Jul 08, 2024  
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog 
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Course Information

Course Lists by Special Designations


Speech and Hearing Sciences

  • CSDI 3105 - Hearing Science

    3 F

    P: PHYS 1050  or consent of instructor. Basic information, including acoustics, anatomy and physiology of the ear and central auditory nervous system, and psychoacoustics.
  • CSDI 4001 - Special Problems in Speech and Hearing


    May be repeated for maximum of 6 s.h. May count toward the CSDI major with consent of dept chair. Independent exploration of specific areas of interest in communication disorders and research.
  • CSDI 4002 - Special Problems in Speech and Hearing


    May be repeated for maximum of 6 s.h. May count toward the CSDI major with consent of dept chair. Independent exploration of specific areas of interest in communication disorders and research.
  • CSDI 4003 - Special Problems in Speech and Hearing


    May be repeated for maximum of 6 s.h. May count toward the CSDI major with consent of dept chair. Independent exploration of specific areas of interest in communication disorders and research.
  • CSDI 4030 - Procedures in Clinical Management


    P: CSDI major; CSDI 3020 , CSDI 3050 , CSDI 3105 ; or consent of instructor. Procedures used in diagnosis and treatment of communication disorders. Multicultural communication models and supervised observation experiences in various clinical and public school settings.
  • CSDI 4100 - Introduction to Audiology

    3 S

    P: Consent of instructor. Concepts related to normal hearing, causes and effects of defective hearing, and hearing testing procedures.
  • CSDI 4110 - Aural Rehabilitation

    3 S

    P: CSDI 4100  or consent of instructor. Habilitation, rehabilitation of the hearing impaired as related to hearing aid use, speech-reading, auditory training, and total communication. Management philosophies related to children and adults.
  • CSDI 4335 - Apprenticeship

    3 WI S

    1 staffing, 1 lecture, and 3-4 lab hours per week. P: CSDI major; consent of departmental director of undergraduate studies; minimum of 25 hours observation of treatment as administered or supervised by ASHA certified speech-language pathologists/audiologists; CSDI 3020 , CSDI 4100 , CSDI 5010 . Develop basic clinical skills through observation and apprenticeship. Apprentice serves as assistant to graduate clinicians in management of patients. Additional responsibilities assigned as part of experience.
  • CSDI 4440 - Neural Processing in Speech and Language


    P: Consent of instructor. Study of neuroanatomy and neurophysiology including current research of nervous system structures and functions important for speech and language. Critical analyses of current theories of the neurophysiology utilized in speech and language.
  • CSDI 5010 - Procedures in Clinical Management


    P: For undergraduate students: CSDI major; CSDI 3020 , CSDI 3050 , CSDI 3105 ; or consent of instructor; For graduate students: Consent of instructor. Procedures used in diagnostic and treatment of communication disorders. Topics include observation styles, task presentation and analysis, reinforcement techniques, group management, and intervention models. Multicultural communication models and supervised observation experiences in various clinical and public school settings.
  • CSDI 5510 - Special Problems in Speech and Hearing


    For advanced senior and graduate students. May be repeated for maximum of 6 s.h. May count toward the CSDI major with consent of dept chair. Independent exploration of specific areas of interest in communication disorders and research.
  • CSDI 5511 - Special Problems in Speech and Hearing


    For advanced senior and graduate students. May be repeated for maximum of 6 s.h. May count toward the CSDI major with consent of dept chair. Independent exploration of specific areas of interest in communication disorders and research.
  • CSDI 5565 - Seminar in Augmentative Communication


    2 and 1/2 lecture and 1 lab hours per week. P: Consent of instructor. Interdisciplinary approach to augmentative communication. Emphasis on team approach, including discussion of and experience with patients who require use of augmentative communication systems. Areas of study include assessment, intervention, neuromotor management, environmental control, computer access, and funding.

Textile Design

  • ART 2303 - Textile Design Survey


    P: Two courses (6 s.h.) from ART 1015 , ART 1025 , ART 1030 . Structural and nonstructural textiles Tools and techniques of textile designer.
  • ART 2325 - Introduction to Weaving Design


    P: ART 2303 . Introduction to the floor loom and weaver-controlled processes, focusing on the creation of non-repetitive patterns and images.
  • ART 2326 - Screen Printing on Cloth


    P: ART 2303 . Introduction to using dyes and paints to screen print on cloth.
  • ART 2335 - Weaving Design II


    P: ART 2303 . Introduction to the floor loom and loom-controlled processes, focusing on complex woven fabric structures.
  • ART 2336 - Dye and Paint Applications to Cloth


    P: ART 2303 . The study of a variety of dye and paint applications to natural and man made fabrics.
  • ART 3305 - Traditional Felt Making


    P: ART 2303 . Introduction to traditional wet-felting methods used to transform wool fleece into 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional forms.
  • ART 3306 - Textile Industry Portfolio


    P: ART 2303 . Creation of a design portfolio of repeat patterns, hand drawn, painted, and computer assisted.
  • ART 3315 - Dimensional Textiles


    P: ART 2303 ART 2325 ART 2335 ; or consent of instructor. Investigation of on-loom and off-loom processes to create sculptural objects.
  • ART 3316 - Fabric Manipulation and Construction


    P: ART 2303 ART 2326 ART 2336 ; or consent of instructor.  Sewing, beading, quilting, applique, and collage on fabric with an emphasis on surface relief and 3-dimensional forms.
  • ART 4305 - Material and Woven Structure


    P: ART 2303 ART 2325 ART 2335 ; or consent of instructor. Investigation of the design and production of textiles using the structural processes of weaving, structural variations, finishing methods, and manipulation of surface.
  • ART 4306 - Garment Construction and Fashion Design I


    P: ART 2303 ART 2326 ART 2336 ; or consent of instructor. Basics of patternmaking, garment construction, and alteration.
  • ART 4315 - Surface and Woven Structure


    P: ART 2303 ART 2325 ART 2335 ; or consent of instructor. Investigation of pattern and imagery on both warp and weft through the investigation of various dyeing methods and creation of complex weave structures.
  • ART 4316 - Garment Construction and Fashion Design II


    P: ART 2303 ART 2326  ART 4306 ; or consent of instructor. Creation and presentation of a cohesive fashion line.
  • ART 4326 - Contemporary Issues in Surface Design


    P: ART 2303 ART 2326 ART 2336 ; or consent of instructor.  Advances contemporary discourse through engaged studio practices, research, and critical discussion, and addresses technical practices, issues, and ideas relevant to fibers practices and contemporary art.
  • ART 4335 - Contemporary Issues in Weaving


    P: ART 2303 ART 2325 ART 2335 ; or consent of instructor.  Investigation of special topics and technical practices within the field of weaving, engaged studio practice, research, and critical discussion, and addresses issues and ideas that are relevant to both fibers practices and the broader context of contemporary art.
  • ART 4336 - Senior Project in Surface Design


    P: ART 2303 ART 2326 ART 2336 ; or consent of instructor.  Independent studio time to concentrate on developing a cohesive body of work for the senior exhibition using processes in surface design.
  • ART 4345 - Senior Project in Weaving


    P: ART 2303 ART 2325 ART 2335 ; or consent of instructor.  Independent studio time concentrating on developing a cohesive body of work for the Senior Exhibition focusing on woven design.

Theatre Arts

  • THEA 1000 - Introduction to Theatre

    3 F,S,SS GE:FA GD

    For non-theatre arts majors. Audience’s appreciation of art of playwright, actor, director, and designer. Emphasis on development of western drama and theatrical arts in general.
  • THEA 1010 - Introduction to Acting I

    3 F,S,SS GE:FA

    Acting through use of exercises and improvisational techniques.
  • THEA 1020 - Introduction to Acting II

    3 S,SS

    P: THEA 1010 . Acting through use of exercises, improvisations, and scenes.
  • THEA 1027 - Musical Theatre Fundamentals I

    1 F

    P: Audition and/or consent of instructor. Introduction to musical theatre performance fundamentals and song analyses.
  • THEA 1037 - Musical Theatre Fundamentals II

    1 S

    P: THEA 1027  or consent of instructor. Intermediate -level musical theatre performance fundamentals and song analyses.
  • THEA 1061 - Musical Theatre Private Voice

    1 F,S

    May be repeated for maximum of 10 s.h. P: THEA 1108 , THEA 1118  and/or admission to BFA musical theatre program. Applied private voice instruction specific to musical theatre singing, ranging from historic/legit technique to contemporary mix/belt techniques.
  • THEA 1108 - Introduction to Musical Theatre Voice I

    1 F

    Minimum of 1 instructed session and 1 studio hour per week. P: Audition and/or qualified status for BFA musical theatre program. Introduction to applied voice instruction specific to musical theatre technique and repertoire ranging from historic/legit technique to contemporary mix/belt technique.
  • THEA 1111 - Apprentice Level Production

    1 F,S,SS

    May be repeated up to three times. P: Consent of instructor. Entry level practicum in various areas of theatre and dance production supervised by faculty.
  • THEA 1118 - Introduction to Musical Theatre Voice II

    1 S

    Minimum of 1 instructed session and 1 studio hour per week. P: THEA 1108  or consent of instructor. Intermediate-level introduction to applied voice instruction specific to musical theatre repertoire.
  • THEA 2001 - Stage Scenery I

    3 F,S GE:FA

    Lectures and mandatory participation in construction and running crews on dept productions. Backstage organization and basic scenery production methods.
  • THEA 2002 - Stage Scenery II

    3 S

    Lectures and mandatory participation in construction and running crews on dept productions. P: THEA 2001 . Backstage organization and basic scenery production methods.
  • THEA 2003 - Scene Painting

    3 S

    4 hours per week. P: THEA 2001 , THEA 2002 . Scene painting techniques and materials.
  • THEA 2004 - Introduction to Theatrical Properties

    3 S

    P: THEA 2001 . Techniques in construction and design of stage properties, including production operation.
  • THEA 2006 - The Art of Make-up

    2 F,S

    P: THEA major. Materials and techniques involved in the art of stage make-up.
  • THEA 2009 - Decor and Ornament for the Stage

    3 F

    Decorative modes in Western civilization from Renaissance to present.
  • THEA 2010 - Professional Acting Technique I

    3 F

    6 hours per week. Scene work and auditions for dept productions required. P: Audition and faculty jury; THEA 1020 . Introduces reality of doing repetition exercise, adjustment with fellow actor, independent activity, justification, and simple objectives. Frees impulses of young actor within structure of improvisational exercise.
  • THEA 2015 - Voice and Articulation

    3 F,S,SS GE:FA

    P: Intended DNCE or THEA major. Develop personal and professional speech effectiveness.
  • THEA 2016 - Vocal Production for the Actor

    3 F

    P: Professional acting and musical theatre major; THEA 2015 ; or consent of instructor. Exercises improve and develop actor’s voice.
  • THEA 2017 - Movement for Actors

    3 F,S

    May not count toward general education fine arts requirement. Movement study and exercises. Emphasis on integration of physical action and emotional response.
  • THEA 2018 - Stage Combat: Unarmed

    3 F,S

    May not count toward general education fine arts requirement. Study of unarmed stage combat technique. Emphasis on safety and dramatic application for the stage.
  • THEA 2020 - Professional Acting Technique II

    3 S

    6 hours per week. Scene work and auditions for department productions are required. P: THEA 2010 . Beginning work with daydream and incorporation of emotional preparation into repetition exercise. Personalizing imaginary circumstances and introduction to relationship. Sustains young actor with true inner life from moment to unanticipated moment.
  • THEA 2035 - Theatre History-Literature I

    3 WI*: Selected Sections are Writing Intensive F,S

    Integrated study of developments in theatre production and style. Dramatic literature from Ancient Greece to fifteenth century.
  • THEA 2123 - Early Experiences for the Prospective Teacher

    1 F

    Minimum of 16 hours of directed observations and planned participation in appropriate school environments and 8 hours of seminar class instruction in the teaching area. For prospective teachers. May not count toward a BA major or minor. Introduction to teaching of theatre arts.
  • THEA 2222 - Intern Level Production

    2 F,S,SS

    May be repeated up to three times. P: Consent of instructor. Basic level practicum in various areas of theatre and dance production supervised by faculty.
  • THEA 2501 - Latino Theatre and Drama


    Explores the theatre and drama of Latinos in relation to the dominant culture.
  • THEA 3000 - Special Theatre Projects

    1 F,S,SS

    May not be taken concurrently with THEA 2001  or THEA 2002 . P: Consent of instructor. Various areas of theatre production and performance supervised by faculty.
  • THEA 3001 - Special Theatre Projects

    1 F,S,SS

    May not be taken concurrently with THEA 2001  or THEA 2002 . P: Consent of instructor. Various areas of theatre production and performance supervised by faculty.
  • THEA 3002 - Advanced Theatrical Drafting

    3 F

    P: THEA 2002  or consent of instructor. Techniques and tools with primary focus on computer-aided drafting.
  • THEA 3003 - Stage Lighting

    3 F,S

    P: Consent of instructor. Theory and practice of methods of stage lighting.
  • THEA 3004 - Scenery Design I

    3 F

    P: THEA 2002  or consent of instructor. Principles of scenery design for production.
  • THEA 3005 - Scenery Design II

    3 S

    P: THEA 3004 . Further development of design responses and rendering ability.
  • THEA 3006 - Sound Design for the Stage

    3 S

    Fundamentals of sound design and reinforcement and the associated technology for live performances.
  • THEA 3007 - Costume Design

    3 F,S

    3 lecture and 2 lab hours per week. Principles and process of stage costume design.
  • THEA 3008 - Advanced Costume Design

    3 S

    6 studio hours per week. P: THEA 3007  or consent of instructor. Design process through design phase. Emphasis on character development and rendering skills.
  • THEA 3010 - Professional Acting Technique III

    3 F

    6 hours per week. Scene work and auditions for dept productions required. P: THEA 2020 . Interpretation with emotional colors of previous work. Introduction to character idea and characterization work through a physical impediment. Organizes and synchronizes student to role.
  • THEA 3015 - Oral Interpretation

    3 F,S

    P: THEA 2015  or consent of instructor. Reading of prose, narrative, dialogue, and poetry to audience.
  • THEA 3018 - Movement for Actors II: Physical Characterization

    3 F

    May not count toward general education fine arts requirement. P: THEA 2017 . Continuing movement studies for the actor. Emphasis on developing character through movement.
  • THEA 3019 - Stage Combat: Rapier and Dagger

    3 F,S

    May not count toward general education fine arts requirement. P: THEA 2018 . Study of armed stage combat, sword technique as it applies to Rapier and Dagger. Emphasis on safety and dramatic application for the stage.
  • THEA 3020 - Professional Acting Technique IV

    3 S

    6 hours per week. Scene work and auditions for dept productions required. P: THEA 3010 . Monologue work. Text work includes actions, beats, paraphrasing, phrasing, particularizations, and justification. Play reality of action from consistent and meaningful point of view.
  • THEA 3021 - Writing for Solo Performance

    3 SL WI

    Writing and performing solo theatre pieces through the use of journaling and acting exercises.
  • THEA 3025 - Intermediate Voice and Articulation

    3 S

    P: THEA 2015  or consent of instructor. Professional competence in pronunciation, intonation, and strenuous use of voice.
  • THEA 3027 - Vocal Production Laboratory I


    2 hours per week. P: THEA 2016 , THEA 3025 . Exercises to maintain acting student’s vocal technique.
  • THEA 3030 - Youth Theatre I

    3 F,S

    May not count toward general education. P: THEA 1010 , THEA 1020 , THEA 2015 ; consent of instructor. Introduction to theatre for youth, K-12, which explores the history, literature, theory, writing and practical application in production. The class will function as a theatre-for-youth performance ensemble company as part of the practicum experience.
  • THEA 3031 - Youth Theatre II

    3 SL F,S

    May not count toward general education requirement. P: THEA 3030 ; consent of instructor. Intermediate-level in theatre for youth, K-12, which explores literature, writing and practical application of youth theatre production throughout the semester. The class will function as a youth theatre performance ensemble company as part of the practicum experience.
  • THEA 3032 - Constructing Performance Projects in Theatre for Youth

    3 SL F,S

    P: THEA 3030  and consent of instructor. Development of performance projects and original scripts for children and youth. Study and analysis or international dramatic literature in children’s theatre as it applies to current production practices.
  • THEA 3035 - Theatre History-Literature II

    3 WI*: Selected Sections are Writing Intensive

    Integrated study of developments in theatre production and style. Dramatic literature from European Renaissance to Commonwealth and Restoration Period.
  • THEA 3036 - Theatre History-Literature III

    3 WI*: Selected Sections are Writing Intensive F

    Integrated study of developments in theatre production and style. Dramatic literature from Age of Enlightenment in eighteenth century through beginnings of Modern Realism to present day.
  • THEA 3050 - Advanced Acting I

    3 F

    For students not involved in THEA 2010 -THEA 3020 . Basic approach to role development through intensive scene study and improvisational exercises.
  • THEA 3055 - History of the American Musical Theatre

    3 WI S Same as MUSC 3055 .

    P: MUSC 2166  or consent of instructor. Styles and periods.
  • THEA 3060 - Advanced Acting II

    3 S

    P: THEA 3050 . Continued role development through intensive scene study and improvisational exercises.
  • THEA 3075 - Developing the Concept: Play Analysis for Designers and Directors

    3 WI F,S

    P: THEA 2035 ; THEA 3003  or THEA 3004  or THEA 3007 . Use of select one-act plays to develop skills in devising design-production concepts and preparing plays for production.
  • THEA 3090 - Musical Theatre Performance Techniques I

    3 F

    2, 2-hour per week performance labs and/or lectures. P: THEA 1020 ; qualified status for BFA musical theatre program; and/or consent of instructor. First of four-part process-oriented approach to analyzing and developing musical and dramatic techniques for performing musical material in context of its original setting. Music from standard Broadway repertoire.
  • THEA 3095 - Musical Theatre Performance Techniques II

    3 S

    2, 2-hour per week performance labs. P: THEA 3090 . Continuation of technical development in THEA 3090 , with increase in musical and dramatic difficulty. Emphasis on lyric analysis and period musical styles.
  • THEA 3100 - Starting a New Theatre Organization


    P: Consent of instructor. Development of a master plan for a new theatre organization, including mission/vision, incorporation, board and by-laws development, three year financial plan, organization chart and staff descriptions, facility planning, repertory selection, marketing plan, fundraising plan, and personnel policies.
  • THEA 3110 - Case Studies in Theatre Management

    3 F,S,SS

    P: Consent of instructor. Review, critique and report on theatre management case studies based on the experience of professional theatre organizations. 
  • THEA 3333 - Journeyman Level Production

    3 F,S,SS

    May be repeated up to three times. P: Consent of instructor. Intermediate level practicum in various areas of theatre and dance production supervised by faculty.
  • THEA 3501 - Independent Study in Theatre

    1 F,S,SS

    May be repeated for maximum of 4 s.h. with change of topic. P: Consent of instructor and dept chair. Independent study of scholarly topic.
  • THEA 3502 - Independent Study in Theatre

    2 F,S,SS

    May be repeated for maximum of 4 s.h. with change of topic. P: Consent of instructor and dept chair. Independent study of scholarly topic.
  • THEA 3503 - Independent Study in Theatre

    3 F,S,SS

    May be repeated for maximum of 4 s.h. with change of topic. P: Consent of instructor and dept chair. Independent study of scholarly topic.
  • THEA 3601 - Selected Topics in Theatre

    1 F,S,SS

    May be repeated for maximum of 4 s.h. with change of topic. P: Consent of instructor and dept chair. Intensive study of selected topics.
  • THEA 3602 - Selected Topics in Theatre

    2 F,S,SS

    May be repeated for maximum of 4 s.h. with change of topic. P: Consent of instructor and dept chair. Intensive study of selected topics.
  • THEA 3603 - Selected Topics in Theatre

    3 F,S,SS

    May be repeated for maximum of 4 s.h. with change of topic. P: Consent of instructor and dept chair. Intensive study of selected topics.
  • THEA 3604 - Theatre for Social Change


    Exploration of interactive theatre techniques to examine and combat institutional, social, cultural, and personal oppressions.
  • THEA 4000 - Special Theatre Projects

    1 F,S,SS

    May not be taken concurrently with THEA 2001  or THEA 2002 . P: Consent of instructor. Special projects in areas of theatre production and performance supervised by faculty.
  • THEA 4001 - Special Theatre Projects

    1 F,S,SS

    May not be taken concurrently with THEA 2001  or THEA 2002 . P: Consent of instructor. Special projects in areas of theatre production and performance supervised by faculty.
  • THEA 4002 - Advanced Technical Production

    6 F,S

    Minimum of 280 work and academic hours per semester. P: Junior standing; consent of instructor. Supervised internship in area of technical production. Extensive practical experience. Emphasis on professional methods in group situation. Parallel readings and study.
  • THEA 4003 - Advanced Stage Lighting

    3 F

    4 classroom and/or lab hours per week. P: THEA 3003  or consent of instructor. Advanced theory and application of lighting design for theatre.
  • THEA 4010 - Master Class in Advanced Acting I

    3 F

    P: THEA 3020  or THEA 3060 ; consent of instructor. Concentration on advanced problem for the actor: Spoon River monologue work, relaxation, sensory task work, rehearsal preparation, improvisation, and modern and contemporary scene work.
  • THEA 4018 - Stage Combat: Broadsword and Quarterstaff

    3 F,S

    May not count toward general education fine arts requirement. P: THEA 2018 . Study of armed stage combat, sword technique as it applies to Broadsword. Study of armed stage combat, Quarterstaff technique. Emphasis on safety and dramatic application for the stage.
  • THEA 4021 - Master Class in Advanced Acting II

    3 S

    P: THEA 4010  or consent of instructor. Concentration on advanced problems for the actor; classical scene work, characterization, inner monologue, substitution object and situation exercises, quick result exercises, preparation, rehearsal and filming of scenes for television.

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