2019-2020 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Department of Nutrition Science
Michael Wheeler, Chair
The master of science in nutrition degree provides advanced academic training for students seeking in-depth nutrition knowledge and for Registered Dietitians who are interested in career advancement. Our program provides students with nonthesis or thesis program options for completing the master’s degree. The nonthesis option includes completion of a research project under the direction of the graduate advisor and another graduate faculty member in nutrition science, whereas the thesis option includes completion of an original research project under the direction of a Thesis Committee. Post-baccalaureate programs offered in the Department of Nutrition Science include a dietetic internship program and a master of science in nutrition.
The dietetic internship is accredited by ACEND (The Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics). Completion of an accredited didactic program and an accredited dietetic internship or other accredited/approved supervised experience program are required to become a RDN. Completion of the bachelor of science in nutrition and dietetics does not guarantee admission into an internship. Admission into the ECU dietetic internship is competitive due to the limited availability of internship positions, and requires admittance into the Graduate School, a minimum 3.0 GPA, and mean minimum GRE verbal reasoning and quantitative reasoning scores at the 30% percentile.
More information is available for each program on the department homepage, http://www.ecu.edu/cs-dhs/nutr/index.cfm.
ProgramsMaster’sOther ProgramsCoursesNutrition Science