: Consent of instructor. Conference, library, or lab work in area of special education.
  • SPED 5502 - Minor Problems in Special Education


    Each may be repeated for maximum of 6 s.h. P: Consent of instructor. Conference, library, or lab work in area of special education.

Special Education Banked Courses

  • SPED 3002 - Assessing Students with Disabilities in the Adapted Curriculum


  • SPED 4200 - Special Issues and Strategies for Students with Disabilities in the Adapted Curriculum


Speech and Hearing Sciences

  • CSDI 2100 - Introduction to Communication Disorders

    3 F,S,SS

    3 lectures per week plus observation of speech therapy sessions. Scope, history, and nature of speech-language pathology and audiology. Topics include development of language and psychology of speech and hearing impaired as well as a description of etiology, symptomatology, and treatment of major speech, hearing, and language disorders.
  • CSDI 3010 - Phonetics

    3 F

    P: CSDI major or minor; CSDI 2100 ; PSYC 1000 ; or consent of instructor. Applied phonetics using International Phonetic Alphabet and pertinent modifications. Detailed descriptions of American English speech sounds and transcription of contextual speech representing mainstream and non-mainstream dialects. Transcription abilities developed to assess and treat speech disorders.
  • CSDI 3020 - Language Development

    3 F

    P: CSDI major or minor; CSDI 2100 ; PSYC 1000 ; or consent of instructor. Normal acquisition and development of language from birth through preschool years, components of language, cognitive and communicative prerequisites, and language learning theories.
  • CSDI 3040 - Anatomy of the Speech and Respiratory Mechanism

    3 WI

    3 lecture and 1 lab hours per week. P: BIOL 1050 , BIOL 1051 ; CSDI 2100 ; or consent of instructor. Anatomy of speech production mechanisms. Central and peripheral nervous systems, respiration, phonation, resonation, and articulation.
  • CSDI 3045 - Speech Science


    P: CSDI 3040  or consent of instructor. Physiology and acoustic correlates of speech production mechanism.
  • CSDI 3050 - Acquisition and Development of Phonology and Articulation

    3 S

    P: CSDI 3010  or consent of instructor. Emphasis on birth to five years and critical periods through the early teen years. Content areas include birth cry, babbling, cross linguistic and universal patterns of acquisition, morphophonology, metaphonology, historical and contemporary normative data issues, and interrelation of normal phonological development with other areas of language growth.

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