2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
College of Education
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Grant B. Hayes, Dean, 154 Speight Building
Vivian W. Mott, Interim Associate Dean, 154 Speight Building
Alana M. Zambone, Interim Associate Dean, 102 Speight Building
Vivian Martin Covington, Executive Director of Teacher Education and Undergraduate Studies, 105 Speight Building
Diane B. Lys, Director of Assessment and Accreditation, 102 Speight Building
Sherrie G. Rogers, Director for Administration and Finance, 154 Speight Building
The mission of the College of Education is the preparation of professional educators and allied practitioners, including professionals in business information systems, counseling, instructional technology, and librarianship. Significant to this mission is a strong commitment to three important, related areas, all of which are realized through partnerships and other endeavors: the encouragement and nurturing of professional growth for educators and allied practitioners at all levels and in all areas of the educational endeavor, a continuing emphasis on and support for scholarship and research/creative activity, and service in all areas of professional education. Critical to such commitment is the promotion of effective teaching, staff participation in the improvement of schools; and, in concert with other state agencies, the development and creation of educational policy for North Carolina.
The College of Education offers baccalaureate degree programs through the Departments of Elementary and Middle Grades Education; Interdisciplinary Professions; Literacy Studies, English Education and History Education; Mathematics, Science and Instructional Technology Education; and Special Education, Foundations and Research. All teacher education programs are accredited by the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) and the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction.
An advisor will be assigned to each student to assist in program planning. Undergraduate teacher education majors may also be required to complete an approved academic concentration as part of their programs of study. Additional information about academic concentrations and specific program requirements is available in departmental offices. Teacher education is a program that requires formal admittance. Teacher education majors will become official teacher education candidates once they have been fully admitted to upper division.
Once enrolled in a teacher education program and prior to admission to the upper division of study, students will be required to have a minimum cumulative 2.5 GPA, post passing scores on PRAXIS I, SAT, ACT or combination and meet technology competency requirements. Students must maintain a 2.5 GPA for retention in the upper division of all teacher education programs. Additional information concerning admission to the upper division is available online in the Welcome to Teacher Education Handbook at http://www.ecu.edu/cs-educ/teached.
Requirements for Students Preparing to Teach
The purpose of teacher education at East Carolina University is to prepare professional educators through partnerships who are academically and technically proficient, reflective in practice, committed to the intellectual empowerment of others, and guided by the larger democratic purposes of American education.
Birth-K, Elementary, and Middle Grades
See Special Requirements for BS Degree for Students Preparing to Teach found in the Undergraduate Studies: Academic Advisement, Progression, and Support Services section of this catalog. See Licensure, below. See also the Department of Human Development and Family Science or Department of Elementary Education and Middle Grades Education . As part of their programs, majors will also complete an approved academic concentration from the list presented below. Students should consult their departmental advisor for specific program requirements.
Secondary and K-12 Special Subjects Education
See Special Requirements for BS Degree for Students Preparing to Teach found in the Undergraduate Studies: Academic Advisement, Progression, and Support Services section of this catalog. See also the Department of Interdisciplinary Professions ; Special Education, Foundations and Research ; and Mathematics, Science and Instructional Technology Education as well as departments and schools outside the College of Education offering this degree.
Students who aspire to complete the requirements for a BS degree in secondary teacher education must complete all foundations curriculum requirements, the requirements stipulated by the department of the academic major, and the following professional credits: EDTC 4001 ; EDUC 3002 or PSYC 2777 or other CTE approved course; EDUC 3200 ; EDUC 4400 or PSYC 4305 ; READ 3990 or READ 5317 ; SPED 4010 ; unit prefix 2123, 4323, 4324, 4325. Majors in some programs will also complete an approved academic concentration from the list presented below. Students should consult their advisor for specific program information.
Academic Concentrations
Students in business education, elementary education, physical education, and health education are required to complete one 18 s.h. academic concentration. Middle grades education students are required to complete two 24 s.h. academic concentrations from English, mathematics, social studies, and general science only. Please consult your advisor for the appropriate concentration(s) in your area. A maximum of 6 s.h. can be counted toward foundations curriculum. Choose 9 s.h. ANTH electives of which 6 s.h. must be above 2999
Business Information Technologies Education - 18 s.h.
Choose 18 s.h. from: Choose 9 s.h. ENGL electives of which 6 s.h. must be above 2999
General Science - 18 s.h.
Choose one of the following four:
General Science - 24 s.h.
Choose one of the following:
Choose 6 s.h. GEOG electives above 2999
Hispanic Studies - 24 s.h.
Interdisciplinary Human Studies - 18 s.h.
Choose 9 s.h. from the following:
Choose 9 s.h. from the following:
Physical education majors seeking a license in health education are required to take: HLTH 2900 , HLTH 3550 , HLTH 4305 , and an approved human sexuality course. Political Science - 24 s.h.
- POLS 1010 - National Government
- Choose 1 course in American government
- Choose 1 course in comparative government and politics
- Choose 1 course in international relations
- Choose 1 course in political theory and methodology
- Choose 9 s.h. POLS electives above 2999
Choose 6 s.h. from the following methods and literature courses:
Teaching English as a Second Language - 24 s.h.
Upper Division of Teacher Education
Prior to enrolling in selected professional education courses (see departmental requirements) and applying for the internship experience, all students must be admitted to the upper division of teacher education. Application for admission is normally completed during the second semester of the sophomore year or first semester of the junior year. Transfer students must have completed at least 12 s.h. at East Carolina University before they are eligible to apply.
Steps in admission to upper division include:
- Satisfactory completion of 16-hour early field experience with minimum grade of C (2.0), normally as part of departmental 2123 or 2611 courses.
- Passing scores on PRAXIS I, SAT, ACT or combination.
- A minimum GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale for all college work attempted at East Carolina University. Students must also meet minimum academic major grade point average requirements. (See catalog or advisor.)
- Completion of technology competencies. (See advisor.)
Internship is the culminating aspect of the professional component of teacher preparation. The internship provides students opportunities to synthesize and apply previous learning and experience; to develop and apply analytical and problem-solving skills to the various activities of teaching, including self-evaluation; and to grow professionally through observing, planning, and teaching with an outstanding teacher.
Applications for admission to the internship must be submitted to the internship coordinator in the major department one year prior to the semester in which the student will complete internship requirements. Assignments will be located within the Latham Clinical Schools Network. Students are strongly discouraged from working during their internship. For applications and more detailed information, consult Welcome To Teacher Education Handbook, at http://www.ecu.edu/cs-educ/teached.
Administration of the internship is provided by clinical experiences coordinators, who work with the director of teacher education, department chairs, the teacher education staff, and local school personnel.
A minimum grade of C (2.0) in the teacher education professional core courses and internship and a minimum 2.5 GPA are required for licensure.
Additional Requirements for Interns in Selected Program Areas
In addition to meeting the requirements of all secondary education majors, art majors must have earned a minimum grade of C (2.0) in ART 3851 , ART 3860 .
Prior to the internship, elementary education majors must have completed the following courses with a minimum grade of C (2.0): EDTC 4001 ; EDUC 3002 or PSYC 2777 ; EDUC 3200 ; EDUC 4400 or PSYC 4305 ; ELEM 2123 , ELEM 3000 , ELEM 3100 , ELEM 3200 , ELEM 3300 , ELEM 3500 , ELEM 3600 , ELEM 4300 ; MATE 3050 , MATE 3051 , MATE 3060 ; READ 3301 , READ 3302 ; SCIE 3216 ; SPED 4020 .
A minimum 2.5 is required for admission to the English education program. Students must have a minimum grade of C (2.0) in EDTC 4001 ; EDUC 3002 or PSYC 2777 ; EDUC 4400 or PSYC 4305 ; ENED 2123 , ENED 3815 , ENED 4323 , ENED 4960 ; ENGL 2000 , LING 2700 , ENGL 3000 , ENGL 3010 , ENGL 3020 ; PSYC 3206 ; in READ 3990 or READ 5317 ; and in SPED 2000 , SPED 4010 .
Middle grades education majors must have earned a minimum grade of C (2.0) in EDUC 3002 or PSYC 2777 ; EDUC 3200 ; MIDG 2123 , MIDG 3001 , MIDG 3010 , MIDG 3022 , MIDG 4001 , MIDG 4010 ; PSYC 4305 or EDUC 4400 ; READ 3990 or READ 5317 ; SPED 4010 ; and two methods courses (4319).
Music education majors must have a minimum cumulative and major 2.5 GPA. They must have earned a minimum grade of C (2.0) in MUSC 2123 all professional core courses; and in each course of their major methods sequence, MUSC 3217 , MUSC 3227 , MUSC 4323 ; or MUSC 3237 , MUSC 3247 , MUSC 4333 ; and must also have successfully completed EDUC 3002 or PSYC 2777 ; EDUC 3200 ; EDUC 4400 or PSYC 4305 ; and SPED 4010 .
Special education majors must have earned a minimum grade of C (2.0) in ; or ; ; ; all SPED courses taken; and in or . They must have also successfully completed , , and . Special education – General Curriculum majors must also have earned a minimum grade of C (2.0) in .
Other secondary education and special subjects majors must have a minimum major 2.5 GPA. They must have earned a minimum grade of C (2.0) in both the departmental early experience; methods courses; as well as all professional core courses. With the exception indicated above for music education, only 4323 departmental courses are acceptable for meeting the methods course requirement (4611 for FREN, GERM, and SPAN). (Note: The methods course, EDUC 4400 , and SPED 4010 should be taken concurrently.)
To be eligible for teacher licensure in North Carolina, the student must complete the requirements of an approved competency-based teacher education program designed to meet the requirements for the professional studies components of programs in all teaching areas. For a clear NC teaching license and to meet federal guidelines of the No Child Left Behind Act, individuals must be highly qualified. Twenty-four (24) hours of content area courses or PRAXIS II test(s) are needed to be licensed with the exception of the areas of elementary and special education. PRAXIS II tests are required for those areas. When the programs have been properly planned, coordinated, and implemented, and when these credits and experiences have been verified by the appropriate unit, the dean of the College of Education or designee recommends the issuance of the proper teacher, special services personnel, or administrative license or certificate. Licensure requirements are beyond degree requirements.
Out-of-state applicants who are seeking licensure, in-state residents who are prepared in institutions outside the state, and in-state and out-of-state teachers seeking to change, upgrade, and/or add fields or subjects to their present license must submit their credentials to the Office of Alternative Licensure for evaluation toward the competency-based teacher education program for North Carolina.
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